Helldivers 2 best weapons – Complete tier list for latest patch

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In the fight against the overwhelming bug-like Terminids and the robotic Automatons, picking the best weapons in Helldivers 2 can seem daunting. The weapons tier list covers all the best primary, secondary, support, and throwable weapons, grouped in detailed lists starting with the most powerful S-tier to the C-tier picks which I wouldn’t recommend (unless you fancy a challenge).

Use this comprehensive tier list to sort through the game’s massive armory for some rare gems between fan favorites.

✓ Quick Answer

My S-Tier picks from Helldivers 2 weapons arsenal

  • SG-225 Breaker
  • Quasar Cannon
  • Anti-Materiel Rifle
  • LAS-16 Sickle
  • GL-21 Grenade Launcher
Helldivers 2 best weapon tier list: The armory where players can change their loadout. Image from VideoGamer.
Change your loadout at the armory. Image from VideoGamer.

Best weapons by category in Helldivers 2

The top weapons in Helldivers 2 are quite lethal in exterminating both of Helldivers 2’s factions. I picked the top guns in each weapon category in Helldivers 2:

  • Best stratagem weapon: Quasar Cannon
  • Best primary weapon: SG-225 Breaker Shotgun
  • Best secondary weapon: P-19 Redeemer Pistol
  • Best grenade: High Explosive
  • Best stratagems: Eagle 500kg Bomb, Gatling Turret

The Quasar Cannon is our top supply weapon pick as it can take down even the biggest foes in a couple of hits. Note that it has been hit with a nerf in the new 01.000.300 patch notes. Aim it at a Dropship engine and you can even take out Automaton reinforcements. This is backed up by the Breaker Shotgun which is pretty good at medium range. It can take out weak foes as well as some lightly armored ones. As for the secondary, the Redeemer Pistol should help you if you’re low on ammo or if you just finished your magazine. In the grenade department, none of them hit as hard as the High Explosive. When it comes to the best stratagems in Helldivers 2, the destructive 500kg Bomb and defensive Gatling Turret will serve you well.

Helldivers 2 weapons complete tier list overview

If you’re wondering how our top picks hold up against every other weapon in Helldivers 2, here’s our Helldivers 2 weapon tier list. I have updated this with the Democratic Detonation Warbond weapons as well.

S-TierSG-225 Breaker, LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary, APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle, GR-8 Recoilless Rifle, GL-21 Grenade Launcher, P-19 Redeemer Pistol, G-12 High Explosive, G-23 Stun
A-TierRS-422 Railgun, PLAS-1 Scorcher, AR-23 Liberator, R-36 Eruptor Rifle, LAS-16 Sickle, SG-8 Punisher Shotgun, G-31 Grenade Pistol, MG-43 Machine Gun, AC-8 Autocannon, FLAM-40 Flamethrower, EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank, M-105 Stalwart, G-16 Impact, SG-22 Bushwhacker
B-TierARC-3 Arc Thrower, LAS-98 Laser Cannon, JAR-5 Dominator, AR-23P Liberator Penetrator, MP-98 Knight, SMG-37 Defender, CB-09 Exploding Crossbow, FAF-14 Spear, SG-8S Slugger, P-2 Peacemaker, G-10 Incendiary, G-6 Frag, SMG-72 Pummeller, AR-23A Liberator Carbine
C-TierSG-225SP Breaker Spray & Pray, BR-14 Adjudicator, R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper and R-63 Diligence, LAS-5 Scythe, SG-8P Punisher Plasma, AR-23C Liberator Concussive, ARC-12 Blitzer, P-4 Senator, LAS-7 Dagger, G-123 Thermite, G-3 Smoke, AR-61 Tenderiser, PLAS-101 Purifier, P-113 Verdict, K-2 Throwing Knife
A table that covers all the weapons in Helldivers 2 in a tier list.
✓ Pro Tip

Experiment with weapons before settling on a favorite

Play around with different strategies and see what works against bugs and robots. This will let you prepare better for tougher missions.

