XDefiant aim assist guide for controller

XDefiant aim assist guide for controller
Miljan Truc Updated on by

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✓ At a glance
  • XDefiant has aim assist to help players playing with controllers compete with mouse and keyboard players.
  • You can set up aim assist in the Controller tab in Settings.
  • There are three Aim Response Curve Types – Standard, Linear, and Reverse S-Curve.

Many modern FPS games have an aim assist feature that makes it easier to play with a controller. This goes double for games that feature crossplay. XDefiant follows this trend, with aim assist helping controller aficionados to compete with mouse and keyboard warriors. 

Is there aim assist in XDefiant?

Yes, XDefiant does have aim assist. This feature is primarily focused on evening the playing field for players using a controller to play a shooter game. The devs at Ubisoft paid close attention to how it works in other games and provided players with three separate response curve types to tailor their experience. That makes setting up your aim assist options fairly intuitive, so let’s take a look at how you can do it.

A player aims from cover in the game.
Aim assist will make it easier to aim when playing with a controller. Captured by VideoGamer.

How to set up aim assist on your controller

To begin setting up aim assist for XDefiant, first make sure that your controller is connected and recognized by the system, especially if you’re playing on the PC. Next, start up the game and follow these steps:

  • Head to Settings, located under your player name in the upper-right corner.
  • Check that your input is set to Controller instead of Mouse and Keyboard.
  • Find and click the Controller tab on the left-side menu.
  • Check that Aim Assist is set to Standard, rather than Disabled.
  • Set up the sliders for Aim Assist Strength and Aim Assist Follow to your preference.
  • Choose the Aim Response Curve Type. We will discuss their differences shortly.
✓ Pro tip
  • Keep your vertical and horizontal sensitivity at the same value, unless you’re playing on an ultra-wide screen. In that case, setting up your horizontal sens to a higher value may be beneficial.

Aim Response Curve Type – Standard

Screenshot of the XDefiant settings menu showing controller configurations, including button layout, aim assist options, and sensitivity settings to help you set it up just right.
Standard dampens fine movements, while keeping large ones free. Captured by VideoGamer

This option improves your aim control by reducing the effects of finer stick movements, while increasing them for large stick movements. In practice, this means that you won’t sacrifice your look speed while negating stuttering from micro-reaction while you aim with your weapon.

Aim Response Curve Type – Linear

Settings menu of XDefiant showing various controller settings, including aim assist, aim response curve type, and sensitivity adjustments—set it up to match your playstyle.
Linear keeps a consistent value across all movements. Captured by VideoGamer

The linear option is better suited for practised controller aimers. It follows a constant trajectory in response to your stick movements, with no hindrances or boosts. The move value remains the same, whether you move the stick a little bit or a lot.

Aim Response Curve Type – Reverse S-Curve

Screenshot of the settings menu in XDefiant. The Controller settings are shown, highlighting options for Button Layout, aim assist, Stick Layout, and Aim Response Curve Type set to Reverse S Curve. Customize your set up to enhance gameplay performance and precision.
Reverse S-Curve boosts small and large camera movements. Captured by VideoGamer

This setting reduces the effects of moderate camera movements, while boosting small and large stick moves. In theory, it should favour players who prioritize mobility. In practice, it could take some getting used to until you get a better feel for it.