Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Weapons – every single weapon we know so far

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Modern Warfare 2 will feature more than 50 weapons when it launches on October 28, some of which will be playable during the campaign early access that launches on Friday October 21.

The weapons are broken down into the following sections:

  • 10 Assault Rifles: ideal for dealing with enemies in the medium to long rage category 
  • 4 Battle Rifles: efficient at gunning down enemies in medium to longer-range sightlines.
  • 7 Submachine Guns: have a really short range but are good for close quarters
  • 6 Light Machine Guns: Reward those who prefer hip firing
  • 4 Shotguns: devastating at close range but you’ll be found wanting in vast expanses
  • 6 Marksman Rifles: Great accuracy but vulnerable on the reload
  • 3 Sniper Rifles: Perfect for distance but very hard to handle in close quarters
  • 1 Riot Shield: Does what it says on the tin
  • 5 Sidearms: Plenty of stopping power in your back pocket
  • 4 Launchers: Tons of damage, limited ammo and doesn’t take much skill
  • 1 Melee weapon: When all else fails….

With the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 getting closer and closer with each passing day, Gamers might be wondering what builds to go for.

Having the right set of weapons to finish the job are necessary for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2’s Multiplayer Modes. Players can create an extension of their personality and playstyle through the weapons they use. 

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This is all due in part due to the enhanced Gunsmith featured in the beta and upcoming title. While the Gunsmith was featured in the Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta, some players experienced discrepancies and a few occasional bugs with the menu and hopefully, Infinity Ward will patch them once the game officially releases on October 28, 2022.

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MW2 Weapons Menu and Multiplayer Loadouts

Before we jump into the weapons aspect, you need to develop an understanding of your multiplayer loadout as well as the weapons menu.

While the most powerful tool at your disposal is your team, it doesn’t hurt to be on your best game with the right set of tools for the job. And that’s where the Gunsmith comes into play. You can easily access the Gunsmith within the Weapons tab of the Multiplayer Menu. The Gunsmith is a necessary aspect of the game for creating the right multiplayer build for Modern Warfare 2’s various game modes.


Players are welcomed to the new loadout area with the opportunity to carefully select key weapons as a means to formulate their very own playstyles. Whether it be run and gun loadouts, stealth builds, sniper setups, and close quarter-combat builds, players can mix and match to their heart’s content and find the exact loadout that suits them best.

A Loadout is basically what a player-controlled operator equips in Multiplayer and other game modes such as the upcoming Warzone 2.0. It normally includes the following key components.

Primary Weapon

The primary weapon is your go-to weapon in all game modes. Players should carefully select their primary gun to suit their playstyle because this is what you’ll be relying on to take out enemy team members throughout the entirety of the game.

Secondary Weapon

The secondary weapon shouldn’t be taken so lightly. Make sure to have the best secondary armament on hand in case you run out of ammo. Modern Warfare 2 now features reload checkpoints that require entire reload animations to conclude before the player gets a fresh batch of bullets. Quick drawing to your secondary weapon is about to become the new norm in Modern Warfare 2, so don’t skimp out on quality secondary weapons.


Perks are basically passive status effects that allow you to change the dynamic of your gameplay. These bonuses not only change your operator’s stats in-game but can potentially affect your loadout carrying capabilities as well.

Lethal Equipment

Lethal Equipment could be anything ranging from mines to throwable grenades. You should heavily rely on equipment for taking out enemies on adjacent lanes and routes. Flank the enemy with your equipment and proceed to finish the job. Keep in mind, lethal equipment is limited per life, and will become available once you respawn.

Tactical Equipment

Although these equipment pieces are available on a per life-basis, they can be reused. Players can either gather intel, disorient enemy operators or heal themselves using numerous tactical equipment pieces.

Field Upgrades

Field upgrades allow players to change the dynamics of the playing field, hence the name. They serve as powerful utility items and usually run on a cooldown timer.

Starting off in Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer, users will have to deal with the available pre-set loadouts before they can begin customizing their own weapon builds. Don’t take pre-set loadouts lightly as they can serve as the foundation of inspiration for future player-oriented loadouts.

