How to combine items in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – item crafting recipes

How to combine items in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – item crafting recipes
Aden Carter Updated on by

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Are you wondering how to combine items in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Item crafting is a key staple in many action RPGs. As such, it isn’t a surprise to see this mechanic appear in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If used correctly, you can make items that can save your life. You don’t even need to have everything in your inventory.

If you are looking into crafting, you might also want to know how to unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You can also check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 tips and tricks to help you get better at the game. This guide will show you how to combine items in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

How to craft items in Dragon’s Dogma 2

If you want to combine items in Dragons’s Dogma 2, start by collecting resources from around the world. You can find resources in the wild as you go to your objectives and complete quests. Once you have enough items in your inventory or storage, go into the items menu or access your storage via an inn in a town.

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Now that you are in this menu, select an item you’d like to combine. If you have another resource that can be combined with the selected item, the combine option will appear in the sub-menu. You can then combine the two resources to create a new item. This is a great way to make Salubrious Draughts for healing so you can keep your Pawns alive and not have to revive them if they fall victim to a boss monster attack.

All Dragon’s Dogma 2 recipes

There are a lot of recipes that you have access to in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Of course, not all of them will be known right away and you will need to craft the item to get the recipe. Here are all of the recipes in the game.

Recipe(s)Crafted ItemEffect
Withered Branches + Poison Pinion
Withered Branches +Asp Toxiscale
Blighting ArrowAllows Archer to use Noxious Shot
Pitywort + Syrupwort LeafDetoxifying DecoctionCures the Blighted Status
Withered Branches + Syrupwort LeafDrenching ArrowUsed for Deluging Shot by Archers
Aged Fish + Aged FishDried FishHeals a fair amount of health
Ripened Fruit + Ripened FruitDried FruitRestores a small amount of health
Ripened Harspud + Ripened HarspudDried SpudRecovers a fair amount of stamina
Aged Beast-Steak + Aged Beast-SteakExquisite Dried MeatRestores a fair amount of health
Any Roborant + Saurian TailExquisite RoborantRestores an astonishing amount of health and stamina
Morningtide + Nomad’s Dried FruitFine Fruit RoborantRestores an immense amount of health
Morningtide + Exquisite Dried Meat
Greenwarish + Exquisite Dried Meat
Fine Mincemeat RoborantRecovers an immense amount of Health
Greenwarish + Dried Fruit
Morningtide + Dried Fruit
Fruit RoborantRecovers a great deal of health
Morningtide + Dried Spud
Greenwarish + Dried Spud
Harspud RoborantRecovers a great deal of Stamina
Any rotten food + any rotten foodLantern OilOil for your lantern
Fruit Roborant + Cinnamon Bark
Mincemeat Roborant + Cinnamon Bark
Mighty RoborantRecovers a great deal of stamina and health
Greenwarish + Dried Meat
Morningtide + Dried Meat
Mincemeat RoborantRestores a great deal of health
Any Fine Roborant + Saurian TailMiracle RoborantRecovers an astonishing amount of health and stamina
Hill Beech Bark + Hill Beech BarkParching ConcoctionCures the drenched status
Greenwarish + Dried Fish
Morningtide + Dried Fish
Roe RoborantRecovers a great deal of health
Greenwarish + Any Fruit (apples, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, etc.)Salubrious DraughtRestores a fair amount of health
Morningtide + GrandpetalSobering TonicCures the unconscious status effect
Withered Branches + Oily Slime
Withered Branches + Lantern Oil
Tarring ArrowUsed by Archers for the Tarring Shot skill
Grandpetal + GrandpetalWaking PowderCures the sleep status effect
Cinnamon Bark + Cinnamon BarkWicking RemedyCures the tarred status effect
All Dragon’s Dogma 2 recipes

Saved Recipes

Saved recipes appear in the combinations menu. Going to the recipes menu will allow you to craft items via recipe instead of selecting a resource from your inventory.

That is everything you need to know about combining items in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This mechanic is extremely useful for getting additional healing items and cure-alls. Be sure to also check out the best daggers in Dragon’s Dogma 2 so you can get some good weapons. You can also check out how to complete the Beggar’s Tale quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Combine items – FAQ

How many recipes are in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

There are 23 different recipes that you can learn in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

How do you get resources in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

You can find resources throughout the world by gathering them and defeating monsters, or you can get them by completing side quests.