All Hades 2 characters and gods

All Hades 2 characters and gods
Antony Terence Updated on by

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✓ At a glance
  • Hades 2 features a diverse cast from both the Greek pantheon of gods and mortal spirits.
  • While Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and others offer boons, you can share Nectar with many more for new keepsakes.
  • Vendors like Charon, Echo, and Circe will give you buffs for your runs as well.

The original Hades re-imagined Greek deities whose stories have been passed down for generations. While you’ll spot familiar gods in Hades 2, there are new characters who you’ll meet both on your journey and while resting at the Crossroads. From gifts to relationships, here’s what you need to know about every single one of them.

Every Hades 2 character and god

While most of the Greek pantheon of gods are accounted for in Hades 2, there are some mortal spirits in the cast as well. By taking myths and spinning their own stories around them, Supergiant Games shakes the cobwebs off some beloved heroes and villains. They achieve this with respect and caution in equal measure. 

Here are all the characters and Greek gods who appear in Hades 2:

  • Melinoë
  • Hades
  • Aphrodite
  • Apollo
  • Arachne
  • Artemis
  • Cerberus
  • Charon
  • Chaos
  • Chronos
  • Circe
  • Demeter
  • Dora
  • Echo
  • Eris
  • Frinos
  • Hecate
  • Hephaestus
  • Hera
  • Heracles
  • Hermes
  • Hestia
  • Hypnos
  • Icarus
  • Medea
  • Moros
  • Narcissus
  • Nemesis
  • Odysseus
  • Polyphemus
  • Poseidon
  • Schelemeus
  • Scylla
  • Selene
  • Zeus
Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Melinoe in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
As Melinoë, you’ll be dishing out plenty of death across your runs. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Hades 2’s protagonist Melinoë is Zagreus’ brother and the daughter of Hades, the god of the Dead. There’s hardly any mention of her in the ancient world outside an orphic hymn where she brings forth nightmares and madness. Her pale visage and spirit-like left hand with her skeleton on display represent her devotion to the underworld. Melinoë’s approach to combat is more tactical than her brother’s, with a new AoE slow and Nocturnal Arms for weapons. As for how she survives on the surface when Zagreus couldn’t, you’ll have to play the game to find out.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Hades in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
You’ll find Hades eventually but he hasn’t fared well since the last game. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Hades, the god of the dead, has always had complex relations with Olympus, the abode of the Greek gods. The underworld itself is also called Hades, which might sound confusing if you aren’t acquainted with Greek myth. He towers over most of the characters you’ll meet and was the main antagonist of the original game. Hades fought against his son Zagreus to keep him in the underworld. I can attest to how brutal that boss fight was. And while Hades is supposedly Melinoë’s father, the original myth points to some trickery here. A surprise might await us in the true ending.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Aphrodite in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Aphrodite gains a warlike appearance this time. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Few can resist the allure of Aphrodite, goddess of love and fertility. After Chronos was chopped into bits by his children and thrown into the sea, the goddess of love emerged, supposedly on a massive seashell (according to Italian artist Sandro Botticelli). In Hades 2, she appears as a beautiful woman with light skin and leaves little to the imagination. Her new war paint alongside the spear and shield combo might point to her affair with Ares, the god of war who was present in the previous game. Having been betrothed to Hephaestus, expect some jabs between the two when they offer you Duo boons on your runs. Aphrodite’s boons focus on the Weak status effect, making enemies deal less damage. Gift her some Nectar and you’ll get the Beautiful Mirror.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Apollo in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Apollo’s Daze boons can help you suffer less damage in combat. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Apollo, the god of light, was a god of several other things in Greek mythology. While you’re most likely to spot him with a lyre or bow, the god also governs healing and prophecy. You can rely on his boons to inflict Daze, causing enemies to miss some attacks. And a gift of Nectar will get you the Purest Hope keepsake in return.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Arachne in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Arachne’s dresses offer bonuses like armor and health restoration after chambers. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Arachne is a new addition to Hades 2, a master weaver turned into a spider by Athena for her vanity (the spider’s vanity, in case Athena is reading this). She’s one of the vendors in the game and creates stunning dresses for Melinoë that act as temporary buffs. These items all look different on your character, letting you customize her appearance. Remember to clear the cobwebs near her lair for some surprises, be it monsters or coins. Get the Silken Sash by gifting Nectar to Arachne.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Artemis in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Artemis’ blessings skyrocket your critical hit chance. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo, Artemis returns in Hades 2 and shares a sister-like relationship with Melinoë. She is also associated with childbirth since she helped her mother Leto give birth to Apollo right after she was born. Artemis is the daughter of Zeus, anchoring her to the main story of Hades 2. She’ll help you on your runs with her lethal arrows and her boons focus on critical damage buffs. Gift her some Nectar to receive the White Antler.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from the narrator about Cerberus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Cerberus is a mean boss this time around and will show no mercy. Image captured by VideoGamer.