Players obtain the ability to create a Custom Loadout within the weapons menu once they level up to Rank 4, which is Private IV. As you make your way through the ranks by leveling up, you’ll unlock more equipment, upgrades, weapons, and perks. Keep in mind, only levels 1-15 were available in Beta Weekend 1 which was soon upgraded to levels 1-30 in Beta Weekend 2. Once the game finally releases, players will be able to level up to level 55, and then unlock Prestige levels along the way.

Primary and Secondary Weapons

Multiplayer Loadouts basically features two weapons. Players will normally have access to a primary and a secondary weapon. But, you can bypass this by using the overkill perk to equip a loadout with two primary weapons at the same time.

Primary damage is dealt with, you guessed it, the primary weapon and often determines the key role of the operator and the normal positions they hold in the various multiplayer modes of Modern Warfare 2. As for utility and emergency situations, when the primary weapon doesn’t fare well or runs out of ammo, players can opt to use the secondary weapon. Whether it be for eliminating killstreaks, quick switching when the primary runs out of ammo, or one-shotting players with a swift blow, the secondary weapon gets the job done.

Primary Weapons

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 features a collection of primary weapons that ultimately determine your role and position in the various game modes, whether it be as a stealth operator, a CQB expert, or a long-shot sniper scouting for enemy operators.

Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles are ideal for dealing with enemies in the medium to long rage category and work well in the 6V6 core battle maps. They can offer some occasional support in the Ground War Battle maps but their use is limited in the longer sight lines. So wielders of the Assault Rifle should stick to compact spaces such as the buildings, apartments, and indoor sections of the wider battle maps. Assault Rifles are pretty versatile due to the number of attachments they can take up. But keep in mind, mobility will be mediocre.

Battle Rifles

Battle Rifles are efficient at gunning down enemies in medium to longer-range sightlines. These guns feature a semi-auto or three-round burst mode so keep that in mind. Additionally, the guns restrict players with average levels of mobility. But on the plus side, you get some decent accuracy with a high damage output per bullet.

Submachine Guns

Submachine Guns have a really short range so don’t try to nail enemies put in the longer sightlines with these. Remember your role as a Submachine Gun operator. You’re tasked with close-quarters combat. Rushing through tight sections of the map, gunning down enemies on the go, and navigating apartments and tight building complexes will be your primary means of obtaining kills. SMGs work well whether aiming down sights or hip-firing and offer players a really good amount of mobility to work with.

Light Machine Guns

Light Machine Guns require players to first find the absolute best positioning before their potential can be exploited. Players need to find a point where enemies are swarming in and out of a medium to long range. Mount the LMG in place for ideal accuracy and proceed to tear the enemy operators to shreds. Keep in mind, LMGs drastically degrade mobility making repositioning and escaping from enemy ambushes all the more difficult.


Shotguns offer a one-shot kill, especially at a really close range which allows them to excel in tight and compact situations. Normally a close-quarter combat weapon category, the shotgun can enable users to easily take out enemy operators at blank range without ever needing to focus on accuracy. Shotguns come in a variety of firing modes, encouraging players to experiment till they find a comfortable Shotgun to work with. Surprisingly, this weapons category offers a high level of mobility and is by far the easiest weapon to spray.

Marksman Rifles

Marksman Rifles work best in the medium to long-range sightlines when aiming down sights. These rifles feature bolt/lever or semi-auto mechanisms so keep your eyes peeled. Marksman rifles enable users with above-average levels of mobility and tend to cater to a more aggressive playstyle.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper Rifles work well in extremely long-range sightlines. Rooftops are the go-to positioning for Sniper mains, especially in Ground War Mode. Ideally, you can experiment with various sightlines in either 6v6 core or battle maps to hold down entire sections or zones of the maps. But keep in mind, being ambushed might absolutely lead to a death sentence as sniper rifles allow low levels of mobility. Players with a patient approach could very well excel at mastering the Sniper Rifle.