S-Tier List

S-Tier weapons are the most powerful ones you can get your hands on in Helldivers 2. If you can unlock them, they are invaluable in most operations. These ended up accompanying us long after working on our Helldivers 2 review. Pair these with our Helldivers 2 tips and tricks to tackle higher difficulties and help with Major Orders.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: The Breaker in the game's armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Breaker is easily the best weapon when it comes to close-range combat. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-225 Breaker

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 20 Medals on page 4 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

The Breaker is our personal favorite when it comes to shotguns in Helldivers 2. It beats most of the smaller hordes without a sweat. You don’t even have to rely on a support weapon for crowd control. As for armored opponents, you can pair the Breaker with a Quasar Cannon or Railgun to handle them. A patch increased its recoil and lowered the number of bullets in a magazine but the Breaker remains our top pick.

The Breaker is our personal favorite when it comes to shotguns in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Quasar Cannon in the ship management section. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Quasar Cannon shreds through the toughest of foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

LAS-99 Quasar Cannon

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 7500 Requisition slips at level 18

Use this laser to destroy armored opponents. Players have taken to calling it an “Expendable Anti-Tank with infinite ammo” online. While ten seconds is a long cooldown time between shots and the three-second charge-up time can take some getting used to, its damage output is massive. It has splash damage as well, letting you damage armored foes even if you don’t quite hit their weak spots. Aim for a Dropship engine and you can take out a whole squad of Automaton reinforcements in the blink of an eye. Pair it with a faster-firing weapon to swap between them when you’re surrounded.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: The Anti-Materiel Rifle in the ship management section. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Distant threats can be tackled with the Anti-Materiel Rifle. Image captured by VideoGamer.

APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 5000 Requisition slips at level 2

Use this sniper rifle on weak spots for impressive armor-breaking damage at a distance. With medium armor penetration, you can one-shot some of the medium-sized armored foes like Devastators and Scout Striders. As for heavier enemies like Tanks and Hulks, you can take them down with a couple of well-aimed shots. While the Railgun might be your cup of tea, you’ll have to contend with its ‘unsafe mode.’ The weapon isn’t great against Chargers though so you might want to pick another weapon while dealing with Terminid planets.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Eruptor rifle in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Use the R-36 Eruptor to close bug breaches and clear fabricators. Image captured by VideoGamer.

R-36 Eruptor Rifle

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 2 of Democratic Detonation Warbond

While a bolt-action rifle might not sound impressive, explosive rounds make it a menace against most threats. Since these bullets have a small area-of-effect damage effect, you can shoot enemies like Scout Striders directly and still damage their weak spots. Weaker mobs can be cleaned up this way as well. We’ve had a better time aiming at a Devastator’s limbs than the weak spots. You can even clear fabricators and bug nests with it, making it a versatile weapon. Just remember to pair it with a high rate of fire supply weapon like the Stalwart. It’s easily the best weapon in the Democratic Detonation Warbond and might even justify the purchase with Super Credits for this gun alone.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the LAS-16 Sickle in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The LAS-16 Sickle’s steady beam can devastate light foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

LAS-16 Sickle

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 20 Medals on page 1 of Cutting Edge Warbond

This energy weapon is great at killing multiple enemies at range. It’s effectively an assault rifle competitor as it fires laser bursts. Thanks to its heatsink, you don’t need to worry about running out of ammo. Just remember not to let it overheat or you’ll need to replace the heatsink. But if you want to maximize its damage output, don’t hold back just to save a heatsink. Its low recoil is another valuable perk while facing a mob of threats. Just remember to bring another anti-armor weapon to handle bigger foes.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Recoilless Rifle in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Team up to make the most of the Recoilless Rifle. Image captured by VideoGamer.

GR-8 Recoilless Rifle

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 6000 Requisition slips at level 5

The Recoilless Rifle is a great anti-armor pick, especially against Chargers after a recent update. You’ll need an ally to help you feed ammo and improve its rate of fire but its damage as a rocket launcher is solid. It’s great against armored enemies like Hulks and Bile Titans. Pair it with a weapon that’s better suited for clearing weaker foes like the good ol’ Liberator assault rifle.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Grenade Launcher in the stratagems menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Grenade Launcher can close bug holes and cause area-of-effect damage. Image captured by VideoGamer.