While the three-headed hound of hell used to chill out at the house of Hades in the previous game, they take on a bigger role in the sequel. Corrupted by Chronos with a coat of torment, they become an Infernal Beast, one of the bosses in Hades 2. Beating Cerberus restores them to their former self but only temporarily. Expect the full release of Hades 2 to have a satisfying ending where you don’t have to fight this good boy.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Charon in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Charon’s items might not be cheap but you can’t say no to more boons. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The ferryman of the dead, Charon grants safe passage into the underworld for mortals who pay up. That’s why the Greeks often placed a coin in the mouth of the dead to ensure that they weren’t left penniless when they needed it the most. This theme plays into his role as a vendor in Hades 2, offering everything from health buffs to boons. Gift him Nectar to get the Gold Purse.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Chaos in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Chaos boons pack a bite but don’t let them knock you out first. Image captured by VideoGamer.


This enigmatic deity has a new appearance in Hades 2, appearing to hold the head of their former iteration from the previous game. They serve the same purpose this time, demanding a blood sacrifice for game-altering boons that take effect after a temporary debuff you need to withstand for a couple of encounters. They’re one of the oldest beings in Greek mythology and probably see the entire plot of Hades 2 as a mere trifle in the working of things. A Nectar donation will grant you the Transcendent Embryo.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Chronos in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Big bad Chronos is a menace with his time-stopping attacks. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The Titan of time, Chronos devoured all his children in fear of a prophecy that foresaw him being overthrown. By switching Zeus with a rock, his mother Rhea managed to protect him. Zeus then saved his siblings and they proceeded to chop their father to bits. Yeah, Greek myth is deranged like that. 

Some sources suggest that Chronos was imprisoned and later released, becoming the ruler of the Elysian Islands. It’s basically the Greek version of heaven where people who made a positive difference in the world go when they die. As the father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, and Hestia, this Titan is naturally unhappy with the current world order and shakes things up in Hades 2. In Early Access, he is the final boss with some nasty time-stopping tricks. Try pausing the game mid-battle if you want to test his patience.


Famed for turning men into sheep, Circe makes a short appearance in Hades 2. You can find her on the surface, where she serves as a vendor with gifts that let you grow to deal more damage or shrink to be more mobile. As an old flame of Odysseus, expect some interesting dialogue when you mention her to him. Gift her Nectar to get the Crystal Figurine.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Demeter in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Demeter might seem harsh but is generous with her freezing boons. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The goddess of seasons, Demeter focuses on her winter aspect in Hades 2 and is Melinoë’s grandmother. As the mother of Persephone, the goddess of Spring, she wasn’t too happy about her daughter’s union with Hades. But they’ve clearly set aside their differences to face a greater threat – Chronos. Her boons let you freeze enemies in place and dish out some punishment. An offering of Nectar will net you the Barley Sheaf.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Dora in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Dora cheers you up after every failed attempt at Chronos. Image captured by VideoGamer.


This adorable listless shade is your roommate at the Crossroads. She alternates between a spooky voice and her cute self during conversations, distracting you from the fact that you just died during a run. We believe this might be Pandora, responsible for accidentally releasing all the evils in the world by opening Pandora’s box. You can gift her some Nectar to gain the Ghost Onion keepsake.

Hades 2 characters: A mountain nymph named Echo in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Echo is a tragic figure but still offers up helpful buffs against foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.


As one of the lesser-known characters in Greek myth, Echo is a mountain nymph who was cursed to repeat what she hears. To manage a semblance of speech, she selects words from sentences said aloud to frame her own. It warmed my heart when Melinoë uttered her own name just so that Echo could speak to her. She’s a vendor at the Fields of Mourning who will grant you buffs you had received recently or on a previous run. Gifting her Nectar bestows you with the Concave Stone.

Hades 2 character: A dialogue from Eris in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Eris ise a constant annoyance and eventually becomes a boss to fight. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Strife incarnate, Eris is a thorn in your side throughout Hades 2. We still don’t know if this is because of her nature or if Chronos has swayed her to join his side. She’ll give you a debuff at specific points on your runs, making them harder with time. Eris is also the final boss on the surface, dishing out some serious damage with Exagryph, the Adamant Rail, a weapon that’s practically an assault rifle. While this weapon was available in the original game, it currently isn’t an option in Hades 2. She’ll show up at the Crossroads sometimes so you can gift her Nectar for the Discordant Bell.

Hades 2 characters: A player stands next to Frinos in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Your pet frog can block projectiles and save your life in boss encounters. Image captured by VideoGamer.


