Starfield Easter Eggs and secrets – every secret we know about so far

Starfield Easter Eggs and secrets – every secret we know about so far
Ben Borthwick Updated on by

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Many players are wondering what are the Starfield Easter Eggs? Bethesda’s latest RPG is a massive game, with plenty to see and discover.

To that end, we’re expecting an absolute rocket ship full of little nods and secrets sure to be discovered by players over the next few days. We’re going to collate as many as we can here as and when we see them so you can go and hunt them down in the game yourself.

As an obvious advance warning – beware spoilers in this guide, in case you want to go into the game blindly and discover these for yourself. But if you want to know where the best surprises are, then read on. We’ll keep updating this page as more easter eggs come to light, so keep checking back here often to see if we’ve added any new ones.

Arrow to the knee

Of course, Bethesda’s most famous meme made it into Starfield. Even if you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you’re probably familiar with the Skyrim guard who declares that they used to be an adventurer, until they took an arrow to the knee. Well, this moment has also got a cheeky nod in Bethesda’s latest game.

As spotted by Kinevi1 on the Starfield Subreddit, you can speak to random colonists during your travels, and one will say the line “I used to be an explorer too, but then I- never mind. It’s a long story.” A small easter egg in the grand scheme of things, perhaps – but one that veterans of Bethesda’s RPGs will no doubt get a chuckle out of.

Starfield Home dashboard

Adoring Fan

We’ve known about this one for a while, of course but in case you missed the Starfield Direct earlier this year – one of the Starfield companions is the Adoring Fan. With an unmistakable haircut and bright-eyed enthusiasm, he’s a reference to a character with the same name from The Elder Scrolls 4 – Oblivion.

If you have the Starfield trait ‘Hero Worshipped’ equipped, he’ll even bring you goodies. How you deal with him for the rest of the game – we’ll leave that up to you.

Quake and Doom

There’s a couple of cheeky references to a pair of classic FPSes to be found in game. In case you’re not aware, Zenimax – parent company of Bethesda – is also the current home of id Software, responsible for Quake and Doom. So it makes sense that those two legendary series get something of a shoutout in their stablemate’s game – rather aptly, on the planet of Mars where many a Doom has been set.

When you’re on the planet, particularly while visiting Cydonia, you’ll find there’s a regular Mars-quakes thanks to the fracking on the planet. When these happen, you can talk to an immobile robot known as Noam who – rather pointedly – will say “No doom with this quake!” – which we feel has to be a nod and a wink to the seminal FPS classics.

A touching tribute

Mosey on over to The Eye orbiting Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system, and you’ll find a note scribbled by a certain Alex Hay. While you could pass this off as your usual lick of dressing, it’s in fact a rather touching tribute to a Starfield fan who sadly passed away before he was able to sample the game. Clearly touched, Bethesda opted to add in a note to immortalize Alex in the best way it could.

Cydonia’s ‘Hours Without Incident Counter’

As you trudge down the ramp towards the mines in Cydonia, you’ll spot a ‘Hours Without Incident’ counter above. Note down the number then go a murder a random NPC (we know, just go with it – maybe save beforehand). Leg it back to the counter to see it reset to zero. It reacts to how the player behaves. Neat.

There’s sure to be more easter eggs to be uncovered in Starfield, and we’ll update as and when we find them. For more on the game, check out our guide on how to scan in Starfield and scanner explained or our Starfield map – every location on the Starmap explained.