GL-21 Grenade Launcher

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 6000 Requisition slips at level 5

The Grenade Launcher can be used to clear bug nests and fabricators, letting you tackle objectives quickly. This stratagem is perfect for clearing weaker bugs and Automaton squads. Just remember to stock up on ammunition and look before you shoot. It can be used against armored foes but it can take a while to kill them. So we recommend bringing an ally along with something tailored to Bile Titan or Tank destruction.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the P-19 Redeemer in the armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The P-19 Redeemer is a good replacement for the standard pistol. Image captured by VideoGamer.

P-19 Redeemer Pistol

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 5 Medals on page 2 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

Its fast fire rate lets you mow down robots and bugs in a pinch. Just don’t expect it to hurt armored enemies like the Hulk or Devastator. It’s a great secondary weapon to have and is easily an upgrade over the standard Peacemaker. While the Senator might deal more damage, the Redemer’s higher ammo count and high rate of fire make it the better pick against mobs.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the G-12 High Explosive in their loadout. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Despite being the standard pick, the High Explosive is far from ordinary thanks to its damage. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-12 High Explosive

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: Free

While it is the starting grenade, its mix of high damage and armor penetration is perfect for all targets. Its blast radius is on the lower side, though. Remember to hold the grenade for a moment before throwing it to ensure that your target doesn’t get too far away from the blast radius.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the G-23 Stun in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Distract enemies and make your escape with the Stun grenade. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-23 Stun

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 25 Medals on page 2 of Cutting Edge Warbond

You might be surprised to see a non-lethal grenade in our S-Tier section. It can be useful when you want to stall enemy patrols or groups for time or to evade them. It’s perfect for extractions. Considering that it even works on Bile Titans, you can pair it with a lethal stratagem like the Eagle 500kg Bomb to ensure that you don’t waste your biggest damage dealers. You can also use the Stun Grenade to stun enemies and aim at their weak spots. Autocannon enjoyers will find it easier to kill big threats like Hulks and Tanks with this trick.

A-Tier List

While these don’t pack the same fury as the S-Tier picks, they can still dish out some serious democracy. Here are our A-Tier weapon picks in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Railgun in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Use the Railgun’s ‘unsafe mode’ to deal more damage at the risk of blowing up. Image captured by VideoGamer.

RS-422 Railgun

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: Cost: 10000 Requisition slips at level 20

While the Railgun was once everyone’s favorite weapon, a nerf quickly brought down its potential. This lethal rifle can still knock out most enemies in one shot. Use the ‘unsafe mode’ to overcharge the railgun for even more damage at the risk of being blown up yourself. The nerf makes this essential as safe mode shots won’t penetrate heavy armor as easily as before. It’s still a good option on higher difficulties, especially when paired with the Shield backpack.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Plas-1 Scorcher in the armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Melt robots and bugs with the PLAS-1 Scorcher. Image captured by VideoGamer.

PLAS-1 Scorcher

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 75 Medals on page 10 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

This energy weapon is a solid pick against robots. While it only mentions light armor penetration on the Warbonds page, the PLAS-1 Scorcher can dish out some serious damage against even Devastators and other medium-armor foes. Like the Eruptor rifle, its bullets deal damage in a small area, making it perfect for Scout Striders and Bile Spewers. But it struggles against larger hordes and tougher enemies due to its small magazine.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Breaker Incendiary in the armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Burn bugs to ashes with the Breaker Incendiary. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 2 of Steeled Veterans Warbond

While setting fire to foes is great, this shotgun is better against bugs than robots. Burn damage lets it slowly chip away at the health of larger enemies while tackling mobs effectively. It also packs more ammo and a better fire rate (no pun intended) than the regular Breaker. So pick your loadout carefully before a mission.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Liberator in their loadout. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The good ol’ Liberator is a good starting pick. Image captured by VideoGamer.

