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If you’ve been looking forward to the new World of Warcraft expansion, Dragonflight’s first season, then you’ll most likely be aware that it includes not only returning dungeons but also brand new ones.
One of those new ones is called Algeth’ar Academy, a dungeon that you might not have heard of much yet. However, players who HAVE played it for themselves are loving it, may it be because of its unique circular nature, or the fact that it has four different bosses to tackle with your friends.
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To help players conquer this unknown dungeon, we’re here to guide them. We’ll be going through the location, bosses, as well as the loot you can expect to get when completing this dungeon.
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Location of Algeth’ar Academy
Algeth’ar Academy’s entrance can be found in the mountainous region of Thaldraszus. The exact coordinates on the map are /way 58.28 42.35.
Starting Area
As soon as you interact with the keystone and enter the dungeon, you’ll want to jump the gap in front of you using the mobility the wind gives you. You should get used to doing this, as there will be multiple points in the dungeon where this feature will be used.
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After jumping across the starting gap, in front of you will be 5 Dragonkin Recruiters from different Dragonflights, with each of them providing permanent buffs. Although all of them are useful in their own right, try picking the one that best compliments your spec.
Dragonflight | Effect |
Bronze Dragonflight Recruiter | Increase Haste by 5% |
Blue Dragonflight Recruiter | Increase Mastery by 584 |
Green Dragonflight Recruiter | Increase Healing Taken by 10% |
Red Dragonflight Recruiter | Increase Versatility by 5% |
Black Dragonflight Recruiter | Increase Critical Strike by 5% |
All you have to do is talk to one of the five Dragonflight Recruiter NPCs to get your desired buff.
Now, as mentioned before, there are four different bosses in this dungeon, therefore there are four different routes you can take. Additionally, because there aren’t any graveyard checkpoints in this dungeon, you can expect to find yourself back at the starting point whenever you die.
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Although there’s no set order in which you have to take on the bosses, we recommend starting from either the right or the left to make it more convenient for you. The order in which we will be going through all the bosses will be from the left.
Vexamus (First Boss)
Taking the path to the left, you’ll have to first get through two pack types:
Elemental and Enchanted Packs
This pack has four different types of enemies. Corrupted Manafiend, Spellbound Scepter, Spellbound Battleaxe, and Unruly Textbook. The highest priority should definitely be taking down the Spellbound Scepters that spawn because of their insane AoE (Area of Effect) that, if not dealt with quickly, might lead to an early wipe for your squad.
Aside from those, the Unruly Textbooks have single target channeled sleep, but they aren’t all that dangerous.
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Mana Wyrms
There are only two types of enemies in this pack, and the Arcane Foragers aren’t all that dangerous when dealt with in a strategic fashion. The Arcane Ravagers, however, can deal high damage with their Ripbreath blast. Keep an eye out for the attack, and avoid it if it targets you.
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Boss Fight
At reaching the boss platform, Vexamus won’t spawn straight away. Instead, you’ll first have to get through three waves of Elemental and Enchanted packs after which it’ll spawn following a short rp animation.
Now, Vexamus has three abilities that you need to be careful of.
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Arcane Orbs
The first is the ability to generate 5 Arcane Orbs around the circle. If an orb touches Vexamus then not only will it gain 20 energy but will also damage your entire party.
Therefore, you can either have the entire party soak the orbs, dividing the damage dealt and giving everyone the Oversurge debuff, or have someone with magic immunity soak all the orbs alone.
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Arcane Fissure
Next is Arcane Fissure, which does a knockback, deals damage, and spawns multiple swirls underneath all players. Over time these swirls will explode, so be careful to avoid them.
Although Vexamus usually uses this ability around every 40 seconds (100 energy) the time is decreased by around 8 seconds for every Arcane Orb you let it absorb.
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Arcane Expulsion
Finally, Vexamus also has Arcane Expulsion, which is a frontal cone magic nuke. To get around having your entire team wiped by this attack, have the tank make Vexamus aim this attack from the rest of the group.
Vexamus also has Mana Bombs, which create puddles that deal damage for around a minute. However, as long as you’re able to counter the above mentioned abilities and stay as a group doing all your assigned tasks properly (healing, tanking, dealing damage) you should be able to wipe this boss fairly easily.
Item | Stats |
Spellbane Cutlass | STR Haste/Versatility |
Spellboon Saber | INT Haste/Mastery |
Vexamus’ Expulsion | INT Crit/Haste |
Platinum Star Band | STA Crit/Mast |
Crawth (Second Boss)
Before getting to the second boss, Crawth, you first have to face an elite wind elemental called Guardian Sentry. Just be careful of its tornado and slashing attacks, and you should be able to take it out before long.
As soon as you jump to the boss platform, however, the eagle gauntlet will begin. Aside from dodging the Dive Bombs, you also have to be wary of the two special eagles, which are the Alpha and Territorial Eagles. Tanks especially should try to avoid Territorial Eagles because of their stack bleeding abilities.
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Boss Fight
Crawth is a much different boss fight when compared to Vexamus, and that’s largely because of the Play Ball mechanic. This mechanic activates when Crawth is at 75% and 45% health. Multiple balls will spawn and you’ll have to pick them up by running over them.
The left side is wind, and the right side is fire. After picking the balls, go to the goal of your choice and press the action button to score. Depending on which side you scored more goals, you’ll have one of two effects.
- Firestorm: Crawth takes 75% bonus damage for 12 seconds when it activates! For the rest of the fight, dodge the red swirls!
