Hogwarts Legacy cheats and console commands

Hogwarts Legacy cheats and console commands
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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Looking for Hogwarts Legacy cheats and console commands? Though the open-world wizarding adventure isn’t what we’d call challenging, there are certain moments where a little boost courtesy of a cheat or two wouldn’t go amiss. The ability to level up faster, spawn specific mounts, or stock up on Galleons – that kind of thing.

We’ll walk you through Hogwarts Legacy cheats and console commands, including whether there’s the option to use them natively. For more help exploring Hogwarts, check out how to climb the battlement, all the Merlin trial solutions, how to solve the animal door symbol puzzles, and where to find all the Hogsmeade Demiguise Statues.

Does Hogwarts Legacy have cheats? 

No, Hogwarts Legacy has no built-in cheats whereby you can input a button combination, cheat code, or specific text to gain an advantage or lower the game’s difficulty as you would with, say, GTA 5 cheats or The Sims 4 cheats.

Native cheats are increasingly rarer in modern games and very much becoming a relic of the past where virtually every game had codes you could input to tune gameplay to your liking. Hogwarts Legacy follows suit and Portkey Games has opted to not include them.

Do third-party cheats work in Hogwarts Legacy?

Yes, they are third-party cheat engines, trainers, and cheat tables designed for Hogwarts Legacy. However, this is very much dipping into murky territory, but they do offer options like unlimited health, infinite money, unlimited XP, instant teleportation, spell cooldown removal, and so on.

We strongly recommend avoiding these if you want to safeguard the experience and play as the developer intended. Additionally, there are legitimate ways to play that get near enough to the feel of cheats, such as the infinite money glitch.


Are third-party cheats worth it?

In our opinion, third-party cheats come with too many risks to make them worthwhile. And, let’s face it, they go against the way the game was designed to be played so are best avoided.

Does Hogwarts Legacy have console commands? 

No, Hogwarts Legacy has no native console commands you can use. However, as with cheats, there’s the option to use third-party cheat engines and cheat tables, though this isn’t recommended and may breach the game’s terms and conditions.

That’s all there is to Hogwarts Legacy cheats and console commands. For more Hogwarts Legacy guides, check out all the Hogwarts Demiguise Statue locations, how to unlock the eye chests, all The Bell Tower Wing Field Guide Pages locations, the Ghost of Our Love treasure location, and how to defeat Ranrok, Hogwarts Legacy’s main villain.