With a name that means “toad” in Greek, Frinos is one of the pet familiars you can bring into combat in Hades 2. They’re a source of comfort, especially when you fail a run and return to the Crossroads. In addition to a health buff, Frinos blocks projectiles in combat, which is handy against bosses who spam projectiles like Scylla and the Sirens.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue with Hecate from the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hecate serves both as your mentor and the game’s first boss. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The witch of the Crossroads, Titaness Hecate focuses on magic and witchcraft. She trains Melinoë in her quest for vengeance and is the first boss you’ll encounter before leaving Erebus. Beating Hecate early on will involve plenty of dodging. Hecate also plays a crucial role in helping Demeter look for Persephone after the latter was abducted by Hades in the myths. Hecate guides her with flaming torches so it’s appropriate that you can fight against them and even wield these weapons in combat. You’ll also be using her cauldron at the Crossroads to craft incantations for powerful buffs. Gift her a bit of Nectar to receive the Silver Wheel.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Hephaestus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hephaestus’ boons are boss destroyers thanks to their high damage. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The god of the Forge, Hephaestus is skilled at enhancing your weapons with his excellent metalwork. Dropped from the heavens by Hera after giving birth to him by herself (that’s Greek myth for you), his resentment shows when he offers Duo boons with her. He was betrothed to Aphrodite but ended up catching her affair with Ares, a story for another day. Hephaestus’ boons focus on boosting your Attacks and Specials with a hammer slam that can deal Vent damage, perfect against bosses. A gift of Nectar will grant you the Adamant Shard.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Hera in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hera’s Hitch status effect lets you knock out multiple foes at once. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Queen of the Olympians, Hera helps you out on the surface with her boons. As the goddess of vows and marriage, she sits alongside her husband Zeus in the Greek pantheon. While he might not have always been faithful, Hera has certainly kept up her end of the marriage. Her peacock feather imagery ties into how the bird is sacred to Hera. Her boons grant the Hitch effect, letting you connect enemies and deal damage to all of them at once. Gifting her Nectar will provide you with the Iridescent Fan.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Heracles in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
It’ll take a while to earn the trust of Heracles. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Heracles is a son of Zeus who you’ll run into on your journey to Olympus. Born from one of Zeus’ illicit affairs, Hera cursed him to fly into a rage and kill his entire family. To absolve himself of this terrible crime, he performs Twelve Labors in penance, ranging from cleaning the Augean stables in a day to slaying the Nemean Lion. It’s the latter he dons as a cape in the image above. While he doesn’t approve of you at first, giving him some Nectar will reward you with the Lion Fang.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Hermes in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hermes’ buffs enhance basic traits like your sprint and attack speed. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The god of messengers, Hermes takes a while to appear in Hades 2. After scouting the surface, he returns to report that Chronos’ forces are attacking Olympus. That little tortoise in his bag is Lyra, who was once turned into the world’s first lyre by Hermes as a baby (least weird story on this list). His boons offer a variety of effects, from bonus attack speed to enhancing other attributes. Gift him Nectar for the Metallic Droplet.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Hestia in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hestia’s boons deliver the Scorch effect to burn foes. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and is the caretaker of Elpis, hope in Greek myth. With plenty of fire puns, she’s among the oldest gods in Greek myth and is Melinoë’s aunt. Her boons grant the Scorch condition that damages enemies over time. Gift the jolly goddess some Nectar for the Everlasting Ember in turn.

Hades 2 character: A dialogue from Hypnos in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Hypnos is asleep but you might learn how to wake him up. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Sleep incarnate, Hypnos is the twin brother of Thanatos, the god of Death. Hypnos falls into a deep sleep at the end of the first game. He himself has put Zeus himself to sleep at Hera’s command so maybe he had it coming. With no means to wake him up yet, expect to learn more about this god once Hades 2 is complete.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Icarus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Icarus’ gifts enhance your build before confronting Eris. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Known for flying too close to the sun and burning his metal wings off, Icarus is the son of craftsman Daedalus. While the latter doesn’t appear in Hades or its sequel, his hammers can be used to enhance your weaponry. You’ll run into Icarus on the surface and he’s a vendor who will give you some buffs in your fight against Eris. There’s more to his story but we’ll leave it to Hades 2 to show you once its story is complete. Get the Experimental Hammer by giving Icarus some Nectar.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Medea in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Medea’s items boost your Magick in combat. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The witch of shadows, Medea is another sorceress in Greek myth. Put into a spell, she falls in love with the mortal Jason and helps him steal the Golden Fleece from her father. Medea then helps him escape on the Argo ship. The story gets pretty deranged from there so I’ll let you hunt for it. She’s a vendor in Hades 2 who will enhance your Magick capabilities. Gain the Blackened Fleece from Medea after offering her some Nectar.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Moros in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Moros doesn’t do much but can be befriended with Nectar. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Moros, or Doom incarnate, shows up after you die a bunch of times, leaning into his demise aesthetic. He’s a son of Nyx, Zagreus’ adopted mother of sorts from the previous game. While his arrival doesn’t drastically change Hades 2 just yet, expect to learn more about his role as more content updates arrive. Gift him some Nectar to get the Engraved Pin.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Narcissus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Narcissus’ second-hand gifts are pretty helpful. Image captured by VideoGamer.


