Best CS2 crosshair codes and how to import

Best CS2 crosshair codes and how to import
Amaar Chowdhury Updated on by

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If you’re looking for the best CS2 crosshair codes, we’ve gathered the best of the best used by pros.

After having a look through our CS2 tips, you probably realised the absolute importance of shooting in Counter Strike 2. Not only is it important to have really good aim and reflexes, but you’re going to want to have refined and calibrated your set-up to make your aim as sharp and efficient as possible. You can do that by using one of the best crosshair codes in Counter Strike 2, used by professional eSports players across the globe.

Combining a carefully calibrated crosshair with other in-game features such as CS2’s jump throw bind is going to give you a real edge when you’re heading into ranked matches, alongside understanding whether CS2 has 128 tick servers.

Best CS2 crosshair codes in 2023

We’ve had a look at what codes the pros are playing with. From players like s1mple to NiKo, there’s a wide range of crosshairs being used. While you might think there’s not really much difference between the crosshairs that are on-show, you’d be surprised as to how they actually affect your game.

Alongside that, there’s key differences to how the crosshairs affect your shooting. For example, some will heavily suit AWPers, and others are going to be the preferred choice to rifles. Either way, we’re going to dive into each one.


Pictures above is s1mple’s crosshair, which is a pretty standard crosshair. Personally, whatever you go with will work just fine.

Do CS:GO crosshair codes work in CS2?

Luckily, any crosshair codes you’ve been using in CS:GO will work all the same in CS2. This means you can import them over from your old game with ease.

Alongside that, install crosshair codes in CS2 couldn’t be easier. Here’s how to do it.

How to import crosshair codes in CS2

An image of me testing out different crosshair codes in CS2

This is how you’re going to import crosshair codes in CS2:

  • Open Counter Strike 2
  • Press the Escape key
  • Open up Settings
  • Click Game
  • You will see an option for Crosshair on the left
  • Click the Share or Import button
  • Paste your crosshair code

Installing CS2 crosshairs couldn’t be easier. Making sure you’re set up on the right crosshair settings isn’t going to matter if you don’t have the best graphics settings set up for Counter Strike 2, so have a look at our thoughts on that too. We’ve also had a deep dive into the CS2 maps so you can best prepare before you dive into competitive.