How To Beat The Top Champions in Pokémon Scarlet And Violet

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Even with the introduction of Tera Type Pokémon, the Champion battle in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is much easier than in prior games. It may be less challenging, but the players still need to carefully select their squads if they hope to win.

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In traditional Pokémon fashion, after defeating numerous Gym Leaders, Titans, and Team Star bosses in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you will ultimately face the Pokémon Champion.

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After you’ve defeated the Elite Four, the Champions of these two games and their diverse Pokémon squad will be next in line. What follows is a complete explanation of how you can defeat Top Champions Geeta and Nemona.

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Who Is Champion Geeta?

From Pokémon Violet, Geeta is the chairwoman of the Pokémon League, which operates Paldea’s Pokémon Gyms. Among the region’s Champions, she reigns supreme as the most skilled Trainer of all.

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Who Is Champion Nemona?

Nemona is your friend and rival. However, being several years older than you, and experienced in Pokémon battles from the very start is what set her apart from the rivals of older games.

She is an energetic teen girl who faces you in combat multiple times throughout the game and helps you on your journey as well. 

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How To Prepare For The Champions?

Make sure your entire party is filled with the best Pokémon you have. Their levels should be around 55 or higher, and you should have at least 1 or 2 Pokémon that are defensive and do status effect moves.

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Another key factor that can work in your favor is the number of Max-Potions you have in stock. You can also make your Pokémon hold key battle items like King’s Rock and Metal Coat for extra damage.

Dual types are not really advised in the battle against Top Champions, as their team’s move sets are designed to limit the number of possible counters.

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How To Beat Champion Geeta

Geeta, unlike the other Elite Four members, will have a wide range of Pokémon she can use. You should expect to encounter Pokémon with a variety of weaknesses and strengths. Geeta’s Pokémon, with their Levels and weaknesses, are listed below.

Geeta’s First Pokémon

This is Esparthra, a level 61 psychic-type foster Pokémon. Its weaknesses are bugs, ghosts, and dark-type moves. It is immune to fighting and psychic-type attacks.

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Geeta’s Second Pokémon

The next Pokémon is a level 61, Dark/Steel-type Kingambit. It is vulnerable to Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type moves but immune to those of the Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, and Steel-type moves.

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Geeta’s Third Pokémon

Geeta’s next Pokémon is a Gogoat, a Grass-type, Level 61 Pokémon. It’s defenseless against Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, and Bug-type moves, yet resistant against those of the Water, Electric, Grass, and Ground-type attacks.

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Geeta’s Fourth Pokémon

Ice-type, level 61 Avalugg will be Geeta’s fourth Pokémon. As an Ice type, it will take damage from Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel-type moves but will be immune to ice-type moves.

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Geeta’s Fifth Pokémon

Veluza, a level 61 Water-Psychic Pokémon, will be Geeta’s fifth Pokémon. It resists Fire, Water, Ice, Fighting, Psychic, and Steel-type attacks but is weak to Electric, Grass, Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves.

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Geeta’s Sixth Pokémon

Geeta’s final Pokémon is level 62, Rock and Poison-type Glimmora. It is resistant to Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Bug, and Fairy-type moves, but Water, Ground, Psychic, and Steel-type moves deal increased damage.

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How To Beat Champion Nemona

Nemona’s squad is well-balanced, so players will need to choose their Pokémon carefully. Below is a list of Nemona Pokémon along with their levels and weaknesses.

Nemona’s First Pokémon

It is a level 65, Rock-type Lycanroc. It is vulnerable to Fighting, Water, Grass, and Ground-type attacks.

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Nemona’s Second Pokémon

It’s a level 65, Electric/Fighting Pawmot. Ground-type attacks are super effective against Pawmot. It is weak to Fairy, Ground, and Psychic-type attacks.

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Nemona’s Third Pokémon

It’s a level 65, steel-type Orthworm. It will take the most damage from Fighting, Ground, and Fire-type moves.

Nemona’s Fourth Pokémon

It’s a level 65, dragon-type Godra. It is weak to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice-type attacks.

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Nemona’s Fifth Pokémon

It’s a level 65, Dudunsparce. You can use a Fighting-type Pokémon, against Dudunsparce.

Nemona’s Sixth Pokémon

Lastly, Nemona will employ the initial-choice starter Pokémon she has, which will be vulnerable to your team’s type. There, she’ll Terastalize it, and you may do the same with yours.

To Wrap It Up

You’ll get 14,880 poke dollars for defeating Geeta or Nemona, but more importantly, you’ll be the Champion. Defeating Nemona concludes the plot of the Victory Road Storyline.

About the Author

Si Yan

Si Yan is an editor on, researching interesting topics, working with a team for content creation and then editing onto site. Game wise Si Yan loves Pokémon and Super Mario.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

  • Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
  • Genre(s): RPG
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