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Need the full Pokemon Indigo Disk Pokedex to know all the Pokemon in the DLC? Each new addition to the Pokemon world brings in plenty of new pocket monsters for fans to catch and battle with.
There’s plenty to do in the latest DLC for Scarlet and Violet. You can change your throwing style, complete Blueberry Quests to earn Blueberry Points and catch new Pokemon. New Pokemon to add to your team are always a huge draw for any DLC. What’s the full Pokedex for Indigo Disk? We’re here to let you know.
Full Pokemon Indigo Disk Pokedex (Blueberry Pokedex)
Here is every Pokemon that you can find in Indigo Disk:
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Number | Pokemon | Type |
1 | Doduo | Normal/Flying |
2 | Dodrio | Normal/Flying |
3 | Exeggcute | Grass/Psychic |
4 | Exeggutor | Grass/Dragon |
5 | Rhyhorn | Ground/Rock |
6 | Rhydon | Ground/Rock |
7 | Rhyperior | Ground/Rock |
8 | Venonat | Bug/Poison |
9 | Venomoth | Bug/Poison |
10 | Elekid | Electric |
11 | Electabuzz | Electric |
12 | Electivire | Electric |
13 | Magby | Fire |
14 | Magmar | Fire |
15 | Magmortar | Fire |
16 | Happiny | Normal |
17 | Chansey | Normal |
18 | Blissey | Normal |
19 | Scyther | Bug/Flying |
20 | Scizor | Bug/Steel |
21 | Kleavor | Bug/Rock |
22 | Tauros | Normal |
23 | Blitzle | Electric |
24 | Zebstrika | Electric |
25 | Girafarig | Normal/Psychic |
26 | Farigiraf | Normal/Psychic |
27 | Sandile | Ground/Dark |
28 | Krokorok | Ground/Dark |
29 | Krookodile | Ground/Dark |
30 | Rellor | Bug |
31 | Rabsca | Bug/Psychic |
32 | Rufflet | Normal/Flying |
33 | Braviary | Normal/Flying |
34 | Vullaby | Dark/Flying |
35 | Mandibuzz | Dark/Flying |
36 | Litleo | Fire/Normal |
37 | Pyroar | Fire/Normal |
38 | Deerling | Normal/Grass |
39 | Sawsbuck | Normal/Grass |
40 | Smeargle | Normal |
41 | Rotom | Electric/Ghost |
42 | Milcery | Fairy |
43 | Alcremie | Fairy |
44 | Trapinch | Ground |
45 | Vibrava | Ground/Dragon |
46 | Flygon | Ground/Dragon |
47 | Pikipek | Normal/Flying |
48 | Trumbeak | Normal/Flying |
49 | Toucannon | Normal/Flying |
50 | Tentacool | Water/Poison |
51 | Tentacruel | Water/Poison |
52 | Horsea | Water |
53 | Seadra | Water |
54 | Kingdra | Water/Dragon |
55 | Bruxish | Water/Psychic |
56 | Cottonee | Grass/Fairy |
57 | Whimsicott | Grass/Fairy |
58 | Comfey | Fairy |
59 | Slakoth | Normal |
60 | Vigoroth | Normal |
61 | Slaking | Normal |
62 | Oddish | Grass/Poison |
63 | Gloom | Grass/Poison |
64 | Vileplume | Grass/Poison |
65 | Bellossom | Grass |
66 | Diglett | Ground/Steel |
67 | Dugtrio | Ground/Steel |
68 | Grimer | Poison/Dark |
69 | Muk | Poison/Dark |
70 | Zangoose | Normal |
71 | Seviper | Poison |
72 | Crabrawler | Fighting |
73 | Crabominable | Fighting/Ice |
74 | Oricorio | Psychic/Flying |
75 | Slowpoke | Psychic |
76 | Slowbro | Poison/Psychic |
77 | Slowking | Poison/Psychic |
78 | Chinchou | Water/Electric |
79 | Lanturn | Water/Electric |
80 | Inkay | Dark/Psychic |
