Best Space Marine 2 Sniper build

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The Sniper class excels at staying concealed and picking off distant, high-value targets with a high-powered shots that chew through everything from swarm mobs to HP-stacked elites. They are long-range specialists tasked with keeping squad mates safe by getting rid of threats quickly and efficiently. This focus means that there’s not much leeway to experiment other than using different sniper-friendly weapons, but even there the pickings are slim. It isn’t an issue though as the Sniper is one of the most effective classes in Space Marine 2. Our build aims to make the most of the Sniper’s innate abilities and maximizing damage output for every shot.

Best Space Marine 2 Sniper build: Sniper class perk menu.
A starting point for Sniper class perks. Captured by VideoGamer

Sniper build class perks

The main aim with perks is to tap into high-damage modifies to make every single shot count and capable of killing elites and taking large chunks out of boss health bars. Here are the perks you should aim to unlock:

Core Perk 1Block BreakAllows you to deal 25% of normal ranged damage to enemies blocking.
Core Perk 2Vantage PointRemaining stationary for 2 seconds increases your Primary Weapon’s damage by 20%.
Core Perk 3Lethal EfficiencyKilling more than 1 enemies with one shot from a Las Fusil restores its charge by 1.
Team PerkSquad RenewalHeadshot kills restores 10% ability charge for all squad member.
Gear Perk 1RenewalA headshot kill restores Camo Cloak’s charge by 5%.
Gear Perk 2Targeting ShotThe first Ranged Attack that breaks Camo Cloak deals 75% more damage.
Gear Perk 3Lingering ConcealmentRemain in Camo Cloak for 2 seconds after breaking it.
Signature PerkEmergency OverrideWhen you receive Lethal Damage, Camo Cloak automatically activates without spending a Charge and you become Invulnerable for 5 seconds. Cooldown is 180 seconds.

Block Break and it’s 25% damage boost to blocking enemies is useful for taking out elites like Tyranid Warriors quickly. Throw Vantage Point, that rewards standing still for 2 seconds with 20% extra damage, and you’re looking at at 45% damage increase. Lethal Efficiency ensures enough Las Fusil charges to keep firing. Use Camo Cloak, set up a position away from the action, and fire away for massive damage.

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Squad Renewal reduces the Camo Cloak cooldown, allowing you to sleuth about and stay hidden more often. As an added benefit, the buff also applies to all squad mate abilities, too. In the same vein, Renewal further replenishes Camo Cloak’s charge by 5% for every headshot kill. Camo Cloak is key to reaching ideal firing positions and finding the angles that will turn the tide of battle. The more often it’s off cooldown, the more you can safely snipe away and tap into your damage multipliers. It also helps you reposition for Terminus bosses for a clear headhost line of sight.

Targeting Shot boosts damage even further and taps into the fact that you’ll constantly be in and out of Camo, proccing it very regular for some serious damage. Lastly, Emergency Override is a worthwhile safety net in case your position gets overrun.

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✓ Tip

Only take Targetting Shot if you have Renewal. If not, opt for the Guardian Protocol perk, which allows you to revive squad mates with a 5 second Camo Cloak that keeps you hidden without spending a charge. It’s a useful tool when testing out higher difficulties.

Best Space Marine 2 Sniper build: player using Camo Cloak.
Use and abuse the Camo Cloak to seek out vantage points. Captured by VideoGamer

Sniper builds weapons and weapon perks

Primary WeaponLas Fusil, Bolt Sniper
Secondary WeaponPistol

You want to use either the Las Fusil or the Bolt Sniper. The Las Fusil is the best weapon for hitting multiple targets from a distance but has a longer setup. The Bolt Sniper is more player-friendly and requires less ammo management. We recommend the Las Fusil to get the most out of this build.

Las Fusil– Increased Capacity – 20% more ammo reserve.
– Adamant Restoration – when your Health drops below 30%, your ammo reserve is restored by 25% of the maximum capacity. Cannot exceed maximum Ammo capacity. Cooldown is 30 seconds.
– Amplification – radius increase by 10%.
– Head Hunter – 10% more headshot damage
– Great Might – 10% more damage to Terminus enemies.
– Brutal Rampage – 25% more damage for 5 seconds after killing 3 enemies with one shot.
Bolt Sniper– Long Shot – 10% more damage if the enemy is more than 20 meters away.
– Survival Instinct – 25% more damage when below 30% HP.
– Adamantine Grip – Recoil reduced by 25%.
– Fast Regeneration – Killing an enemy restores armor 0.5 seconds faster.
– Head Hunter – 10% more headshot damage.
– Increased Capacity – 20% more ammo reserve.
– Reloaded Restoration – After reloading, your ammo reserve is restored by 50% of the number of enemies hit. It cannot exceed ammo capacity.
– Great Might – 10% more damage to Terminus enemies.

These Las Fusil perks compensate for the weapon’s poor ammo reserves and extend charge-up time, while also making the most, and even improving, its high-damage output. They synergise well with the class perks, especially the damage multipliers and those linked to Camo Cloak. Every charge gives you three shots, allowing you to proc Brutal Damage regularly.

The Bolt Sniper has a significantly higher fire-rate, so the idea with these perks is to buff up ammo reserve so you never go short. Other than this, the focus is again on boosting long-range damage where possible with perks like Long Shot, Survival Instinct, and Head Hunter.

About the Author

Craig Robinson

Craig is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is a big-time MMO fan, with interests in competitive games like League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. When he’s not sweating games, you can find him get

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action