Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse safe code

Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse safe code
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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Looking for the Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse safe code? Carnby’s visit to yet another of Jeremy Hartwood’s memories takes you to the New Orleans Riveside. After navigating the sewers, you’ll make your way up to the warehouse to find a locked safe. Finding the code is a little tricky.

We’ll walk you through how to find the Pregtz warehouse safe code. For more Alone in the Dark help, check out how to get the shotgun, how to get the Barlow Lens, the Attic talisman puzzle solution, our tips and tricks beginner’s guide, and all the Lagniappe locations in Derceto and beyond

An antique clock face integrated into a door within the Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse, featuring a decorative knob and lever, suggesting a puzzle or secret mechanism.
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How to find the Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse safe code

The Alone in the Dark Pregtz warehouse safe code is 4-5-4. You can find this by consulting the All His Things secret note found in the warehouse office. The bottom portion of the note mentions ‘what is left, later is right, and hell is back again,’ with the words what, later, and hell in bold.

A close-up of the "Alone in the Dark" video game interface showing an in-game note with handwritten text, paired with a typewritten transcript for easier reading, including the Pregtz
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The trick here is to count the number of letters of the bolded words – what is 4, later is 5, and hell is 4. Next, you need to go to these numbers of the safe dial according to the instructions in the note. This works out as follows:

  • Turn the dial left until you hit the number 4.
  • Turn the dial once to the right to land on 5.
  • Finally, turn the dial once to the left to end up on 4.

Unlocking the safe in the Pregtz warehouse gives you the Cargo Manifest, which contains the address of the Dark Man, allowing you to progress the story.

That’s all there is to finding the Alone in the Dark warehouse safe code. For more guides, check out the Cassandra’s Room puzzle solution, the Perosi’s Room puzzle solution, the Dr Gray’s Apartment talisman puzzle solution, the Clerk’s Office safe code, and the full chapter list to get an idea of how much of the game you have left to play.