Palworld complete Paldeck list – Every Pal type, weaknesses, drops and all partner skills

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Looking for the complete Paldeck in Palworld? The land of Palworld is filled to the brim with tons of Pals, creatures similar to Pokémon that can help you survive in the harsh terrain.

Each Pal in Palworld is unique and different to each other. You can even breed Pals together to create new Pals. If you’re on a mission to catch all the Pals in Palworld, you’re going to need a full list. Much like the Pokemon games this survival game has been compared to, there’s something about catching them all. To do that, you have to complete the Paldeck in Palworld.

For more Palworld, we have guides covering the fastest mounts and the boss and tower order. Let’s get into the Palworld complete Paldeck, covering every Pal you can find in Palworld, along with their type and work suitability for your ranch.

Full Paldeck list in Palworld – Complete catching every single Pal

Three small Pals stand on a cliff near the ocean in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

We’ve put together this Palworld complete Paldeck list. Here is every Pal you can find in Palworld, including their type and work suitability level. Some of them can be used as a weapon, flying mounts, and so much more, so be sure to catch up on what their skills are:

Image by VideoGamer
Pal No.TypeDropsPartner SkillWork Suitability
Palworld-Lamball-Paldeck-EntryLamball001NeutralWool, Lamball MuttonFluffy ShieldHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Farming Lv1
Cattiva002NeutralRed BerriesCat HelperHandiwork Lv1, Gathering Lv1, Mining Lv1, Transporting Lv1
Chikipi003NeutralEgg, Chikipi PoultryEgg LayerGathering Lv1, Farming Lv1
Lifmunk Pals making weapons at an assembly line in PalworldLifmunk004GrassBerry Seeds, Low Grade Medical SuppliesLifmunk RecoilPlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Foxparks in the Paldeck in PalworldFoxparks005FireLeather, Flame OrganHuggy FireKindling Lv1
Fuack006WaterLeather, Pal FluidsSurfing SlamHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1
Sparkit007ElectricElectric OrganStatic ElectricityHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv1
Tanzee008GrassMushroomCheery RiflePlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Rooby009FireFlame OrganLeather, Tiny SparkKindling Lv1
Pengullet010Water/IceIce Organ, Pal FluidsPengullet CannonHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1, Cooling Lv1
Penking011Water/IceIce Organ, Penking PlumeBrave SailorHandiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Watering Lv2, Mining Lv2, Cooling Lv2
Jolthog012ElectricElectric OrganJolt BombGenerating Electricity Lv1
Jolthog Cryst012BIceIce OrganCold BombCooling Lv1
Gumoss013Grass/GroundBerry Seeds, Gumoss LeafLogging AssistancePlanting Lv1
Vixy014NeutralLeather, BoneDig HereGathering Lv1, Farming Lv1
Hoocrates015DarkHigh Grade Technical ManualDark KnowledgeGathering Lv1
Teafant016WaterPal FluidsSoothing ShowerWatering Lv1
Depresso017DarkVenom GlandCaffeine InoculationHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Mining Lv1
Cremis018NeutralWoolFluffy WoolGathering Lv1, Farming Lv1
Daedream019DarkSmall Pal Soul, Venom GlandDream ChaserHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Rushoar020GroundLeather, Bone, Rushoar PorkHard HeadMining Lv1
Nox021DarkSmall Pal Soul, LeatherKuudereGathering Lv1
Fuddler022GroundLeatherFried Squid and Ore DetectorHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Mining Lv1
Killamari023DarkVenom GlandFried SquidTransporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1
Mau024DarkGold CoinGold DiggerFarming Lv1
Mau Cryst024BIceIce Organ, SapphireGold DiggerCooling Lv1, Farming Lv1
Celaray025WaterPal FluidsZephyr GliderTransporting Lv1, Watering Lv1
Direhowl026NeutralLeather, Ruby, Gold CoinDirehowl RiderGathering Lv1
Tocotoco027NeutralGunpowder, Tocotoco FeatherEggbomb LancherGathering Lv1
Flopie028GrassWheat Seeds, Lowgrade Medical SuppliesHelper BunnyPlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Mozzarina029NeutralMilk, Mozzarina MeatMilk MakerFarming Lv1
