Content by Ian Clements
FBI cracks down on video-game piracy
The stern men in black suits arrest four Chinese Nationals dealing in large Nintendo piracy ring
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Killer 7 given new release dates
The oft-delayed curiousity is given new release dates, perhaps best not to pin your hopes on them though
Tetsuya Mizuguchi starts exclusive blog
The man behind Space Channel 5, Rez, and Lumines muses on various tech issues in a new column for
Sega hires actors for key Matrix Online roles
Sega drafts in talent for key Matrix characters, although it seems unlikely you’ll be hearing the dulcet tones of Laurence Fishburne anytime soon
Warren Spector returns
The industry legend comes out of hiding at the GDC to announce his own Development studio
City of Heroes lawsuit goes well for NCSoft
L.A Judge dismisses several of Marvel’s claims of copyright infringement
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Review
Kojima hones his MGS vision, but is it a vision gamers want to be part of?
Sony bend to consumer pressure
SCE offers to repair PSPs suffering from a defective square button, despite Kutaragi’s defiance of the problem last month
Epic Games placate us with nice, shiny graphics
Creators of the Unreal engine to show off their latest Unreal Engine 3 tools and technology at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference