Forspoken Chapter 3: The Interloper Walkthrough

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Chapter 3 of Forspoken is where the game begins to open up, putting you more fully in control of Frey and her newly gained magic. We’ll guide you through the main story path and help you complete Forspoken’s Chapter 3 with our walkthrough.

READ MORE: Forspoken System Requirements

Forspoken Chapter 3 – Jailbreak

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When chapter 3 begins, Frey will be confined to her cell in Cipal, with only Cuff for company.

Interact with the cell window and door to trigger a cutscene. Once Frey is freed by the stranger – Auden – follow her through the tower of Binnoi.

Forspoken Chapter 3 – The Interloper

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Follow Auden down the stairs and past the sleeping guards. At the window, Auden will tell Frey about Athia’s broken state.

Leave the tower and sneak past the patrolling guards, using the market stalls and barrels for cover.

At Cuff’s suggestion, stick to the shadows and wait for the nearby guard patrol to pass before moving ahead.

Head through the right exit to leave the guards behind. Follow Auden past the circle of townsfolk as she escorts you to her home, above the Shady Tree bar.

In the Shady Tree, Auden will task Frey with retrieving her father’s research notes on the Break, in order to get to the bottom of what is afflicting Athia.

NOW READ: Forspoken Parkour Guide

Forspoken Chapter 3 – Research Notes

Auden will tell Frey that her father’s notes are contained in red journals. When prompted, go to sleep, grabbing the nearby healing draughts if your stock is low.

In the morning, Frey will gain access to Gear. From this point on you can equip and adjust different items to alter her stats and capabilities.

When you gain control of Frey, head to the south steps leading into the lower city. Speak to the minstrel on the way to trigger a short scene and gain 50xp.

When you reach the barred gate, the pickpocket child Olevia will give you another way out and unlock your Crafting capabilities. Upgrade your equipment to complete the crafting tutorial.

Move forward to reach the collapsed wooden tower and leave Cipal.

Forspoken Chapter 3 – Outside The City

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The environment surrounding Cipal is now open to explore, with plenty of points of interest.

Your main goal is the Xenos guild, where Auden’s father’s notes will be waiting.

Move down the river and defeat the break-afflicted humans. Dispatch more humans along the left path to find a small cave. Inside the cave is a chest containing a Nugget, allowing you to upgrade your health tonic capacity.

Down the river, activate the Fount of Blessing to receive a new spell, Leap, which upgrades your Flow parkour. This will allow you to climb the nearby wall and progress.

Activate the Barren Plains Pilgrims Refuge to gain access to a fast-travel point, making your movement through the world that much more convenient.

Rest if needed and leave the refuge. Continue on down the path to the right, dispatching any enemies you come across. Soon, you’ll come to the Locked Labyrinth: East.

Locked Labyrinth

Labyrinths are subterranean dungeons, full of enemies, loot, and opportunities to gain XP. If you’re looking to progress on with chapter 3, feel free to return to the Labyrinth later.

Check back soon for our guide to Forspoken’s Labyrinths.

Approaching The Archive

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Moving on past the labyrinth, head down the slope to reach the Monument To Love. Free and activate the monument to receive a boost to Frey’s healing items.

Atop the nearby ridge, you’ll find a tough optional fight against a Mutant beast. The gorge to the right contains another refuge, so stop in and heal up first. Take on the mutant fight if you feel brave, otherwise, proceed onwards until you reach the guild.

Break into the tower, open the ground floor chest and jump over the debris to climb the stairs.

There are more chests to open as you proceed upwards. Read the journals on the upper floors to learn about Nails and Breakshards.

On the highest floor, Fray will come under attack by a masked figure. Unmasking them to meet Robin. Return to the ground floor and dispatch the Tanta’s soldiers by attacking from behind. The Prime spell is especially effective at disrupting their guard.

Tanta Trouble

Tanta Sila

Once the battle is over, Frey will return to Cipal with Robin to find the city in flames. Tanta Sila has come to the city, in search of Frey.

Watch the cutscene inside the city and head up the steps to reach the square. Tanta Sila has Auden restrained, and you must sneak up to the Tanta, catch her by surprise, and free Frey’s ally.

Move through the crowd to the right, then use Frey’s support magic to restrain Sila. Once the subsequent cutscene is over, Frey will enter battle with Sila’s follower, the Recreant Knight.

For tips and tactics to deal with the knight, be sure to check out our Recreant Knight Boss Guide.

Once the battle is over, Frey will resolve to face Tanta Sila, and Forspoken Chapter 3 will be complete.

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