81 | Malamar | Dark/Psychic |
82 | Luvdisc | Water |
83 | Finneon | Water |
84 | Lumineon | Water |
85 | Alomomola | Water |
86 | Torkoal | Fire |
87 | Fletchling | Normal/Flying |
88 | Fletchinder | Fire/Flying |
89 | Talonflame | Fire/Flying |
90 | Dewpider | Water/Bug |
91 | Araquanid | Water/Bug |
92 | Tyrogue | Fighting |
93 | Hitmonlee | Fighting |
94 | Hitmonchan | Fighting |
95 | Hitmontop | Fighting |
96 | Geodude | Rock/Electric |
97 | Graveler | Rock/Electric |
98 | Golem | Rock/Electric |
99 | Drilbur | Ground |
100 | Excadrill | Ground/Steel |
101 | Gothita | Psychic |
102 | Gothorita | Psychic |
103 | Gothitelle | Psychic |
104 | Espurr | Psychic |
105 | Meowstic | Psychic |
106 | Minior | Rock/Flying |
107 | Cranidos | Rock |
108 | Rampardos | Rock |
109 | Shieldon | Rock/Steel |
110 | Bastiodon | Rock/Steel |
111 | Minccino | Normal |
112 | Cinccino | Normal |
113 | Skarmory | Steel/Flying |
114 | Swablu | Normal/Flying |
115 | Altaria | Dragon/Flying |
116 | Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
117 | Magneton | Electric/Steel |
118 | Magnezone | Electric/Steel |
119 | Plusle | Electric |
120 | Minun | Electric |
121 | Scraggy | Dark/Fighting |
122 | Scrafty | Dark/Fighting |
123 | Golett | Ground/Ghost |
124 | Golurk | Ground/Ghost |
125 | Numel | Fire/Ground |
126 | Camerupt | Fire/Ground |
127 | Sinistea | Ghost |
128 | Poltageist | Ghost |
129 | Porygon | Normal |
130 | Porygon2 | Normal |
131 | Porygon-Z | Normal |
132 | Joltik | Bug/Electric |
133 | Galvantula | Bug/Electric |
134 | Tynamo | Electric |
135 | Eelektrik | Electric |
136 | Eelektross | Electric |
137 | Beldum | Steel/Psychic |
138 | Metang | Steel/Psychic |
139 | Metagross | Steel/Psychic |
140 | Axew | Dragon |
141 | Fraxure | Dragon |
142 | Haxorus | Dragon |
143 | Seel | Water |
144 | Dewgong | Water/Ice |
145 | Lapras | Water/Ice |
146 | Qwilfish | Dark/Poison |
147 | Overqwil | Dark/Poison |
148 | Solosis | Psychic |
149 | Duosion | Psychic |
150 | Reuniclus | Psychic |
151 | Snubull | Fairy |
152 | Granbull | Fairy |
153 | Cubchoo | Ice |
154 | Beartic | Ice |
155 | Sandshrew | Ice/Steel |
156 | Sandslash | Ice/Steel |
157 | Vulpix | Ice |
158 | Ninetales | Ice/Fairy |
159 | Snover | Grass/Ice |
160 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice |
161 | Duraludon | Steel/Dragon |
162 | Archaludon | Steel/Dragon |
163 | Hydrapple | Grass/Dragon |
164 | Bulbasaur | Grass/Poison |
165 | Ivysaur | Grass/Poison |
166 | Venusaur | Grass/Poison |
167 | Charmander | Fire |
168 | Charmeleon | Fire |
169 | Charizard | Fire/Flying |
170 | Squirtle | Water |
171 | Wartortle | Water |
172 | Blastoise | Water |
173 | Chikorita | Grass |
174 | Bayleef | Grass |
175 | Meganium | Grass |
176 | Cyndaquil | Fire |
177 | Quilava | Fire |
178 | Typhlosion | Fire |
179 | Totodile | Water |
180 | Croconaw | Water |
181 | Feraligatr | Water |
182 | Treecko | Grass |
183 | Grovyle | Grass |
184 | Sceptile | Grass |
185 | Torchic | Fire |
186 | Combusken | Fire/Fighting |
