Out of Context Football Manager answers your most burning FM questions

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Football Manager is bigger than ever, despite the huge delay of Football Manager 25 into next year. Nevertheless, as someone who’s run a Football Manager page for the last couple of years, I get asked questions all the time about the series.

After detailing lists of best strikers, midfielders or even staff members, I thought it was worth doing a Q&A where I can answer a few of your most pressing questions. Sure, this probably won’t even answer 50% of your burning queries, but if you think of a question off the back of this then we can turn this into a series and answer even more of your questions.

Q – “How long have you been playing Football Manager and which game is your favourite?”

A – I’ve been playing Football Manager since 2007, so I’m not as hardcore as some of you are. I was a bit too young to ever enjoy the older Championship Manager, but still old enough that I remember when there used to be lines you drew when coming up with tactics!

My favourite Football Manager is probably Football Manager 2017 or Football Manager 2018, just because this corresponds with my university days. This is when I played the game the most, because I had way more free time than I had nowadays. Even when I was supposed to be busy, like during lectures, I was playing Football Manager. Good times.

Q – “Is it just my save, or are world class regen wingbacks rare to find?!

A – Trust me, it is NOT just your save. Regen wingbacks that are well rounded are as rare as unicorns. It seems there’s usually one good regen wingback in the whole save, and the rest are elite no-nonsense full backs with 7 crossing, 18 tackling and 12 acceleration. The sort of player that Mikel Arteta would love these days.

Q – “What kind of PC should I buy to play FM comfortably without it getting heated?”

A – This is probably the question I get asked the most, and probably the question I’m least qualified to answer, as I am not a computer expert. I’ve used a MAC for the last five/ten years and it’s run Football Manager pretty well. But if I was buying a new computer, and wanted to get something that loaded Football Manager smoothly, this is what I’d do.

I’d search the system requirements for the latest game and then compare them to the specifications of the computer you’re looking at. If it meets all the requirements, but only just, then it’ll probably load Football Manager but not be comfortable with loads of leagues. If it comfortably clears all the requirements, then it should be capable of comfortably running FM. Also, in recent editions, the laptops have definitely become less heated because of Football Manager.

Q – Why can’t you search for loans where they will let them go for 0% wages

A – I agree, that would be super useful, but I guess it wouldn’t be as realistic? There are things you can do to lower the wages. One is, wait until deadline day to put in the bid as by that point the AI is desperate to get rid so will take lower wages.

Q – When do you consider a save to be complete?

A – If it’s a challenge save then whenever you’ve completed the challenge. Otherwise I think that a good barometer should just be when you’ve got bored of the save and you don’t feel that desire to keep coming back and play it.

At the end of the day, this is a game for your entertainment and it should never feel like a chore to come and play it. I’ve definitely got a personal tendency to get bored of saves easy and chase the next big save, so I’ve made sure I only do saves that I’m super interested in and don’t go overboard promising to do things that will be very hard to achieve.

Q – Do tactics matter when you’ve got the best players in the game?

A – it depends what you want to achieve. If you’ve got the best players in the game, you’re obviously not going to do that badly ever, but tactics can be the difference between an incredible season and a season where you just win one trophy. Basically, if you’ve got the best players in the game, but terrible tactics, you’ll probably be able to do an Erik Ten Hag and win an FA Cup, rather than winning a treble.

Q – Do you delegate post-match, half-time and full-time team talks? Also what match shouts do you use in what scenario?

A – No I do every single team talk. The only thing I delegate every time is the press-conferences. With match shouts I pretty much always go for encourage as that seems to be the one that improves their morale most times. I’ll use the others in specific scenarios where it seems appropriate, but they never seem to work how you want. I also don’t think that match shouts have much of an impact so I wouldn’t stress them too much.

About the Author

William Reid

William is the admin of Out of Context Football Manager, an X account that focuses on FM news. He's worked for LADbible Group and is VG's resident FM expert.

Football Manager 2024

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Management, Soccer, Sports
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