XDefiant dev promises fix to frustrating hit reg issues, though players remain skeptical

XDefiant dev promises fix to frustrating hit reg issues, though players remain skeptical
Nico Vergara Updated on by

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XDefiant continues to top the FPS charts as it continues its treacherous journey toward fulfilling its “CoD beater” moniker. However, before it can reach the heights of Activision’s best-selling shooter series, it needs to address a few issues first, one of which is its hit reg problems, which players have been frustrated by since launch. Luckily, one XDefiant producer has promised that they are already working on fixing it.

Mark Rubin, XDefiant’s executive producer, responded to an X/Twitter post that fixes to hit reg “are something [they] are working on.” Unfortunately, it’s unclear when it will arrive, as neither Rubin nor the development team have yet to provide an actual time frame. Of course, with player complaints constantly rising, the patch containing the hit reg fix should arrive sooner rather than later. However, these aren’t the only problems Ubisoft plans to address.

According to another post from Rubin, the XDefiant dev team also has an upcoming patch that will improve matchmaking when crossplay is turned off for console players. In addition, Ubisoft is looking to introduce a console-only crossplay feature in the future, so Xbox and PS5 players can play separately from PC gamers. But despite these updates, some players remain skeptical of Ubisoft addressing these issues once and for all.

Over on Reddit, one player pointed out that last year’s beta similarly had hit reg problems that were never fully addressed, hence the fan base’s skepticism. On the other hand, others are simply having trouble trusting Ubisoft’s claims after failing to follow up on past promises. For now, though, only time will tell whether Mark Rubin and the XDefiant dev team can finally introduce the changes that players have long been waiting for.

In the meantime, why not enjoy the XDefiant double XP weekend that Ubisoft has provided so you can enjoy using the best AK-47 loadout that’s sure to elevate you to the top of the scoreboard.