Bristla030GrassLettuce Seeds, Wheat SeedsPrincess GazePlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Gobfin031WaterPal FluidsAngry SharkHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv2
Gobfin Ignis031BFireTBDTBDHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Kindling Lv2
Hangyu032GroundFiberFlying TrapezeHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1
Hangyu Crystal032BIceTBDTBDTBD
Mossanda033GrassTomato Seeds, Leather, MushroomGrenadier PandaPlanting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3
Mossanda Lux033BElectricTBDTBDHandiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Generate Electricity Lv2 , Transporting Lv3
Woolipop034NeutralCotton Candy, High Quality Pal OilCandy popFarming Lv1
Caprity035GrassRed Berries, Horn, Caprity MeatBerry PickerPlanting Lv2, Farming Lv1
Melpaca036NeutralLeather, WoolPacapaca WoolFarming Lv1
Eikthyrdeer037NeutralHorn, Leather, Eikthyrdeer VenisonGuardian of the ForestLumbering Lv2
Eikthyrdeer Terra037BGroundTBDTBDLumbering Lv2
Nitewing038NeutralLeatherTravel CompanionGathering Lv2
Ribbuny039NeutralBeautiful Flower, LeatherSkilled fingersHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Incineram040Fire/DarkLeatherFlameclaw HunterKindling Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv1
Incineram Noctus040BDarkTBDTBDKindling Lv1, Mining Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2
Cinnamoth041GrassWheat Seeds, Lettuce Seeds, HoneyMysterious ScalesPlanting Lv2, Medicine Production Lv1
Arsox042FireFlame Organ, HornWarm BodyKindling Lv2, Lumbering Lv1
Dumud043GroundHigh Quality Pal Oil, Raw DumudSoil ImproverTransporting Lv1, Watering Lv1, Mining Lv2
Cawgnito044DarkSmall Pal Soul, Bone, Venom GlandTelepeckLumbering Lv1
Leezpunk045DarkCopper Key, Silver KeySixth SenseHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Leezpunk Ignis045BFireTBDTBDKindling Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Gathering Lv1, Transporting Lv1
Loupmoon046DarkBoneClaws Glistening in the DarkHandiwork Lv2
Galeclaw047NeutralGaleclaw Poultry, LeatherGaleclaw RiderGathering Lv2
Robinquill048GrassArrow, Wheat SeedsHawk EyePlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv2
Robinquill Terra048BGrass/GroundTBDTBDLumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv2
Gorirat049NeutralBone, LeatherFull Power Gorilla Mode (Primal Fury)Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3
Beegarde050GrassHoneyWorker BeePlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1, Farming Lv1
Elizabee051GrassElizabee’s Staff, HoneyQueen Bee CommandPlanting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv2, Gathering Lv2
Grintale052NeutralHigh Quality Pal OilPlump BodyGathering Lv2
Swee053IceWoolFluffyGathering Lv1, Cooling Lv1
Sweepa054IceWoolKing of FluffGathering Lv2, Cooling Lv2
Chillet055Ice/DragonLeatherWriggling WeaselGathering Lv1, Cooling Lv1
Univolt056ElectricElectric Organ, Horn, LeatherSwift DeityLumbering Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv2
Pyrin058FireFlame Organ, LeatherRed HareKindling Lv2, Lumbering Lv1
Pyrin Noct058BFire/DarkTBDTBDLumbering Lv1, Kindling Lv2
Reindrix059IceIce Organ, Reindrix Venison, Horn, LeatherCool BodyLumbering Lv2, Cooling Lv2
Rayhound060ElectricElectric OrganJumping ForceGenerating Electricity Lv2
Dazzi062ElectricElectric OrganLady of LightningHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv1
Lunaris063NeutralPaldium FragmentAntigravityHandiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
Dinossom064Grass/DragonWheat SeedsFragrant DragonPlanting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2
Dinossom Lux064BElectric/DragonTBDTBDLumbering Lv2, Generate Electricity Lv2
Surfent065WaterPal FluidsSwift SwimmerWatering Lv2
Surfent Terra065BGroundTBDTBDGathering Lv1
Maraith066DarkSmall Pal Soul, BoneMessenger of DeathGathering Lv2, Mining Lv1
Digtoise067GroundHigh Quality Pal Oil, OreDrill CrusherMining Lv3
Tombat068DarkLeather, Small Pal SoulUltrasonic SensorTransporting Lv2, Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv2
Lovander069NeutralCake, Strange Juice, Suspicious Juice, MushroomHeart DrainHandiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv1
Flambelle070FireHigh Quality Pal Oil, Flame OrganMagma TearsKindling Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Farming Lv1
