What are Special Arts in Dynasty Warriors Origins
As you progress the story and explore the world map in Dynasty Warriors Origins, you’ll come across characters offering up Trainings as you deepen…
Dynasty Warriors Origins trophies and achievements list
Dynasty Warriors Origins is decked out with 44 trophies and achievements for players to tick off - that is if they're prepared to put…
How long is Dynasty Warriors Origins
In keeping with past entries in the series, Dynasty Warriors Origins can range from a reasonable 30 hours to multiple hundreds of hours depending…
8 Dynasty Warriors Origins tips and tricks for beginners
Dynasty Warriors is back after a seven year break and much of its granular moment-to-moment gameplay will be familiar to fans of the series.…
How to get horses in Dynasty Warriors Origins
While you can make do dashing on foot across battlefields and the world map in Dynasty Warriors Origins, the game also includes horses that…
Best early game weapons in Dynasty Warriors Origins
As you progress through chapter 1 and into the start of chapter 2, you’ll gain access to a growing arsenal of weaponry either by…
What to do with Old Coins in Dynasty Warriors Origins
As you explore the world map in Dynasty Warriors Origins, you’ll stumble across Old Coins, highlighted as sparkling shards of light. You’ll also receive…
Best gems in Dynasty Warriors Origins
Taking on 1000 soldier-strong armies is serious business and you’ll want to use every advantage at your disposal to get the upper hand. Among…
How to get accessories in Dynasty Warriors Origins
Accessories are items you can equip to benefit from different stat boosts and buffs. You can only equip one at a time, but don’t…
How to get pyroxene in Dynasty Warriors Origins
In Dynasty Warriors Origins, gems are special accessories you can equip one at a time to benefit from buffs to weapon attacks, ranging from…