Melee Weapons

Melee Weapons aren’t all that special in Modern Warfare 2 and can be used to quickly take out players already low on health within your immediate comfort zone. Players can use the riot shield on the offensive which is primarily a defensive tool by nature.

Secondary Weapons


Sidearms tend to work well at a really close range. Players can opt to either aim down sights or hip-fire in life or death situations. Sidearms offer a variety of firing mechanisms and offer the second fastest level of mobility in the game. It’s the easiest weapon to swap to and can be used on overhangs, ladders, and ledges to take enemies by surprise.


Launchers work over a long range and are used to wipe out entire groups of squad members. It allows for a high chance of collateral damage. But keep in mind, launchers are single-load weapons and offer low levels of mobility. You’ll see a lot of launchers being used in Ground War Battle Maps and Warzone, as players prepare to take out enemy vehicles before they can get the jump on your teammates, the objective, or desired lanes.


Melee weapons are ideal at the fisticuff range. If you need to make a run for it, quickly swap to your melee weapon and prepare to bolt out of a flank or ambush spot. Melee weapons feature close-combat tools and knives.

Aside from the Riot Shield, nearly all primary and secondary sidearms can be modified in the Gunsmith.

So far, only a select number of weapons have been featured in the Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta with many other weapons set to be showcased once the game officially launches on October 28. Till then, these are the current roster of weapons available for the game:

Weapon CategoryWeaponWeapon Display
Assault RifleKastov-74u
Assault RifleLachmann-556
Assault RifleM16
Assault RifleM4
Assault RifleTAQ-56
Battle RifleFTAC Recon
Battle RifleLachmann-762
Sub Machine GunFENNEC 45
Sub Machine GunFSS Hurricane
Sub Machine GunLachmann Sub (MP5)
Light Machine Gun566 Icarus
Light Machine GunRapp H
Light Machine GunSakin MG38
ShotgunExpedite 12
Marksman RifleLM-S
Marksman RifleLockwood MK2
Sniper RifleSignal 50
HandgunBruen .45
HandgunX13 Auto

Weapons Leaked for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

We all love a leak whenever it happens, especially for the upcoming Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. While we got to enjoy a select collection of weapons for Modern Warfare 2’s Open Beta, the roster of armaments still felt subpar, but a recent leak brought light to a plethora of new guns set to release on Day One.

This information was recently revealed by Twitter user @InformerCODMW2 who claimed that the weapons had either been part of an upcoming trailer or found in the game’s files. Apparently, this is a full list of leaked weapons for Day One, but being a leak, take this information with a grain of salt.

Leaked Weapons

  • ACR
  • MTAR
  • Honey Badger
  • M4A1
  • M4
  • SCAR-L
  • M13
  • M16
  • G36
  • HK53
  • PP19 Bizon
  • AUG
  • Vector
  • P90
  • UZI
  • MP5
  • Vityaz
  • MP7
  • M4
  • Mossberg 590
  • Remington 870
  • Barret MRAD
  • Remington MSR
  • AX-50
  • HK21
  • M249 SAW
  • RAAL
  • P320
  • Glock 17
  • 1911
  • Desert Eagle
  • RPG-7
  • PILA
  • MK2 Carbine
  • SP-R 208


The Gunsmith was introduced in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2’s Beta by Infinity Ward, keeping in view the feedback from the Call of Duty community, or that’s what Infinity Ward states. Infinity Ward presents the new Gunsmith mode as a custom weapon-building menu that is all the more accessible. It promises players to make every weapon an extension of the user’s play style.

After players access their weapon via the Custom Loadouts Menu, they’ll be greeted with an overhauled user interface that promises to keep players immersed as an Operator prepping for their next mission. The Gunsmith allows players with the following adjustments.


The attachments allow players to customize weapons in nearly ten different areas from two different categories of attachments, being, the Weapons Platform Specific Attachments and the Universal Attachments.

Weapons Platform Specific Attachments

These attachments can only be used with a specific platform. Say a certain attachment that can be used for one Weapons Platform set cannot be used with a weapon from a different Weapons Platform.