Vanwyrm071Fire/DarkGold Coin, Ruby, BoneAerial MarauderKindling Lv1, Transporting Lv3
Vanwyrm Cryst071BIce/DarkTBDTBDCooling Lv2, Transporting Lv3
Bushi072FireIngot, BoneBrandish BladeKindling Lv2, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1
Beakon073ElectricElectric OrganThunderiousTransporting Lv3, Generating Electricity Lv2, Gathering Lv1
Ragnahawk074FireFlame OrganFlame WingKindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3
Katress075DarkHigh Grade Technical Manual, Leather, Katress HairGrimoire CollectorHandiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv2
Wixen076FireHigh Grade Technical Manual, Flame OrganLord FoxKindling Lv2, Handiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv2
Verdash077GrassBone, LeatherGrassland SpeedsterPlanting Lv2, Handiwork Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv3
Vaelet078GrassTomato Seeds, Low Grade Medical SuppliesPurification of GaiaPlanting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv3, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv2
Sibelyx079IceTBDSilk MakerMedicine Production Lv2, Cooling Lv2, Farming Lv1
Elphidran080DragonHigh Quality Pal OilAmicable Holy DragonLumbering Lv2
Kelpsea081WaterRaw Kelpsea, Pal FluidsAqua SpoutWatering Lv1
Kelpsea Ignis081BFireTBDTBDKindling Lv1
Azurobe082Water/DragonClothWaterwing DanceWatering Lv3
Cryolinx083IceIce OrganDragon HunterHandiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv2, Cooling Lv3
Blazehowl084FireFlame OrganHellflame LionKindling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
Blazehowl Noct084BFire/DarkTBDTBDKindling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
Relaxaurus085Dragon/WaterHigh Quality Pal Oil, RubyHungry Missile (Missile Party)Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv2
Relaxaurus Lux085BDragon/ElectricTBDTBDTransporting Lv1, Generate Electricity Lv3
Broncherry086GrassTomato Seeds, Broncherry MeatOveraffectionatePlanting Lv3
Broncherry Aqua086BGrass/WaterTBDTBDWatering Lv3
Petallia087GrassBeautiful FlowerBlessing of the Flower SpiritPlanting Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv2
Reptyro088Fire/GroundFlame OrganOre Loving BeastKindling Lv3, Mining Lv3
Ice Reptyro088BIce/GroundTBDTBDMining Lv3, Cooling Lv3
Kingpaca089NeutralWoolKing of MusclesGathering Lv1
Ice Kingpaca089BIceTBDTBDGathering Lv1, Cooling Lv3
Mammorest090GrassLeather, High Quality Pal Oil, Mammorest MeatGaia CrusherPlanting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Mining Lv2
Mammorest Cryst090BIceTBDTBDLumbering Lv2, Mining Lv2, Cooling Lv2
Wumpo091IceBeautiful Flower, Ice OrganGuardian of the Snowy MountainHandiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv4, Cooling Lv2
Wumpo Botan091BGrassTBDTBDPlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv4
Warsect092Ground/GrassHoneyHard ArmorPlanting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv3
Fenglope093NeutralHorn, LeatherWind and CloudsLumbering Lv2
Felbat094DarkSmall Pal Soul, ClothLife StealMedicine Production Lv3
Quivern095DragonHigh Quality Pal OilSky Dragon’s AffectionHandiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv3, Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv2
Blazamut096FireFlame Organ, CoalMagma KaiserKindling Lv3, Mining Lv4
Helzephyr097DarkMedium Pal Soul, Venom GlandWings of DeathTransporting Lv3
Astegon098Dragon/DarkPure Quartz, Pal Metal IngotBlack AnkylosaurHandiwork Lv1, Mining Lv4
Menasting099Dark/GroundVenom Gland, CoalSteel ScorpionLumbering Lv2, Mining Lv3
Anubis100GroundLarge Pal Soul, Bone, Innovative Technical ManualGuardian of the DesertHandiwork Lv4, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv3
Jormuntide101Dragon/WaterPal FluidsStormbringer Sea DragonWatering Lv4
Jormuntide Ignis101BDragon/FireTBDTBDKindling Lv4
Suzaku102FireFlame OrganWings of FlameKindling Lv3
Suzaku Aqua102BWaterTBDTBDWatering Lv3
Grizzbolt103ElectricLeather, Electric OrganYellow TankHandiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3, Generating Electricity Lv3
Shadowbeak107DarkCarbon Fiber, Pal Metal Ingot, Innovative Technical ManualModified DNAGathering Lv1
Frostallion110IceDiamond, Ice OrganIce SteedCooling Lv4
Jetragon111DragonPolymer, Carbon Fiber, Diamond, Pure QuartzAerial MissileGathering Lv3
Full Paldeck in Palworld

