Alone in the Dark Empty Room safe code

Alone in the Dark Empty Room safe code
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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On the hunt for the Alone in the Dark Empty Room safe code? Carnby and Emily’s respective visits to the Empty Room are full of surprises, including another locked safe sure to contain valuable clues to progress forward. You’ll need to find the safe code, though. Fortunately, it’s not too far away.

We’ll walk you through how to find the Alone in the Dark Empty Room safe code. For more help surviving Alone in the Dark, check out the Clerk’s Office safe code, how to get the shotgun, how to get the Barlow Lens, and all the Lagniappe locations throughout the manor and memories.

A man in a hat alone examines a torn wallpaper in an empty room with a cryptic safe code revealed beneath.
Captured by VideoGamer

Edward Carnby Empty Room safe code

When playing as Carnby, the Empty Room safe code in Alone in the Dark is 692. You can find it by tearing the wall paper to the left of the safe. The area is lit up by a large standing light so you can’t miss it. Behind the wall paper are various scribbled messages and then #196XXX-LA. Carnby hints that he recognizes the number.

An in-game screenshot showing a close-up of a fictional Louisiana private investigator's license belonging to Edward Carnby from "Alone in the Dark".
Captured by VideoGamer

Bring up your inventory, go to Investigation, then select the Edward Carnby P.I. licence. The licence number matches the number of the wall, giving you the three missing numbers – 692 – which is the safe code.

To open the safe, follow these steps:

  • Turn the dial left to 6.
  • Turn the dial right to 9.
  • Turn the dial left to 2. 

Opening up the Empty Room safe gives you a letter from MacCarfey, but more importantly a Picayune coin needed to solve upcoming puzzles.

Torn pieces of paper with cryptic handwritten messages taped to a floral wallpaper background in an empty room.
Torn pieces of paper with cryptic handwritten messages taped to a floral wallpaper background in an empty room.

Emily Hartwood Empty Room safe code

When playing as Emily, the Empty Room safe code in Alone in the Dark is 918. The process to get the code is very similar to Carnby’s, except the writing on the wall is different – When I get Back, 1XXX. Open you inventory and look at the A Long Engagement ring. It has a marking that matches up with the wall writing and a full year – 1918.

A close-up of a gold ring with a large gemstone highlighted in an empty room with scattered notes and the phrase "a long engagement.
A close-up of a gold ring with a large gemstone highlighted in an empty room with scattered notes and the phrase “a long engagement.

Go to the safe and follow these steps:

  • Turn the dial left to 9.
  • Turn the dial right to 1.
  • Turn the dial left to 8.

Inside, you’ll find the Flash Bulb, which is needed to complete the War Photo puzzle in Ruth’s room next door. 
That’s all there is to finding the Alone in the Dark Empty Room safe code. For more guides, check out the Perosi’s Room puzzle solution, the Cassandra’s Room puzzle solution, how to get the machine gun, and how to open the sarcophagus during Chapter 3.