Call of Duty Black Ops 6 perks list and how to unlock them

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Mastering the Black Ops 6 perks that are available is key when it comes to building the strongest loadouts for multiplayer action. Whether you prefer an aggressive style of play or want to pick off the opposition from afar, there’s a combination of perks that will suit your skills perfectly. Here are all of the perks you can choose from in multiplayer, their effect, and how to unlock each one. We’ll also cover Combat Specialties and Wildcards, which allow you to further personalise your loadout to your liking.

Black Ops 6 perks list

There are three categories of perks in Black Ops 6 – Enforcer, Recon, and Strategist. On the surface, this doesn’t mean all that much but comes into play when you consider Combat Specialty, which will be covered below. In the following table, you’ll find all of the available perks, the benefits they provide, and how to unlock them as quickly as possible:

PerkPerk SlotPerk TypeDescriptionUnlock Level
Assassin1EnforcerEnemies on a killstreak appear on the minimap with a unique marker and drop Bounty Packs upon death. Picking up the packs grants extra score.Level 5
Engineer2ReconSpot enemy Scorestreaks and equipment through walls and ping enemy Scorestreak icons on the minimap.Instant
Quartermaster3StrategistGrants the ability to recharge equipment over time.Instant
Gung-Ho2EnforcerSmaller movement penalties while reloading weapons and using equipment. Grants the ability to reload while Tac Sprinting.Instant
Vigilance3ReconDisplays an icon on the HUD when you appear on an enemy minimap. Grants immunity to Counter UAVs, Scrambler, and the Sleeper Agent.Level 6
Flak Jacket1StrategistIncreased resistance to incoming explosives and fire damage.Level 8
Dispatcher2StrategistLower cost for non-lethal Scorestreaks such as UAVs. Effects stack with the Bankroll perk.Level 11
Double Time3EnforcerIncreases the length of Tac Sprint.Level 14
Ghost1ReconUndetectable by enemy radar pings and UAVs while moving around the map, planting and defusing the bomb, and controlling Scorestreaks. Also undetectable by the Prox Alarm.Level 17
Dexterity2EnforcerLower weapon motion when moving, sliding, and diving. Provides a reduction in fall damage.Level 20
Bankroll3EnforcerBegin each spawn with an extra 150 score towards Scorestreaks.Level 23
Bruiser1EnforcerPerforming melee kills and finishing moves regenerates health and earns extra score.Level 53
Tracker2ReconSpot enemy footsteps on the ground. Aiming down sight automatically pings enemies.Level 29
Guardian3StrategistFaster health regeneration while capturing and controlling objectives. Increases teammate revive speed.Level 32
Scavenger1EnforcerReplenish ammunition and equipment from fallen enemies.Level 26
Fast Hands2StrategistIncreases weapon swap speed and extends focus time while throwing back enemy grenades.Level 38
Tac Mask1StrategistResistance to enemy flash and stun grenades. Immune to enemy Neuro Gas that’s emitted.Level 44
Forward Intel2ReconEnlarges the minimap area and shows the direction of revealed enemies on the minimap.Level 47
Gearhead3StrategistGrants two Field Upgrade charges and increases Field Upgrade recharge rate. Allows you to hack enemy equipment and Field upgrades along with booby trapping Care Packages.Level 50
Ninja1ReconReduces movement noise.Level 35
Cold-Blooded3ReconUndetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Player-controlled Scorestreaks don’t highlight you.Level 41
Shrapnel Radar3ReconBlast damage dealt from area-of-effect Lethals, Tacticals and Field Upgrades mark the injured target on your minimap.Merry Mayhem Evnt

In total, there are 21 Black Ops 6 perks that tally up to 7 per perk slot, which is great if you plan on testing different combinations to see which works the best with specific weapons. There are only three that are immediately available when you unlock Create-a-Class, with the rest needing a specific level requirement to unlock.

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Image of Black Ops 6 multiplayer perk icons next to a satchel with a blue stripe down the middle.
Perks have huge benefits in Black Ops 6. Image via Treyarch, edited by VideoGamer

Black Ops 6 Perk Combat Specialty explained

New for Black Ops 6 is Perk Specialty, additional rewards you can add to a loadout by selecting a specific combination of perks. All of the perks are split into three categories – Enforcer, Recon, and Strategist – and filling up your perk slots with three from the same category (green, red, or blue) activates an extra bonus on the battlefield. Here’s a closer look at the bonuses on offer:

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Combat SpecialtyEffect
EnforcerScoring kills temporarily buffs movement speed and the rate of health regeneration.
ReconSpot enemies through walls for a short time after respawning. A HUD indicator flashes when enemies outside of your view have clocked your location. Leave no death skulls after eliminating opponents.
StrategistGrants a score bonus for capturing objectives and destroying enemy utility through walls from a short distance. Increases the deploy speed of Field Upgrades and equipment.

The addition of Perk Specialty in Black Ops 6 attempts to move you away from picking the strongest trio in favour of picking those that suit your playstyle best. There are plenty of combinations to choose from, so pick what compliments you the most. For example, picking Bruiser, Dexterity, and Double Time grants the Enforcer bonus, which is bound to come in handy when employing a run-and-gun style of play on smaller maps.

Black Ops 6 Wildcards

You can further tweak your loadouts via Wildcards. These are unique modifiers that grant extra buffs and abilities like an extra lethal, additional attachment points, and even a fourth perk slot. Here’s a breakdown of all the Wildcards in Black Ops 6 and the player level required to unlock them all:

WildcardDescriptionUnlock Level
Tactical ExpertSpawn with two extra Tacticals.Level 15
OverkillEquip any non-melee weapon in Primary and Secondary slots.Level 24
GunfighterGet three extra attachment points for your Primary weapon.Level 33
Danger CloseSpawn with an extra lethal.Level 38
PrepperEquip two different Field Upgrades.Level 45
Perk GreedEquip an extra Perk.Level 54
High RollerEquip a fourth Scorestreak.Mid-season 1 unlock

After learning everything about Perks, make sure to also read up on the best weapons in Black Ops 6 or go through the campaign mission list.

About the Author

Jon Nicholson

Jon is a Freelance Writer for VideoGamer. When he's not obsessing over Call of Duty and Warzone, you can find him on the virtual racetrack sim racing.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre(s): Shooter