AR-23 Liberator

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: Free

The default Liberator assault rifle does great against hordes of weaker hordes. You can do some decent damage against larger foes but you’re better off relying on other stratagems or supply weapons for them. It doesn’t do too well against armor but its scope lets you target weak spots to an extent. It’s a great weapon, especially when you start the game.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Punisher in the armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Punisher shotgun can deal some incredible damage in close-quarters combat. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-8 Punisher Shotgun

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 4 Medals on page 1 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

Despite its poor fire rate, the Punisher backs it up with solid damage and stagger damage against armored foes. Being able to stagger enemies like Chargers is a welcome perk. And with a large magazine capacity, you can deal some serious damage as long as you don’t whiff your shots. While the Slugger delivers all of its damage in a single shot, the Punisher uses ammo that scatters and provides diminishing returns as you move away from your opponents. We still prefer the Breaker when it comes to shotguns.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the GP-31 Grenade Pistol in the armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Grenade Pistol can close bug breaches for you. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-31 Grenade Pistol

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 3 of Democratic Detonation Warbond

In addition to dealing damage to multiple foes, the Grenade Pistol can also be used to take down bug nests and fabricators. Remember that it has a bit of a drop to get accustomed to. It’s a good option that lets you carry other grenades like the Stun grenade. But the Grenade Pistol’s low ammo is only refilled by two grenades on a resupply, making it an expensive weapon to maintain.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Machine Gun in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Machine Gun is great against large waves of enemies but beware its long reload. Image captured by VideoGamer.

MG-43 Machine Gun

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: Free

Solid fire rate makes the Machine Gun a valuable companion in most firefights. Both weak enemies and medium-armored opponents can be felled with this lethal weapon. Just remember that reloading it takes a while. I try to reload behind an ally to ensure that I’m not caught off-guard.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Autocannon in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Autocannon is better with a friend. Image captured by VideoGamer.

AC-8 Autocannon

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 7000 Requisition slips at level 10

The Autocannon can chew through bosses with steady cannon fire. It’s no crowd control weapon but its anti-armor power lets you take out larger foes like Hulks and Chargers. Having a clip with multiple shots also means that you can apply constant pressure on an enemy squad. Just remember that its rate of fire isn’t great and that its reloads root you to a spot. The Railgun nerf means that the Autocannon is even more relevant now when it comes to knocking down Bile Titans and Tanks.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Flamethrower in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Char Terminids to embers with the Flamethrower. Image captured by VideoGamer.

FLAM-40 Flamethrower

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 6000 Requisition slips at level 10

Its short range might hold it back. But pair the Flamethrower with a Jump Pack and you’ll be raining fire on bugs in no time. It’s great against Terminid hordes as they’re susceptible to fire damage. A recent 50% damage buff helps it take down armored foes like Chargers quickly. One of the new ship modules boosts fire damage, making the Flamethrower even more of a menace.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Expendable Anti-Tank in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The single-use Expendable Anti-Tank packs a punch against armor. Image captured by VideoGamer.

EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 3000 Requisition slips at level 3

While the EAT-17 is a quick way to clear out armored foes like the Hulk, some may prefer the Recoilless Rifle’s larger clip. Don’t let the Expendable Anti-Tank’s single rocket worry you though. Its low cooldown means you can call these in once every 70 seconds. A recent buff lets it kill Chargers in a single hit if aimed right.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Stalwart in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Stalwart is a nimble relative of the Machine Gun. Image captured by VideoGamer.

M-105 Stalwart

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 3500 Requisition slips at level 2

This light machine gun is great against hordes and is easier to handle than the regular Machine Gun. But with lower armor penetration, the M-105 Stalwart might not be viable on higher difficulties against foes like Hulks and Bile Titans. As one Redditor put it “Run and gun… Stalwart. Holding the line… Machine Gun.”

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the G-16 Impact in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Use the Impact Grenade to skip waiting for an explosion. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-16 Impact

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 20 Medals from page 5 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

Use the Impact grenade in a pinch against enemies that aren’t too close. They’re especially good against packs of weaker foes. Remember that you can take friendly fire if you’re close to this grenade. It can be harder to use these against bug nests and fabricators though. Players found this out the hard way when the grenade landed on a bug that was emerging from the nest, killing both of them.