187 | Blaziken | Fire/Fighting |
188 | Mudkip | Water |
189 | Marshtomp | Water/Ground |
190 | Swampert | Water/Ground |
191 | Turtwig | Grass |
192 | Grotle | Grass |
193 | Torterra | Grass/Ground |
194 | Chimchar | Fire |
195 | Monferno | Fire/Fighting |
196 | Infernape | Fire/Fighting |
197 | Piplup | Water |
198 | Prinplup | Water |
199 | Empoleon | Water/Steel |
200 | Snivy | Grass |
201 | Servine | Grass |
202 | Serperior | Grass |
203 | Tepig | Fire |
204 | Pignite | Fire/Fighting |
205 | Emboar | Fire/Fighting |
206 | Oshawott | Water |
207 | Dewott | Water |
208 | Samurott | Water |
209 | Chespin | Grass |
210 | Quilladin | Grass |
211 | Chesnaught | Grass/Fighting |
212 | Fennekin | Fire |
213 | Braixen | Fire |
214 | Delphox | Fire/Psychic |
215 | Froakie | Water |
216 | Frogadier | Water |
217 | Greninja | Water/Dark |
218 | Rowlet | Grass/Flying |
219 | Dartrix | Grass/Flying |
220 | Decidueye | Grass/Ghost |
221 | Litten | Fire |
222 | Torracat | Fire |
223 | Incineroar | Fire/Dark |
224 | Popplio | Water |
225 | Brionne | Water |
226 | Primarina | Water |
227 | Grookey | Grass |
228 | Thwackey | Grass |
229 | Rillaboom | Grass |
230 | Scorbunny | Fire |
231 | Raboot | Fire |
232 | Cinderace | Fire |
233 | Sobble | Water |
234 | Drizzile | Water |
235 | Inteleon | Water |
236 | Gouging Fire | Fire-/Dragon |
237 | Raging Bolt | Electric/Dragon |
238 | Iron Crown | Steel/Pyschic |
239 | Iron Boulder | Rock/Psychic |
240 | Terapagos | Normal |
241 | Walking Wake | Water/Dragon |
242 | Iron Leaves | Grass/Psychic |
243 | Pecharunt | Poison/Ghost |
Head to Blueberry Academy
You’ll be able to fill out this Pokedex while facing all the challenges the new Blueberry Academy has to offer. It’s the main setting for Indigo Disk, and it’s where to find all the new Pokemon added.
What is the Indigo Disk Pokédex reward?
You will get a Mark Charm for completing the Indigo Disk Pokédex, the Mark Charm will increase your chance of finding a Pokémon with the mark. You will only need to log 240 Pokémons into the Pokédex and this will count as a completions.
This Pokédex altogether is called the Blueberry Pokedex. Many of these Pokemon were available in the base game or The Teal Mask DLC. However, there are five new Pokemon to capture. Luckily, you won’t need to recapture all the previously available Pokemon to complete the Blueberry Pokedex – just the ones you haven’t caught yet, and the new additions.
That’s all the Pokémon available in the Indigo Disk DLC Pokedex. Be sure to check out all the Legendary Pokemon in Indigo Disk, as well as how to start the Indigo Disk DLC for more info on all the new gameplay.
Pokemon Indigo Disk Pokedex FAQs
How many Pokemon are in the Indigo Disk DLC?
There are a total of 243 Pokemon found in the Blueberry Pokedex, including brand-new Pokemon.
What are the new Pokemon in Indigo Disk?
There are five new Pokemon in the Blueberry Pokedex. They are Terapagos, Raging Bolt, Iron Crown, Archaludon, and Hyrdrapple.