Rage 2 gets three new modes added next week
New Game+, Ironman Mode and Ultra Nightmare difficulty & more coming
VideoGamer Podcast #317: Team Sonic Raging
We’ve played loads of games this week (past two weeks)! Rich and Josh have throttled everything in Rage 2, Colm’s been cooperating with others in Team Sonic Racing, and both Colm and Josh have been enjoying the space adventures of an AI in Observation.
VideoGamer Podcast #317 (video version for your eyes)
We’ve played loads of games this week (past two weeks)! Rich and Josh have throttled everything in Rage 2, Colm’s been cooperating with others in Team Sonic Racing, and both Colm and Josh have been enjoying the space adventures of an AI in Observation.
Rage 2 tops UK charts, but sales are lower than the first
Not as Dyer as it first looks, but not great
Rage 2 reveals content roadmap for the rest of 2019
Wasteland challenges, world events and more planned on top of paid DLC packs
Game Box Art Critique May: Rage 2, Team Sonic Racing, A Plague Tale: Innocence
A Plumbers Tale: Resentment