SG-22 Bushwhacker

Image of the selection menu with the SG-22 Bushwhacker shotgun and its stats in Helldivers 2.
Quick and dirty, this sawed-off shotgun packs a punch. Captured by VideoGamer
  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 45 Medals on page 2 of Viper Commandos Warbond

This sawed-off shotgun is the perfect secondary weapon for when enemies get too close. With only three shots, you need to make every one count. Yet its destructive potential is amazing, easily able to clear out the swarm point-black and allow you time to reload your main weapon.

B-Tier List

Opt for these weapons when the situation demands it. If you’ve gotten really good with these, no one’s stopping you from sticking to them. Here are our B-Tier weapons.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Arc Thrower in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Arc Thrower’s bolts leap between targets. Image captured by VideoGamer.

ARC-3 Arc Thrower

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 7000 Requisition slips at level 15

Try fighting Terminid swarms closing in and you’ll see how effective lightning can be. With unlimited ammo, the only real downside is the time between shots. This can slow you down, especially against Automatons and their steady stream of laser fire. On the flip side, these shots can arc from foe to foe. The Arc Thrower has decent range as well. As for friendly fire, bolts only arc onto allies if they’re behind your target. If you’re wondering how it handles armor, we noticed some inconsistencies. Sometimes a Charger would only need a few shots. And sometimes an enemy would take ages to be defeated with an Arc Thrower. That’s why we recommend picking other supply weapons that are good at anti-armor damage.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Laser Cannon in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Laser Cannon provides a slow burn against foes but isn’t as lethal as we’d like. Image captured by VideoGamer.

LAS-98 Laser Cannon

  • Type: Stratagem
  • Cost: 4000 Requisition slips at level 5

While we love weapons with infinite ammo, the Laser Cannon could use a damage buff for it to become a mainstay. In its current state, it’s still a decent pick against both Automatons and Terminids. It can even damage armored opponents with a continuous beam of laser fire, even at long range. But heavy armor will prove challenging for the Laser Cannon.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the JAR-5 Dominator in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The JAR-5 Dominator’s explosive shots are great against armored foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

JAR-5 Dominator

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 80 Medals on page 3 of Steeled Veterans Warbond

While it’s slower than the Liberator, this assault rifle is better against armored robots. A buff drastically improved its damage and granted it more stagger, making it great against most foes. Its low magazine capacity and high recoil hold it back from being an easy recommendation. You also have to lead your shots a bit if you want to target distant enemies.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Liberator Penetrator in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Deal more damage per shot with the Penetrator variant of the Liberator rifle. Image captured by VideoGamer.

AR-23P Liberator Penetrator

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 40 Medals on page 6 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

We hoped this weapon would be a superior version of the base assault rifle. It does more damage to weak spots and is a boon against armor thanks to its scope and medium armor penetration. But it isn’t as good while clearing weaker foes and has higher recoil. Remember that it isn’t fully automatic so you can’t clear hordes as quickly as the regular Liberator.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A promotional image of the Super Citizen Edition, featuring the MP-98 Knight weapon. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios.
Get the Super Citizen Edition for the MP-98 Knight. Image from Arrowhead Game Studios.

MP-98 Knight

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: Helldivers 2 Super Citizen Edition

With a crazy rate of fire, this SMG is good against weaker bugs and robots. But it isn’t as versatile as the starting assault rifle as its accuracy suffers at long range. Armored foes won’t take much damage from this gun either. The MF-98 Knight is definitely not worth spending money on unless you really want an SMG option as your primary weapon.

A digital image of the SMG-37 Defender, a submachine gun from the game Helldivers 2, displayed with its stats and features.
The SMG-37 Defender is a good pick thanks to its rate of fire. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SMG-37 Defender

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 15 Medals on page 3 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

This SMG shares similar traits to the aforementioned weapon. As for comparing it to the MP-98 Knight, players are pretty divided over it. Some prefer the Knight while others opt for the Defender. Expect an AR to pack a bigger punch compared to both SMG picks. And since the P-19 Redeemer pistol already provides a fast rate of fire, you don’t need to pick an SMG as your primary weapon.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Exploding Crossbow in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Watch where you aim the Exploding Crossbow or risk friendly fire. Image captured by VideoGamer.

