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What is the best Elite Four order in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk DLC? How should you go about challenging the Blueberry Academy BB League members? Crispin, Lacey, Amarys, and Drayton each have their strengths and weaknesses.
If you are challenging the Elite Four, you should know how to complete Blueberry Quests and get Blueberry Points in Pokemon Indigo Disk. You should also know how to make TMs in Pokemon Indigo Disk.
Should you challenge Drayton the dragon-type trainer first or should you maybe go after the fire-type user Crispin? Here is what we think is the best Elite Four order in Pokemon Indigo Disk as well as the levels, types, and weaknesses of each member.
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In what order should you challenge the Elite Four in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk DLC?
There are two steps to challenging each of the Elite Four members in Pokemon Indigo Disk. First, you need to complete a member’s elite trial and then you must defeat them in battle. There is no level advantage for these fights because the Elite Four members all use Pokemon of the same levels. There is, however, a difference in the Pokemon they use.
Elite Four level doesn’t matter
Each of the Elite Four members use Pokemon that range from level 78 to 80. This means that they are all equally as tough if you only focus on level. The types of Pokemon each member uses is what makes them more difficult than one another.
Keep in mind that you will need Blueberry Points (BP) to complete the BB League Elite Trials. Let’s break down the best order for these challenges.
Complete Drayton’s Trial while completing other trials
Drayton has the toughest Elite Trial. He calls this trial the Terarium only challenge because he wants you to catch a full team of Terarium Pokemon and use them to battle trainers. We highly suggest you go and start his trial first for two reasons. First, it’s free. Second, it’s easier to complete it while getting the other tasks done.
While you are completing this, you can challenge the other Elite Four members and level up your new team at the same time. We found this to be a helpful addition to starting Drayton’s trial first.
Crispin is by far the easiest member to defeat when it comes to the Elite Four. His trial requires you to know how to make a super-spicy sandwich which isn’t that difficult. Since he mainly uses fire-type Pokemon, you can also wipe the floor with him if you use a water-type Pokemon and a fire-type Pokemon because he does have one grass-type thrown into the mix.
Pokemon | Level | Type | Moves |
Talonflame | 77 | Fire / Flying | Sunny Day, Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Roost |
Rotom Heat | 77 | Electric / Fire | Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Thunderbolt, Hex |
Exeggutor | 78 | Grass / Psychic | Leech Seed, Psyshock, Protect, Solar Beam |
Camerupt | 78 | Fire / Ground | Earth Power, Heat Wave, Ancient Power, Zen Headbutt |
Magmortar | 78 | Fire | Psychic, Thunderbolt, Heat Wave, Sunny Day |
Blaziken | 79 | Fire / Fighting Tera Type: Fire | Stone Edge, Focus Blast, Temper Flare, Shadow Claw |
Next on the best Elite Four order list is Amarys. Her use of steel-type Pokemon isn’t very great and she can easily go down by using strong fighting and fire-type Pokemon. The biggest threat in the bunch is Metagross but you can easily defeat this Pokemon with fire-type moves. The only odd-man-out in her party is Reuniclus which is weak to dark-type moves.
Amarys also has the easiest trial of all the Elite Four members. Amarys’ Trial has you flying around on Koraidon and Miraidon to complete a time trial.
Pokemon | Level | Type |
Skarmory | 78 | Steel/Flying |
Alolan Dugtrio (Has Focus Sash) | 78 | Ground/Steel |
Scizor | 79 | Bug/Steel |
Metagross | 80 | Steel/Psychic |
Reuniclus | 79 | Psychic |
Empoleon | 79 | Water/Steel |
Lacey is where things start to get tough. She is a strict fairy-type trainer but she throws in Excadrill and Galarian Slowbro to change things up. Her main weakness is poison-type Pokemon but you will also need a strong steel-type and even a ghost or dark-type to help take down the rest of her non-fairy-type Pokemon. Watch out, because even Slowbro hits hard.
Lacey also has a tricky trial that requires you to answer questions about Pokemon. Make sure you know how to complete Lacey’s Trial before attempting it.
Pokemon | Type | Weakness | Level |
Whimsicott | Grass/Fairy | Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Steel | 78 |
Granbull | Fairy | Poison, Steel | 78 |
Primarina | Water/Fairy | Electric, Grass, Poison | 79 |
Galarian Slowbro | Poison/Psychic | Ground, Ghost, Dark | 79 |
Alcremie | Fairy | Steel, Poison | 79 |
Excadrill | Ground/Steel – Fairy Tera Type | Fire, Water, Fighting, Ground | 80 |
Drayton is the final member of this Elite Four challenge before you take on Kieran the champion. While we took down Drayton first, we suggest saving him for last because you need to collect a full team of Terarium Pokemon for his challenge, and putting him first takes a lot of time that you could put toward the other members.
Drayton is obviously the dragon-type trainer and ex-champion member of the Pokemon Indigo Elite Four. His main weakness is fairy-type moves but you can also use ice-types to get the job done. The Pokemon that stand out for him are Sceptile (a grass-type) and Archaludon (a steel and dragon-type). These Pokemon aren’t weak to fairy-type attacks and are instead weak to fire and ice (Sceptile) and fighting and ground moves (Archaludon).
Pokemon | Type | Weaknesses | Level |
Dragonite | Dragon/Flying | Ice, Rock, Dragon, Fairy | 78 |
Flygon | Ground/Dragon | Ice, Dragon, Fairy | 78 |
Haxorus | Dragon | Ice, Dragon, Fairy | 79 |
Sceptile | Grass | Fire, Ice, Poison, Bug | 79 |
Kingdra | Water/Dragon | Dragon, Fairy | 79 |
Archaludon | Steel/Dragon (Dragon Tera Type) | Fighting, Ground | 80 |
That is everything you need to know about the best Elite Four order for the Blueberry League. After completing the Elite Four challenge and defeating Kieran, you will want to know how to catch Terapagos in Pokemon Indigo Disk. You might also want to know how to catch Lugia in Pokemon Indigo Disk.
Pokemon Indigo Disk Best Elite Four Order – FAQ
What is the best order to complete the Elite Four in Pokemon Indigo Disk?
The best order to complete the Elite Four is Crispin, Amarys, Lacey, and save Drayton for last.
What levels are the Elite Four Pokemon in Pokemon Indigo Disk?
Each of the Elite Four members have Pokemon that range from level 78 to 80.