- Wind: Dodge Roving Cyclone for the rest of the fight, winds also push you around constantly. Pick up Gale Force orbs for temporary immunity to the push.
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Deafening Screech
Crawth releases a loud screech, causing a sonic eruption at all player locations, inflicting 26451 Nature damage to all players within 0 yards of each location.
This effect interrupts spell casts and also silences any player interrupted in this manner for 6 seconds. Therefore, try your hardest to not get interrupted by this ability.
One strategy when going against this boss is holding on to the balls that spawn when the boss reaches 75% health. When the health is around 50%, however, throw all the balls into the wind goal to get the extra haste buff.
Then, bring the health down to 45% to spawn the balls again, but this time score them in the fire goal to make it so Crawth takes 75% extra damage. This way, you’ll have the haste buff and you’ll deal extra damage.
Item | Stat |
Obsidian Goaltending Spire | AGI Crit/Vers |
Bronze Challenger’s Robe | INT Crit/Mastery |
Ruby Contestant’s Gloves | AGI-INT Vers/Mastery |
Azure Belt of Competition | AGI-INT Vers/Mast |
Dragon Games Equipment | STR |
Emerald Coach’s Whistle | INT |
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Overgrown Ancient (Third Boss)
There are two types of packs you have to face before being able to challenge the boss:
- Lasher Pack (Include the Hungry Lashers that deal stacking poison, as well as Vile Lashers that spawn green swirls under players which deal damage and disorient them for 6 seconds)
- Skitterflies Pack (Includes only Aggravated Skitterfly who has an ability called Darting Sting that deals massive damage to non tank players)
Boss Fight
The only reason the Overgrown Ancient isn’t the easiest boss is the high risk of getting overwhelmed by the number of Hungry Lashers that this boss spawns. In addition, there are two abilities that you need to be extra cautious of.
This ability does two things. The first is that it causes multiple swirls to appear underneath you to deal damage and knock you back if you get hit. These swirls will also leave an add where they spawn.
Now, these adds won’t do anything initially. However, when he uses the followup ability, they’ll become extremely dangerous.
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Burst Forth
Similar to the first ability, Burst Forth also does two things. Firstly, it causes everyone to take a large hit of damage, so ensure that the healer has everyone topped up before this ability is used by the Overgrown Ancient.
The second thing it does, however, is twice as dangerous. Remember all those unactivated adds? Well, all the Hungry Lashers will activate and start attacking you. When taking their stacking poisoning into account, their large numbers might get overwhelming.
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This boss demands you work together with your other teammates more than any other boss in this dungeon. Healers especially will be required to work overtime to ensure that the team is healed up, specifically before a Germinate or Burst Forth activates.
As for all the Hungry Lashers that will get activated because of the Burst Forth, the best thing to do is to AoE them before they become active. Dodge all the swirls of Germinate that you can until they stop spawning.
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Item | Stat |
Algeth’ar Hedgecleaver | STR Vers/Mast |
Mystakria’s Harvester | AGI Crit/Vers |
Potion-Stained Cloak | AGI-INT-STR Haste/Vers |
Frenzyroot Cuffs | AGI Haste/Mast |
Experimental Safety Gloves | INT Crit/Vers |
Boots of Explosive Growth | AGI-INT, Crit/Haste |
Echo of Doragosa (Fourth Boss)
Similar to every other boss in this dungeon, you’ll have to get through some enemies before you can face this boss. Those enemies are Algeth’ar Security, Algeth’ar Echoknight, Spectral Invoker, and Ethereal Restorer.
Focus more on the Spectral Invoker because of Astral Bomb and Arcane Missiles. Algeth’ar Security should also be dealt with quickly because of the high amount of damage they can deal.
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Boss Fight
While every other boss had direct abilities that you needed to be cautious of, the Echo of Doragosa has an ability that makes it so every non melee attack gives you a stack of Overwhelming Power. Every stack you have increases the damage you receive by 5%.
Arcane Rift
When a player gets four stacks of Overwhelming Power, an Arcane Rift is dropped, which deals high damage to players who are near it. They last for 2 minutes, and also release Uncontrolled Energy that the players have to avoid.
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Power Vacuum
The Power Vacuum, as the name suggests, pulls you on top of the boss and then deals a high amount of damage to every player it catches. In addition to dealing damage, it also gives a stack of Overwhelming Power.
In addition to all of these abovementioned abilities, Echo of Doragosa also has some lower priority abilities that, when not avoided or dealt with, can cause problems down the road. For example, there’s the cone shaped Astral Breath that’s directed toward a random player and is easier to dodge when standing close as opposed to far back.
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Item | Stat |
Final Grade | Haste/Mast |
Organized Pontificator’s Mask | INT Crit/Haste |
Scaled Commencement Spaulders | AGI-INT Crit/Mast |
Breastplate of Proven Knowledge | STR-INT Crit/Vers |
Venerated Professor’s Greaves | STR-INT Crit/Vers |
Algeth’ar Puzzle Box | STR-AGI |
Final Thoughts
Although the Algeth’ar Academy might have a bunch of bosses that are completely different, the dungeon itself is actually rather small in size. Therefore, how long it takes for you and your party to clear it all depends on how quickly you can take the bosses down, and how much you can avoid getting wiped completely.
The potential loot for all the bosses is also really good, and acts as more than acceptable rewards for going through so many bosses at once.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre(s): Massively Multiplayer, Massively Multiplayer Online, RPG