CB-09 Exploding Crossbow

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 80 Medals on page 3 of Democratic Detonation Warbond

Aim this crossbow right and you can take out weaker mobs in a single hit. Accounting for its low fire rate, bullet drop, and decent explosion radius can mean the difference between a dead ally and a job well done. You’ll need to reload between shots and for some reason, this weapon cannot close bug nests and clear fabricators while the Eruptor Rifle can.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Spear in the ship management menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Use the Spear with an ally against armored targets. Image captured by VideoGamer.

FAF-14 Spear

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 9000 Requisition slips at level 20

This weapon is held back by its iffy targeting system. It’s especially useful against the Bile Titan when you manage to aim at its head. It’s better with stationary objectives like outposts. Pair it with a Stun grenade if you want to land shots with this rocket launcher. But its low ammo makes it hard to recommend when there are better weapons out there.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Slugger in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Slugger isn’t a great shotgun choice. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-8S Slugger

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 8 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

This shotgun isn’t competitive against the Punisher and Breaker on all fronts. While it changes from a scattered shot to high-damage slugs, its low rate of fire and low ammo (even with the patch that boosted it to 60) make it an unreliable ally. A recent nerf lowered its damage and stagger capability, making it a tough pick. In addition, bug breaches can easily extinguish all your ammo.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Peacemaker in their loadout. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Peacemaker is a reliable choice but there are better secondary weapons in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.

P-2 Peacemaker Pistol

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: Free

The default pistol is great when your primary is out of ammo. But with the same damage per shot, a higher ammo count, and a high rate of fire, the P-19 Redeemer will easily trounce the Peacemaker. It does decently well against both unarmored robots and bugs. Just don’t expect it to work wonders.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Incendiary Grenade in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Incendiary grenade is a great zoning tool. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-10 Incendiary

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 25 Medals from page 2 of Steeled Veterans Warbond

This grenade creates a patch of flames which is great for defeating enemies packed together. You can also use it to protect objectives or fellow Helldivers. Just remember that it can harm allies as well. We recommend the regular High Explosive Grenade over this one for its damage potential.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the G-6 Frag in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The G-6 Frag has a better blast radius than the standard grenade. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-6 Frag

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 2 Medals on page 1 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

While the Frag grenade has a solid blast radius, it comes at the cost of power. It’s useful for clearing weak enemies but isn’t as deadly as the standard High Explosive grenade. It’s still a decent pick if your main focus is to clear weaker enemies before finishing up with primary or support weapons.

Helldivers 2 best weapons A player checks out the SMG-72 Pummeller in the Warbonds menu.
The Pummeller is great at staggering, but lacks in damage and magazine size. Image captured by VideoGamer

SMG-72 Pummeller

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 2 of Polar Patriots Warbond

The best thing about the Pummeller is its ability to stagger enemies. If you’re hanging in the back and covering your teammates, this can be a great weapon to help stave off a horde. But as a primary weapon, it does lack somewhat when it comes to damage, making it less viable than many other weapons. Decent if used well, but certainly nothing to write home about.

AR-23A Liberator Carbine

Image of the AR-23A Liberator Carbine weapon screen in Helldivers 2.
The Liberator Carbine can thin out hordes, but lacks precision. Captured by VideoGamer
  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 20 Medals on page 1 of Viper Commandos Warbond

The AR-23A functions in a similar way to the original Liberator rifle. However, its recoil and spread are bigger, making it a less optimal choice. It’s a decent gun for thinning out lightly armoured hordes, but there are better options when it comes to both carbines and assault rifles.