Right now, this is the full list of all Pals in Palworld. However, the game is still in early access, which means big changes are likely coming. That could mean more Pals in the future. Furthermore, if they aim to have longevity, they will likely have new Pals come out pretty frequently as a way to entice the community to keep playing. They have a lengthy roadmap, so expect some more additions at some point.

Are there legendary Pals in Palworld?

Yes, there are 4 legendary pals in Palworld, each of these legendaries has the legend passive skill and their own special skills. These legendaries can be found in certain regions of the map. The legendary Pals are Paladius, Necromus, Frostallion, and Jetragon. These will be among the most powerful Pals you can possibly find.

Now you know about every Palworld in this complete Paldeck, it’s time to get catching every single one. This is no easy feat, but it’s a fun part of the game and it gives you something to strive for!

All Pal Elements and Weaknesses

There are nine types of Pals you can catch: Water, Fire, Electric, Dragon, Dark, Ice, Grass, Ground, and Neutral. Each Pal falls into one or two of these types. These are called Elements, which is another way to differentiate from the Pokemon franchise. The nine Elements have their own weaknesses, utilize these elemental advantages to help your team get better and stronger.

Palworld Pal Weaknesses

Pal TypePal Weakness
DarkWeak against Dragon and strong against Neutral
GrassWeak against Flame and strong against Earth
ElectricWeak against Earth and strong against Water
WaterWeak against Electric and strong against Flame
FlameWeak against Water and strong against Grass and Frost
FrostWeak against Flame and strong against Dragon
DragonWeak against Frost and strong against Dark
NeutralWeak against Dark only
EarthWeak against Grass and strong against Electric
Palworld Weaknesses

How many Pal jobs are there in Palworld?

There are 12 different jobs in Palworld, which you can assign to certain Pals at your base, such as lumbering, mining and many more. The Pals will be working at your base and building up your resources. Below is the full list of jobs for Pals.

  1. Cooling
  2. Farming
  3. Gathering
  4. Generating Electricity
  5. Handiwork
  6. Kindling
  7. Lumbering
  8. Mining
  9. Medicine Production
  10. Planting
  11. Transporting
  12. Watering

Are there any shiny Pals in Palworld?

Similar to shiny Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, Palworld has their own version called Lucky Pals, because you will be lucky to find any, as they are quite rare in the game.

Is there a reward for catching all Pals in Palworld?

No, unfortunately, there is no reward for completing the entire Paldeck. The only reward is the knowledge of having them all. But, you do have more Pals to work with you on your base or take down other Pals with. It’s definitely worth it to still catch all the Pals in the Paldeck, even if you don’t get a specific reward for it.

Gotta catch ’em all

The more Pals you catch in the game, the more work power you have. Each Pal has work that suits it best, and having more of them means all your work can get done faster.

That’s all you need to know about the Palworld complete Paldeck. Be sure to check out how to catch Pals, how to fast travel in Palworld and our Palworld Wiki, so you have a better chance of catching all the Pals you can.

Paldeck FAQs

How many Pals are there in Palworld?

There are 111 Pals in the Paldeck, with 21 Pals having a variant. There are 132 Pals in total you can catch.

How many types of Pals are there?

There are nine types of Pals you can catch – Electric, Fire, Ground, Grass, Water, Dark, Dragon, Ice, and Neutral.

About the Author

Annie Thelen

Annie is a journalist interested in gaming and tech news. She is Guides Writer for Videogamer. Her favorite games are Legend of Zelda, Halo, Persona 5, Saints Row 2, and The Sims 2.


  • Platform(s): PC, Xbox, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Shooter
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