Space Marine 2 weapon list – Classes & campaign

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There are a lot of weapons in Space Marine 2, all of which can be acquired in the campaign. When you move into PvP and the Operations you will get to mess around with all of the weapons, level them up, and then get the perks and skins that change the way they play slightly. Not to mention there are some special weapons in the campaign you can use too, that play slightly differently. Here’s a closer look at all the Space Marine 2 weapons and what to expect from them.

All Space Marine 2 weapons by class

Note that we have included all weapons, and what classes for multiplayer use them. Don’t worry about this in the campaign, as all weapons are usable by your campaign characters. There are even campaign weapons you come across that are not available to players in multiplayer either, so they are marked with the N/A tag.

Note that each weapon has its own usefulness and flavour. We recommend playing with them to get a feel for your playstyle and what weapons work better for Operations, swarms, elites, campaign enemies and bosses, or in PvP.

Auto Bolt RifleFull auto close-range rifleSMGTactical
Bolt CarbineMid-range rapid-fire weapon.RifleTactical, Sniper
Bolt PistolSemi-auto bolt pistolPistolTactical, Assault, Vanguard, Bulwark, Sniper, Heavy
Bolt Rifle /w grenade launcher.Strandard bolter with alt fire that launches grenade.BolterN/A
Bolt RifleFully auto-precision rifleRifleTactical
Bolt SniperScoped, semi-automatic sniper rifle. Extreme headshot damageSniper rifle.Sniper
ChainswordModerate speed melee weapon.MeleeTactical, Vanguard, Bulwark
Combat KnifeHigh-speed melee weaponMeleeVangaurd
Frag GrenadesCarry three frag grenades at a time that deal moderate damage in a standard area.ExplosivesN/A
Heavy Bolt PistolHigh-powered, semi-auto, mid-range pistolPistolAssault
Heavy Bolt RifleFully automatic mid-range rifle.RifleTactical
Heavy BolterFully automatic heavy weapon. The fire rate accelerates over time.Heavy bolter.Heavy
Heavy Plasma IncineratorHigh-powered plasma weapon. Can be chargedHeavy Plasma.Heavy
Instigator Bolt CarbineBurst fire precision bolter.RifleVanguard
Krak GrenadesHigh-damage explosives that stick to the target. You can carry two at a time.ExplosivesN/A
Las FusilScoped single-fire energy rifle.Laz gunSniper
Melta ChargeAn extremely high damage explosive you place in an area. Requires a manual delay charge before it detonates. Limited to one at a time.ExplosivesN/A
Melta RifleClose-range, high-damage thermal weapon.Melta rifleTactical, Vanguard
Multi-MeltaClose-range, high-powered thermal weapon.Multi meltaHeavy
Occulus Bolt CarbineRapid-fire, mid-range carbine with an extended magazine.RifleVangaurd
Plasma IncineratorRapid fire mid-range plasma weapon.Plasma rifleTactical
Plasma PistolRapid-fire, mid-range plasma pistol that can be charged.Plasma pistolBulwark, Heavy
Power FistMeele weapon that deals far-reaching wave-type damage.Power WeaponAssault, Bulwark
Power ShieldIt’s a defensive shield that replaces parry with a block. Replaces primary weapon.Power WeaponBulwark
Power SwordA versatile melee weapon with fast attack and slower cleaving styles.Power weaponBulwark
Pyre BlasterFlamethrower weapon that requires venting to recharge.FlamerN/A
Stalker Bolt RifleScoped semi-auto rifle with high-powered munitions.RifleTactical, Sniper
Thunder HammerSlow melee weapon that deals strong AOE damage.Power HammerAssault
Picture of the Vanguard weapons in Space Marine, 2 featuring the large golden power shield.
Classes use different weapons in Space Marine 2’s multiplayer and Operations. The Vanguard specialises in close-quarters combat, for example. Image via VideoGamer.

How to get weapons in Space Marine 2

During the campaign, players can use the Armoury feature, enabling them to select a loadout before heading into a mission. Different weapons on the table are allowed to enter each mission. If you’re doing PvP or Operations, you can create loadouts that enable you to preset the weapons and load-outs you want to use. You will be restricted to what weapons are available to what class you’re playing, which is something to keep in mind. If you’re in the campaign, you can find loose pick-up weapons as you explore the map.

We have also included explosives in the table too. These are the different types of grenades you can get, specifically for the campaign and operations modes. Any class can pick these items up and use them as they see fit. Grenades and other explosives almost always drop near supply areas on the map itself.

This concludes everything you need to know about the weapons list in Space Marine 2. Good luck finding your perfect build for your campaign or class gameplay.

About the Author

Craig Robinson

Craig is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is a big-time MMO fan, with interests in competitive games like League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. When he’s not sweating games, you can find him get

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action