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Are you wondering how to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk DLC? This new dragon-type Pokemon came as a bit of a surprise since Applin already has three evolutions. There is now one more added to the mix.
Before evolving Dipplin, you should understand how to evolve Applin into Fapple, Appletun, and Dipplin in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You should also check out all the new Pokemon in the Indigo Disk Expansion.
Dipplin first appeared in the Teal Mask DLC. Now, you can head to Blueberry Academy to give this Pokemon another evolution. Here is how to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in Pokemon Indigo Disk.
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC – How to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple
If you want to evolve Dipplin, you first need to get your hands on the Dragon Cheer move or TM226. Once you have this TM, teach it to Dipplin. After this, level up Dipplin and it will evolve into Hydrapple. It is as simple as that.
Hydrapple has some great stats compared to the other evolutions of Applin. Its stats are as follows:
Stat | Value |
HP | 106 |
Attack | 80 |
Defense | 110 |
Sp. Attack | 120 |
SP. Defense | 80 |
Speed | 44 |
As you can see, Hydrapple has a very high special attack stat, making it great for using special moves. It also has a high defense stat and high HP making it a decent tank. This high defense comes in handy with its slow speed.
Did you know?
Thanks to this new evolution, Applin now has four evolutions into total. These are Appletun, Flapple, Dipplin, and Hydrapple. Only Dipplin is able to evolve a second time.
Hydrapple has the following abilities:
- Regenerator – When switching out of battle, up to 33% of its max HP is restored
- Supersweet Syrup – Lowers the evasion of opposing Pokemon by one stage
- Sticky Hold (Hidden Ability) – This Pokemon’s item cannot be taken
If you want to get your hands on the Dragon Cheer TM, you will need to Defeat Drayton. Drayton is a member of the Blueberry Academy Elite Four. He is also the dragon trainer and ranked #2 among all the trainers in the BB League.
Drayton is located in the ice section of the Terarium. Once you reach him, you will need to complete his trial. When that is done, you can challenge him. He has very strong Pokemon on his team like Archaludon so be prepared for a fight. You will be rewarded for your effort with the Dragon Cheer TM.
That is everything you need to know about evolving this stick apple Pokemon. Be sure to check out the Blueberry Academy quests and Blueberry Points. You can also check out all the starter Pokemon in the Pokemon Indigo Disk DLC.
Pokemon Indigo Disk Evolve Dipplin – FAQ
How do you get the Dragon Cheer TM in Pokemon Indigo Disk?
You need to defeat Drayton, the dragon trainer member of the Elite Four.
How do you get Hydrapple in Pokemon Indigo Disk?
You can get Hydrapple by teaching Dipplin the Dragon Cheer move and leveling it up.