Best loadout and kit for MW2’s Raid Mission “Atomgrad”

Best loadout and kit for MW2’s Raid Mission “Atomgrad”
Jack Bye Updated on by

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Modern Warfare 2’s Atomgrad Raid will test your squad’s cohesion and skills, as you fight through this lengthy engagement with Price, Gaz, and Farah.

Coming into Atomgrad unprepared in MW2 is a recipe for disaster, and one of the best ways to prepare for the raid is to choose the best kit.  

Each kit alters your starting loadout and capabilities in Atomgrad, effectively serving as classes for the raid.

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Though each kit will allow you to fulfill an important function in your squad, we’ll help you weigh up and decide which kit is best suited to MW2’s Atomgrad raid

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MW2 Atomgrad Loadout: Assault Kit 

MW2 Atomgrad Kit Assault

The Assault Kit is a direct, powerful selection of equipment, allowing you to soak up heavy amounts of damage and deal it right back in return.

With an expanded capacity of equipable plates and boosted health, Assault players can lead the charge through Atomgrad, requiring much more sustained enemy fire to take down than usual. 

The Assault kit also boosts players’ reload, weapon switch times, and equipment use, functioning swiftly and smoothly in the heat of the fray. The Assault Kit positions you as a powerful frontline player, and your squad will be glad of the heat you draw as you all take down enemy positions. 

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MW2 Atomgrad Loadout: Medic Kit 

MW2 Atomgrad Kit Medic

The Medic is responsible for increasing their squad’s longevity and survivability. It’s difficult to make it to the end of a raid on veteran difficulty without a Medic on the top of their game.

This kit allows for speedier revives overall, revives at a distance, and even limited-use auto revives. ‘Down but not out’ is the name of the game with the Medic involved. 

The Medic Kit’s most potent tool by far is the Revive Pistol Field Upgrade, allowing for a ranged revive every 60 seconds.

This is a real game-changer and can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat many times across an Atomgrad raid in MW2. 

MW2 Atomgrad Loadout: Recon Kit 


The Recon Kit is the least direct of the options available to you for the Atomgrad raid.

Lacking Assault’s extra protection and impetus to aggression, as well as Medic’s substantial boost to support and survival, Recon may begin to feel like the odd kit out.  

Don’t let these initial impressions rule out the Recon Kit as a viable pick, however.

It can be very helpful to have a teammate who will do the heavy lifting in terms of scouting and highlighting enemy positions. And the Recon Kit is good for more than just intel.  

The Recon Kit will upend how players usually rely on their loadout. Rather than picking the perfect moment to use tactical or lethal equipment, Recon players will have their equipment restocked every 60 seconds. Their carrying capacity for both tactical and lethal equipment is also increased.  

Equipment is the most useful part of a Recon player’s arsenal, and you’ll find many new applications for it when less constrained by a small number of uses. 

Best Kit For MW2 Raid “Atomgrad”

Singling out the best choice for raid players, we recommend the Assault Kit as a great all-around choice for Atomgrad.

Medic and Recon both feature exceptionally powerful options in their loadout, but the Assault Kit will allow players to work as a centerpiece of their squad, diving into the fray and drawing enemy fire. 

Loadout and Kit FAQ 

What is the best kit for the Atomgrad Raid MW2? 

The Assault Kit is the most recommended kit for Atomgrad in MW2. 

How many kits are in MW2 raids? 

There are three usable kits in MW2 raids, Assault, Medic, and Recon.