Should you Lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P?

Should you Lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P?
Finlay Cattanach Updated on by

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Wondering if you should lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P? Hotel Krat is your main base, and a rare place of safety within the overrun city of Krat during the events of Neowiz’s Souls-like RPG. But when you first approach the hotel and attempt to get past security, you’ll be given the choice to lie or tell the truth when asked if you’re a puppet. What happens in either case?

Here, we’re going to cover whether or not you should lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P when you first arrive, and what happens in either case. If you’re looking to learn more about the game and want to get to grips with the new mechanics you’ll soon be seeing, why not have a look at the best weapon combos or how to parry and guard to help you get started?

Should you lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P?

You should choose to lie about being a puppet when you reach Hotel Krat, and claim that you are a human. Unfortunately, this instance of the lies vs truth mechanic is just an introductory tutorial, and the illusion of choice is just that – an illusion. You have to lie in order to get into Hotel Krat, or you won’t be able to progress in the story.

When you approach the place after beating the Parade Master, a voice for the Hotel security will ask if you are a puppet or not. This is because the Fourth Law of The Grand Covenant – a series of laws all puppets must obey – is that a puppet cannot lie. As Gepetto’s special creation though, you are able to do just that. As we said, choose to lie, and security will determine that you must be a human, allowing you into the hotel.

Lies vs truths is a mechanic that will ultimately determine which ending you reach when you finish the game. It’s worth noting though that this very first instance won’t count against you if your going for the “Always truthful” ending, since you have no choice in the matter anyway.

Should you Lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P: Pinocchio stands in front of the doors to Hotel Krat, with the decision to lie or tell the truth about his identity presented.

What happens if you tell the truth at Hotel Krat?

If you choose to tell the truth at Hotel Krat and say that you are a puppet, you will simply be denied entry to the building by security. As far as we know, there’s not a secret alternate route inside, so this will simply be as far in the game as you can progress.

Of course, you’re free to reapproach the door, begin dialogue again and choose to lie instead. Doing so will then let you inside.

That’s everything there is to know about whether or not to lie at Hotel Krat in Lies of P. Once you’re through the doors, the rest of the game can begin. If you find yourself in need of some more help when you start facing off against bosses like the Scrapped Watchman or King’s Flame Fuoco, or just need some general tips and tricks, we can help you out.