Is The Thaumaturge open world? How does exploration work?

Is The Thaumaturge open world? How does exploration work?

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Want to know is The Thaumaturge open world? The game is set in 20th-century Warsaw, and you’ll get to know the streets well as you explore. But how freely can you explore? We’re here to tell you everything you need to know about whether or not The Thaumaturge is open world, and if you can go anywhere you want during the game.

If you haven’t yet, you should take a look at our The Thaumaturge review to find out what we made of the game. And if you’re looking to get off to a great start, our The Thaumaturge tips and tricks guide has just the advice you need. With that, let’s take a look at whether or not The Thaumaturge is open world.

Is The Thaumaturge open world: Wiktor and Rasputin in a village next to the ruins of a burned-down house.
Image captured by VideoGamer

Is The Thaumaturge open world?

The Thaumaturge is not an open world game. The bulk of the game’s story is spent in Warsaw, but while you’ll spend most of your time in the city, you can’t explore it openly. Instead, your map is split up into different sections, where you can explore specific contained parts of the city, fast travelling between them to go to different areas.

Most of the game’s areas are also not particularly large. While some may appear pretty big, you’ll find that most areas are blocked off by walls or barriers, and that the actual area you can walk through as Wiktor is not massive, with the areas being designed to push you somewhat towards your objectives.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though. The main focus of The Thaumaturge is its characters and story, and its relative linearity and contained areas allow it to pack each area with interesting things to do and see, something which would be more difficult in an open world.

That’s everything you need to know about if The Thaumaturge is open world. If you’re looking for some more information on the game, you should check out our is The Thaumaturge on Game Pass and The Thaumaturge system requirements guides too.