C-Tier List

I wouldn’t recommend using these weapons in Helldivers 2 unless you want a challenge. Expect buffs to improve their capabilities in battle.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Breaker Pray and Spray in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Spray and Pray lets you fire shots faster than the regular Breaker. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-225SP Breaker Spray & Pray

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 9 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

While a shotgun with a better fire rate and lower damage sounds good in theory, we found the regular Breaker better for most engagements. Weaker enemies, especially Terminids, fall quicker thanks to the Spray and Pray having more shots per magazine. Stick to the regular Breaker, especially since you unlock it first.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the Adjudicator in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Don’t pick the Adjudicator unless you want a challenge. Image captured by VideoGamer.

BR-14 Adjudicator

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 20 Medals on page 1 of Democratic Detonation Warbond

While it promises to be a versatile marksman rifle, the Adjudicator’s damage is way off the mark. And its smaller magazine doesn’t help either. You can’t one-shot weaker enemies with body shots despite it being a marksman rifle, making it undesirable on most missions. Players have taken to calling it a balloon gun online.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the R-63 Diligence weapon in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The R-63 marksman rifle isn’t great in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.

R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper and R-63 Diligence

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: Cost: 8 or 40 Medals in page 2 or 6 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

True, the Counter Sniper is an upgrade from the regular sniper rifle. But it still doesn’t take out armored foes quickly and can be a chore to aim. These flaws extend to the basic Diligence too. Expect marksman rifles in general to get a buff soon.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks the LAS-5 Scythe in the Warbond menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The LAS-5 Scythe barely dents armored foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

LAS-5 Scythe

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 30 Medals on page 5 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

This recharging laser is decent against weaker robots. But against hordes of bugs or armored Automatons, the LAS-5 Scythe doesn’t do well enough to justify using it. It barely makes a dent on any kind of armor, be it Terminid or Automaton. Other laser weapons like the Sickle do a better job.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Punisher Plasma in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Punisher Plasma should be avoided at all costs. Image captured by VideoGamer.

SG-8P Punisher Plasma

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 2 of Cutting Edge Warbond

While it’s great to target enemy weak spots from medium range, the Punisher Plasma is not very helpful against nearby foes. It can harm you with its splash damage so don’t aim at bugs that are right next to you. Lead your shots and focus on crowd control to make the most of it. In the shotgun department, consider the Breaker instead for a good all-rounder.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Liberator Concussive in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Opt for other assault rifles instead of the Liberator Concussive. Image captured by VideoGamer.

AR-23C Liberator Concussive

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: Cost: 20 Medals on page 1 of Steeled Veterans Warbond

While the Liberator Concussive (once known as the Liberator Explosive) can stagger foes, there’s not much else it can do despite being a primary weapon. It deals less damage and has a lower fire rate than most ARs, reducing it to a support role. Pick other weapons if you want to stand a chance on higher difficulty levels.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Senator weapon in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Senator’s shots hit harder than the Peacemaker. Image captured by VideoGamer.

P-4 Senator Pistol

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 15 Medals on page 1 of Steeled Veterans Warbond

While this pistol deals more damage than the regular one, this comes at the cost of fire rate. The Redeemer is a better option thanks to its high rate of fire and quick reloads.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the LAS-7 Dagger in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The LAS-7 Dagger isn’t great against most foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

LAS-7 Dagger

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 3 of Cutting Edge Warbond

This laser pistol might look cool to use. But it barely does anything against armored opponents so keep this for the weaker enemies and Terminid missions. It’s easily the worst secondary in the game right now despite its potentially infinite ammo.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Arc-12 Blitzer in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Arc-12 Blitzer is weaker than the Arc-3 Arc Thrower. Image captured by VideoGamer.

ARC-12 Blitzer

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 80 Medals on page 3 of Cutting Edge Warbond

This weapon is good against Automatons but its slow fire rate makes it take a while to kill enemies. You’re better off with the ARC-3 Arc Thrower. It has decent crowd control but can’t be compared to its more powerful sibling.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the G-123 Thermite in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Thermite Grenade is designed to take out armored foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-123 Thermite

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 15 Medals on page 1 of Democratic Detonation Warbond

Despite its promise of taking out armor, a bug appears to minimize the Thermite’s effectiveness in dealing damage over time. It can also stick to enemies but with so little damage, it barely harms armored opponents. Players treat it like a glowstick/flare right now so stay away from it until a patch irons things out.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the Smoke Grenade in the Warbonds menu. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Smoke Grenades are good for stealth but other options are great in most situations. Image captured by VideoGamer.

