Palworld carry weight – All Pals that increase carrying capacity

Palworld carry weight – All Pals that increase carrying capacity
Aden Carter Updated on by

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Are you looking for Pals that increase carrying capacity in Palworld? There are a number of Pals that you can find that can help you carry more than what your current limit allows. This is great for when you need to carry a bunch of crafting materials like ore or coal.

If you are searching for Pals, be sure to check out how to find and catch Wumpo in Palworld. You might also want to know how to find and catch Menasting in Palworld. Whether you are carrying a bunch of items or just want a powerful Pal, we got you covered. Here are all the Pals that increase carrying capacity in Palworld.

All Pals that increase your carrying capacity in Palworld

There are eight Pals that can increase your carrying capacity in Palworld. Some of these Pals can be found early on in the game while others are late-game Pals that you will need to wait to find. Here are all the Pals with this ability:

  1. Cattiva
  2. Lunaris
  3. Broncherry
    • Broncherry Aqua
  4. Kingpaca
    • Ice Kingpaca
  5. Wumpo
    • Wumpo Botan

As you can see, some of these Pals are just alternate versions of others found in the world. Let’s break down what makes each of these Pals great and when you can get them.


A screenshot of the pokemon character screen displaying all Pals that increase carrying capacity.
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Cattiva is one of the earliest Pals in the game as you can get it in the starting area. Having this Pal on your team will increase your weight by 50 points which is very significant in the early days of survival. Of course, as you progress, you will need better Pals to help aid you on your journey.


Lunaris is found in the southern part of the map to the east of the volcano island. This is a go-to pal in the mid-game to help aid you with carrying items back to camp. It is also useful around your base since it has a level 3 handiwork suitability.

Broncherry & Broncherry Aqua

A screen shot of a pokemon game featuring All Pals.
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Both Broncherry and Broncherry Aqua share the same abilities except the aqua variant is used for watering plants. Both variations of this Pal are found around the mid-game and are great for aiding your team with additional carry weight.

Kingpaca & Ice Kingpaca

Similar to Broncherry, Kingpaca comes in two forms. The standard form is a neutral-type Pal while the other is an ice-type. Both will increase your carry weight and both can be found in the later game. We prefer the ice variant of this Pal since it seems more powerful.


An Alpha Awaits

Kingpaca is one of the earlier alpha field bosses you can fight. A level 23 alpha can be found near the Small Settlement. Once you reach level 20, you should be able to take on this boss easily.

Wumpo & Wumpo Botan

A screenshot of a game character utilizing All Pals to increase carrying capacity.
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Wumpo and Wumpo Botan are another pair with different variants. They both increase your carrying capacity but one is a grass-type while the other is an ice-type. Both Pals can be found in the late game in different areas with the botan variant showing up at Wildlife Sanctuary 2 and the ice variant appearing in the northern snowy mountains.

That is everything you need to know about the Pals that increase your carry weight. Be sure to also check out all the Wildlife Sanctuary locations in Palworld. You can also check out the best chest farming locations in Palworld.

Palworld Pals that increase carry weight – FAQ

Which Pal is the best for increasing your carrying weight in Palworld?

We believe that Wumpo Botan or Wumpo is the best because it has the most damage of the Pals listed.

Are there other ways to increase your carrying capacity in Palworld?

Yes. You can also increase your carrying capacity by spending skill points as you level up.