  • Receiver
  • Magazine
  • Rear Grip
  • Stock
  • Barrel

Universal Attachments

Universal Attachments allow players to nearly swap out mods with all the available list of guns that are currently available and ones that are set to release in the future. Despite unlocking Universal Attachments for one Weapons Platform, they can be used across all the weapons in the game, regardless of their assigned Weapons Platform.

  • Underbarrel
  • Muzzle
  • Laser
  • Ammunition
  • Optics


The Modifications bar indicates the number of augmentations you’ve added to the gun. Players can add up to five augmentations at a time for each gun. Keep in mind, the receiver does not count as an augmentation. It’s all up to the player how many attachments they want. You can either select 5 out of 5 attachments or none at all. Another thing to note is that some guns may have fewer or more than five attachment slots.

Weapon stats

The weapon stats feature a bar chart that displays a total of seven attributes that are essential to consider when choosing your weapon. The stats in question are


The amount of damage output by the gun when the enemy takes impact.

Fire Rate

The number of bullets the gun can output per unit of time.

Range: Range determines how far the bullet can travel before the accuracy and the velocity of the bullet decline.


The level of accurate number of impacted shots a weapon can make while aiming down sights or firing from the hip.

Recoil Control

The amount of resistance the weapon offers as well as the maximum amount of hip-fire spread.


How fast the player can strafe and navigate while the weapon is equipped.


The amount of camera and crosshair shake when preparing to fire from the hip or while aiming down sights.

Weapons Platforms and Attachment Ease in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Something new added to the forefront of the Gunsmith in the weapons tab is the Weapons Platform which allows users access to a collection of five weapons that can share a full pool of attachments. Weapons Platforms allow users to streamline progression and attachment unlocking in a user-friendly manner, enabling you to switch between multiple playstyles effortlessly using the select roster of weapons available on a Platform.

You can pretty much revamp an armament in Gunsmith that is part of the larger Weapons Platform. This can easily be accomplished by swapping out receivers. Editing out the receiver will switch the weapon’s category, transforming it into an entirely different weapon.

Current Limitations

Bear in mind, some Weapons Platforms still consist of single weapons such as the Expedite 12, the RPG-7, and the Lockwood MK2 cowboy rifle. Otherwise, other advanced platforms like the M4 can adopt multiple weapons. As you progress in the game, you’ll unlock up to four receivers for the M4 platform: the FTac Reacon Battle Rifle, the FSS Hurricane SMG, the 566 Icarus LMG, and the M16.

As mentioned previously, the receiver doesn’t add up to the five core attachments of the weapons which have their own set of pros and cons when adopting this category.

Attachment Options

In addition, the receivers, barrels, magazines, rear grips, and stocks for the Weapons Platform Specific attachments are all sharable within the platform for all receivers so players won’t have to worry about re-unlocking these attachments for each individual weapon within a Platform. But you’ll have to unlock attachments for the different Weapons Platforms individually.

But Universal attachments consisting of Optics, Lasers, Muzzles, Barrels, and Ammunition can be used across all weapons. Once universal attachments are unlocked in conjunction with any Weapon’s Platform progression, they can be used across any weapon in the game. This option was left out during the Open Beta but will be available on Launch Day for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.


Each Weapons Platform features a progression map that allows players to unlock multiple receivers along the way. As you level up each receiver, players will be able to access attachments that can be used across all weapons within that specific Weapons Platform, or in the case of universal attachments, they can be switched out with all weapons available in the game.

Weapon Customization

If you don’t like the default skin of a weapon, Modern Warfare 2 is giving players the chance to spice things up. You can add stickers, charms, custom reticles, and camouflages for your desired weapons.


Charms are small little trinkets that hang off the side of your selected weapon.


Stickers can be applied to specific sections of the weapon to show off your personality.


The red dot reticle can be swapped out when using an optics attachment on the weapon of your choice.


Camouflages, also known as camos, adorn the entirety of the gun with a fresh coat of paint. Camouflages can be unlocked via progression. Furthermore, Infinity Ward has stated that special camouflages will be added to the game as a part of the Call of Duty 2023 League.

About the Author

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action, First-Person Shooter, Shooter