G-3 Smoke

  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 25 Medals on page 8 of Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

While this might be useful for going into stealth, it’s a mechanic that is rarely used in Helldivers 2. You can use it to lower the accuracy of enemy shots or slip away from alerting a patrol. But this will rely on you coordinating an escape route with your team. Pair up with random players and it becomes even more of a hassle.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the AR-61 Tenderiser in the Warbonds menu.
The Tenderiser is simply a downgrade of the AR-23 Liberator. Image captured by VideoGamer

AR-61 Tenderiser

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 20 Medals on page 1 of Polar Patriots Warbond

Fairly similar on paper to the AR-23 Liberator, this is a gun that looks pretty good, but in practise is somewhat lacking. It has the same damage as the Liberator and a similar recoil, but thanks to its smaller magazine and slower fire rate, there is absolutely no reason at all to use this over the Liberator right now. Wait for a buff before getting it.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the PLAS-101 Purifier in the Warbonds menu.
The Purifier does deal good damage, but its fire rate makes it a poor choice. Image captured by VideoGamer

PLAS-101 Purifier

  • Type: Primary
  • Cost: 80 Medals on page 3 of Polar Patriots Warbond

Just like the AR-61 Tenderiser, the Purifier is effectively just an inferior version of another weapon – the PLAS-1 Scorcher. It can deal up to around 12% more damage than the Scorcher, but the trade off for this is a whopping 76% slower fire rate. That small extra damage is not worth standing around charging the shots for that long, and you’re much better off just taking the Scorcher.

Helldivers 2 best weapons: A player checks out the P-113 Verdict in the Warbonds menu.
The P-113 Verdict is simply not worth using in its current state. Image captured by VideoGamer

P-113 Verdict

  • Type: Secondary
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 3 of Polar Patriots Warbond

This is hands-down one of the worst guns in the game right now. Its low damage means you’ll often need two shots to take an extra shot to down enemies, has no stagger, and only 10 rounds in each mag, which becomes even worse when you consider its relatively long reload time. There are much better Secondary weapons to use right now, and you shouldn’t bother with this until it receives a decent buff.

K-2 Throwing Knife

Image of the selection menu with the K-2 Throwing Knife and its stats in Helldivers 2.
Silent, deadly, and fairly disappointing. Captured by VideoGamer
  • Type: Grenade
  • Cost: 60 Medals on page 3 of Viper Commandos Warbond

Admittedly, throwing knives are always cool in any game. But besides being cool, K-2 will occupy your grenade slot. These throwing knives can deal decent damage and be used stealthily, but you can’t use them to destroy nests, for example. That’s a major drawback which will almost always make you pick any grenade instead.

So which of these weapons are good against Terminids?

Weapons that deal fire damage are particularly good against the Terminids. The Flamethrower is great and weapons focusing on a high rate of fire are good picks too. Like most situations, the Breaker shotgun is going to help you clear out waves of small enemies and medium foes. The P-19 Redeemer is a must-have as you can clear weak foes with it like Hunters and Warriors. For armored foes, you’ll have to step things up with the Quasar Cannon or Grenade Launcher. The latter helps with bug nests too.

And which weapons are effective against Automatons?

Bullet penetration and explosives are the best ways to deal with Automatons. Consider weapons like the PLAS-1 Scorcher, LAS-19 Sickle, R-36 Eruptor, and Breaker to keep Automatons at bay. Support weapons like the Quasar Cannon, Autocannon, Railgun, and Expendable Anti-Tank will be your best friends against armored enemies. The Eruptor can close fabricators down as well so it’s a good weapon to consider. Remember to aim for weak spots too.

About the Author

Antony Terence

Antony Terence is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. While he is particularly fond of city-builders, shooters, and strategy titles, he won’t turn down a good JRPG or a turn-based roguelike.

Helldivers 2

  • Release Date: February 8, 2024
  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5
  • Genre(s): Action, Shooter, Third Person
8 VideoGamer
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