Exoprimal release date, story, trailers and gameplay

Exoprimal release date, story, trailers and gameplay
Finlay Cattanach Updated on by

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With the Exoprimal release date closing in, it’s the perfect time to learn all you can about Capcom’s upcoming team-based sci-fi action title.There’s quite a bit we know about the game so far, which we’ll dive into here.

We’re going to cover the Exoprimal release date, as well as details we know so far about its story, the trailers we’ve seen for it, and the gameplay features we’re aware of. It’ll be available in a few different places, too. If you’re looking for information about Exoprimal on Game Pass, Exoprimal on PS5 or PS4, or even Exoprimal on Switch, we’ve got you covered.

Exoprimal release date

Exoprimal is set to release on 14 July 2023. It will release across all platforms at launch. The game will be online-only, so players will need to make sure they’ve got an internet connection, and a Capcom account.

Exoprimal release date: A yellow Exosuit poses with their gun.

The game is currently on pre-order at £49.99. It’s unclear if this price will end up changing at any point down the line. We also know that the game is going to have a collab event with Street Fighter 6, though this crossover is currently set for Autumn 2023.

Exoprimal story

The premise of Exoprimal is a pretty convoluted and confusing one, involving dinosaurs, artificial intelligence, and mechanised armour and weapons systems called Exosuits.

The story is set in the near future of 2040, in a world ravaged by chaos brought on by cataclysmic spacetime distortions called vortexes. These vortexes appeared across the planet three years ago, the only thing coming out from them being endless hordes of dinosaurs.

You’ll start the story as Ace, an exosuit fighter who uses a suit of powerful mechanised armour to fight back the hordes. Encountering a vortex, Ace is pulled back in time to Bikitoa Island, a remote and quarantined location and home to Leviathan an advanced AI pulling Exosuits back in time to the same location and same day over and over again.

In each instance, Leviathan pits the Exosuits and their pilots into war games against waves of dinosaurs, gathering an increasing amount of data in a bid to create the ultimate Exosuit.

Exoprimal release date: Leviathan summons a cluster of Vortexes.

But why do the wargames all take place on this same day in the past? And why are they fighting dinosaurs? Alongside the rest of their team, Hammerhead, Ace must work to uncover the many, many questions like this that rise up as they battle to take down Leviathan.

We know that you’ll unlock much of the narrative and worldbuilding of the game as you progress through it, finding “lost data” packages that slowly unravel the mysteries. Capcom have stated that deciphering the secrets and bringing Leviathan’s story to a close are some of the main objectives behind the game. Closer to the Exoprimal release date, we might find out more about what that means.

Exoprimal trailers

In the leadup to release, we’ve been fortunate to see a lot of different trailers and features for the game. In fact, there have been dozens, but here are the most interesting and important ones you’ll want to watch.

This began with the Exoprimal reveal trailer back in March 2022.

Later that summer, we got our first proper look at some of the gameplay with a special gameplay trailer.

This was followed up by an extended gameplay trailer just a few days later.

In September we got our first official story trailer, introducing us in greater detail to the bizarre world of Exoprimal.

In March of this year, the Exoprimal release date trailer dropped.

Then, most recently, we got an update, including a confirmation on the second Exoprimal open beta test, during the Xbox Games Showcase 2023. 

Amazingly, there are even more trailers than this. You’ll be able to find additional videos breaking down content like the Exosuits and Dinosaurs on Capcom’s official webpage for the game, but we’ll be diving into those elements ourselves next.

Exoprimal gameplay

Throughout various trailers, features, and open betas, we’ve had plenty of chances to get to grips with the gameplay mechanics behind Exoprimal. The main two points of interest though are the Exosuits, and the dinosaurs.


It goes without saying of course that the Exosuits are the stars of the show here. There are plenty of different suits you’ll be able to take into battle, but they all broadly fall into one of three categories:

  • Assault suits – High damage output suits made for attacking. Some are tailor made for certain ranges of engagement.
  • Tank suits – Designed to absorb damage and slow or repel hordes of attackers, these suits are purposed for defence.
  • Support suits – Designed to improve the team’s combat effectiveness by buffing allies and weakening enemies. They can also repair damaged suits.

Some suits will also have variants available, allowing you to optimise your loadout to better accommodate different encounters.


Beyond the suits come the dinosaurs, your direct opponents in gameplay. You’ll primarily face off against them in Dino Survival, the main gamemode in Exoprimal.

Exoprimal release date: Exosuits battle a horde of raptors.

In Dino Survival, you’ll fight alongside four teammates, competing against another team of five players. Rather than direct PvP combat though, you’ll be racing to complete various different missions assigned to you by Leviathan, while fighting through increasingly challenging hordes of dinosaurs in PvE.

As players play more of this mode though and unlock more of the story, the encountered missions will change, usually becoming more complex or difficult. It’s currently unclear exactly what the endgame for Exoprimal will look like.

That covers everything we know so far about the Exoprimal release date, story, trailers, and gameplay. As we close in on the release date, we’ll be sure to keep you updated with the latest. In the meantime, why not take a look at our breakdown of Exoprimal crossplay and Exoprimal co-op to make sure that you’re ready for the multiplayer experience.

When is the Exoprimal release date?

Exoprimal is set to release on July 14, 2023.

Is Exoprimal online-only?

Exoprimal is online-only, and will require a constant online connection to play.