Space Marine 2 classes explained – abilities, perks & weapons

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✓ At a glance
  • There are six classes to play.
  • Each class has their own ability, and starting perk.
  • Players can unlock new class perks by leveling up.
  • Each class has a set amount of weapons they can equip.


Space Marine 2’s multiplayer has six different classes that award players with unique abilities, perks and passives. You’ll get to experience quite a degree of varying playstyles. Don’t forget that the multiplayer also gives players the ability to level their classes and weapons up, giving players their own builds and playstyles to customise as they level up. Here’s a closer look at how the Space Marine 2 class system works.

All Space Marine 2 classes explained

In total, there are six different classes in Space Marine 2, these are:

  • Assault
  • Bulwark
  • Heavy
  • Sniper
  • Tactical
  • Vanguard

Each class has access to different weapons and unique skills. For the most part, the assault marine is a jetpack troop that has a thunder hammer and pistol. The Bulwark is a tank-themed classes that exclusively uses the shield and a melee weapon. Meanwhile, the Heavy uses extremely heavy power weapons like the Heavy Bolter, twin-meltas and more. If you want a more tactical experience, the Sniper possess varied scoped weapons, while the Tactical marries a lot of different types of bolter-type weapons. The Vanguard also has some closed range or burst-themed oriented bolters to fill the niche of closer range marine type units.

Space Marine 2 class abilities and perks

In addition, the classes each have their one starting off perk, with more perks that unlock as you level up. There are also special abilities that players can use that give each class some more flavour. This table gives you an idea of the starting class ability and perk, so you can get an idea of how they play.  

ClassStarting ArmourAbilityPerk
Assault3Jump Pack – Jump Pack enables enhanced dashes and powerful jumps, resulting in new combat moves, such as diving strikes, air dashes, or jumping.Perfect Dodge timing increases by 50%
Bulwark3Chapter Banner – A placed banner restores Armour to all Squad Members in the area of effect.Health increases by 20%.
Heavy3Iron Halo – A powerful barrier that blocks all Ranged Damage while it lasts.When Iron Halo is active, all Squad Members within 50 meters take 10% less Damage from Ranged Attacks.
Sniper2Camo Cloak – Camouflaes the sniper, hiding them from enemies until your next attack breaks it.Headshot damage increased by 10%.
Tactical3Auspex Scan – Scanning reveals and marks enemies in the selected area for 8 seconds, making them more vulnerable.Any unequipped Ranged Weapon reloads automatically after 10 seconds.
Vanguard2Grapnel Launcher – Propels you to an enemy, allowing you to perform a Diving Kick.Contested health regenerates 50% faster.
✓ Tip

FYI, the class perks system has a lot of builds for parties, their class and gear, with signature skills you can unlock. These give players more in-depth builds and playstyles, but these are fairly in-depth and we’ll avoid them for now.

Be aware they are more suited towards the weapons they use, the ability, and the perks. So, if you want to play a recon unit, then you can be a more mobile sniper, or be a dedicated long-range bolt sniper instead. Tactical marines can spec into any weapon style they like, and Bulwarks can be dedicated tanks or reckless melee warriors for example. These are just examples of what you can expect to play like using the class perk system.

Image of the completed mission for your class in Space Marine 2.
Playing in multiplayer and Operations will give you weapons and class XP, which unlock more class or weapon perks. Image via VideoGamer.

Classes and Weapons

As mentioned, each class uses different weapons. It’s important to acknowledge this so you can get an idea of what types of weapons you want to use. This will help you locate what class you want to play and what perks you want to use to support those weapons. Each weapon also has levels to help you grind, help you take on harder difficulty operations, or get special versions of weapons for some stat modifiers in multiplayer.

Lots of class perks in Space Marine 2 buff certain weapopn types.

Auto Bolt RifleFull auto close-range rifleSMGTactical
Bolt CarbineMid-range rapid-fire weapon.RifleTactical, Sniper
Bolt PistolSemi-auto bolt pistolPistolAll
Bolt RifleFully auto-precision rifleRifleTactical
Bolt SniperScoped, semi-automatic sniper rifle. Extreme headshot damageSniper rifle.Sniper
ChainswordModerate speed melee weapon.MeleeTactical, Vanguard, Bulwark
Combat KnifeHigh-speed melee weaponMeleeVangaurd
Heavy Bolt PistolHigh-powered, semi-auto, mid-range pistolPistolAssault
Heavy Bolt RifleFully automatic mid-range rifle.RifleTactical
Heavy BolterFully automatic heavy weapon. The fire rate accelerates over time.Heavy bolter.Heavy
Heavy Plasma IncineratorHigh-powered plasma weapon. Can be chargedHeavy Plasma.Heavy
Instigator Bolt CarbineBurst fire precision bolter.RifleVanguard
Las FusilScoped single-fire energy rifle.Laz gunSniper
Melta RifleClose-range, high-damage thermal weapon.Melta rifleTactical, Vanguard
Multi-MeltaClose-range, high-powered thermal weapon.Multi meltaHeavy
Occulus Bolt CarbineRapid-fire, mid-range carbine with an extended magazine.RifleVangaurd
Plasma IncineratorRapid fire mid-range plasma weapon.Plasma rifleTactical
Plasma PistolRapid-fire, mid-range plasma pistol that can be charged.Plasma pistolBulwark, Heavy
Power FistMeele weapon that deals far-reaching wave-type damage.Power WeaponAssault, Bulwark
Power ShieldIt’s a defensive shield that replaces parry with a block. Replaces primary weapon.Power WeaponBulwark
Power SwordA versatile melee weapon with fast attack and slower cleaving styles.Power weaponBulwark
Stalker Bolt RifleScoped semi-auto rifle with high-powered munitions.RifleTactical, Sniper
Thunder HammerSlow melee weapon that deals strong AOE damage.Power HammerAssault

About the Author

Craig Robinson

Craig is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is a big-time MMO fan, with interests in competitive games like League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. When he’s not sweating games, you can find him get

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action