Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Mary Jane cosplay is amazing Spider-Woman skin

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Mary Jane cosplay is amazing Spider-Woman skin
Callum Smith Updated on by

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has completely blown away all PS5 users. Insomniac’s sequel is an incredible installment with fantastic combat compounded by a brilliant story. One of the key characters of the emotional narrative is Miss Mary Jane Watson, and a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Mary Jane cosplay wows as a Spider-Woman skin that would’ve been perfect in-game.

Spider-Man 2 is one of the best experiences of the year even if its Metacritic score doesn’t dethrone DC for the highest-rated superhero game of all time. Insomniac has plans for the near future to release a free new game plus update. This will allow players to transfer all unlocked skins and gadgets over to a new playthrough.

There are lots of amazing skins in the game, but a marvelous Mary Jane cosplay has us a little sad there’s no Spider-Woman skin for fun.

Spider-Man 2 Mary Jane cosplay wows as Spider-Woman

Professional cosplayer, Rebecca Seals, is stunning in Mary Jane cosplay wearing the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 starter suit. Her outfit comes from webwarriorsworkshop, and it is simply sublime. She perfectly resembles Mary Jane Watson with her fiery red hair, and the skin is a faultless recreation of the Spidey suit that graces the covers of both Insomniac Spider-Man games starring Peter Parker.

Rebecca Seals Mary Jane Spider-Woman cosplay
Image credit: Rebecca Seals Instagram

The comments are flooded with praise. There are lots of fire and love hearts emojis with comments praising the cosplay as ‘amazing’. Others have said it is perfect for the Spidey multiverse, and other comments praise it as a magnificent 10/10. On her Instagram account, you can see an assortment of her best cosplays.

She similarly wows as Gwen Stacy in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 suit worn by Andrew Garfield. She also dazzles as female Deadpool, and she has created the perfect Christmas card while cosplaying as the Scarlet Witch. We’ve already shared stunning cosplay of Mary Jane venom, but Rebecca is stunningly horrific in her own symbiote outfit.