As someone cursed by Nemesis to fall in love with his reflection, it’s hilarious that Narcissus currently has placeholder art. As a mortal, he didn’t treat his admirers well, leading to the goddess of retribution cursing him. He died because he couldn’t look away from himself. His spirit is a vendor in Hades 2, giving you second-hand gifts that range from Poms of Power to flowers and consumables. Gift the lad some Nectar to receive the Aromatic Phial.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Nemesis in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Nemesis will catch you by surprise and try to slow your runs down. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The goddess of revenge, Nemesis plays the role of a bitter rival in Hades 2. She’ll hijack your runs and challenge you to defeat more enemies in a chamber or risk losing some Gold. Nemesis also has an annoying habit of picking a chamber reward for herself or buying an item at Charon’s shop, reducing your choices. While she doesn’t directly influence the game’s story yet, expect her to play a bigger role as more content updates arrive. As a child of Nyx, Chronos’ war is pretty personal for her as well. Gift Nemesis some Nectar for the Evil Eye keepsake.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Odysseus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Odysseus offers advice against bosses in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.


I’ll need a bunch of articles to cover Odysseus’ story. And yes, that’s where the word odyssey comes from. The Greek hero has met all kinds of kings and gods in the Illiad, making him worthy of a game himself. By failing to provide offerings to Poseidon before returning home after the Battle of Troy, Odysseus turned a short journey into an agonizing 20-year tale with waves of misfortune. He’s a cheery lad in the game though so expect his story to arrive in due course of time. Gifting him Nectar grants you the Knuckle Bones item.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Polyphemus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Polyphemus relies on his keen sense of smell during his boss fight. Image captured by VideoGamer.


A sightless Cyclops, you’ll run into Polyphemus in the city of Ephyra. He lost his eye to Odysseus and lives alongside a herd of sheep. Don’t let him get too close to his sheep as he might accidentally eat them, thinking he grabbed Melinoë. His AoE attacks and slow movement might not seem like a threat at first but he can quickly end your first run on the surface. He’s one of the tougher bosses in Hades 2. Unlike most Hades 2 characters, he will doze off after being defeated.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Poseidon in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Poseidon’s boons will let you knock foes away. Image captured by VideoGamer.


God of the sea, Poseidon is another brother of Hades and got his domain when Chronos’ world was split between him, Zeus, and Hades. With Chronos back to take it all, it makes sense that the Earthshaker god is on your team. His boons let you push enemies back with wave attacks or restore Magick with the helpful bubbles that drop from foes. Give your uncle some Nectar and you’ll get the Vivid Sea.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Schelemeus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Schelemeus is both a training master and a training dummy for your attacks. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Also known as Skelly, Schelemeus is your training master in Hades 2. While we don’t know much about their origins, fans had earlier thought he was Odysseus in disguise. But now that Odysseus himself is a character in the game, the idea has been debunked. You can spar with him to understand your weapon attacks better, from damage values to how far they can reach. Gift him Nectar for the Luckier Tooth, a solid keepsake that is effectively an extra Death Defiance that lets you evade death for a little longer.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Scylla in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Scylla is a mean vocalist whose boss fight includes two other artists. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Scylla sits at the bottom of the Oceanus region and was cursed by a witch to have long octopus-like tentacles. Odysseus runs into her on his journey and loses some of his men to her hunger. She teams up with the Sirens to form a performing band and serves as the second major boss in Hades 2. For more on how Hades 2’s new combat systems help you tackle bosses head-on, check out our Hades 2 review.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Selene in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Selene’s boons are how the game hands you ultimate abilities. Image captured by VideoGamer.


The goddess of the moon, Selene appears on a white winged horse and guides Melinoë on her journey. Her boons work a little differently, granting you Hexes which are ultimate abilities in Hades 2. Getting another boon of Selene grants you access to the Path of Stars, a skill tree that makes these abilities even more powerful. Gift her some Nectar to receive the Moon Beam.

Hades 2 characters: A dialogue from Zeus in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Zeus’ Blitz strikes can call in more lightning damage. Image captured by VideoGamer.


Last on the list, Zeus is the king of the Olympians and the god of the skies. While some myths suggest that he is Melinoë’s father, Hades 2 does not make this claim. Zeus is also the father of Artemis, Apollo, Persephone, Hercules, and a bunch of important people in Greek myth. You can tell why Hera’s always in a bad mood. His boons let you shock foes for bonus damage and inflict the Blitz condition, calling in more damage via lightning strikes. Gain his favor with Nectar and you will get the Cloud Bangle keepsake.