Dave Cox: When Kojima visits we sh*t ourselves

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Dave Cox, producer on upcoming Castlevania reboot, Lords of Shadow, is a big cheese in his own right, but even he feels the pressure when Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima comes to town.

Speaking to VideoGamer.com at gamescom last month, Cox revealed exactly what role Kojima has in the development of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

“He’s basically overall in charge of the project,” said Cox. “I report to him. He’s not involved in the day to day development of the game. That’s my role. I’m working with MercurySteam very closely. I’m in Spain pretty much all of the time these days. But he’s lending support, advice, not just technical advice, but advice on story elements – maybe you want to try doing this, maybe you want to move it in this direction. At the same time he’s being quite hands off. He’s allowing us the creativity and freedom to do what we want, but he feels that the game needs to be at a certain level, a certain quality.

“Putting the Kojima Productions name to it means we have to achieve that. So he’s helping us, and his team are helping us. Some of his team guys are at MercurySteam working on the project as well. So it’s more like Del Toro comes along every now and then, works with a young Spanish director, he wants to give him a leg up, wants to help him. He might help him with advice, might help him with some of the story direction, but essentially he’s the top guy. I have to send him builds, I have to keep him up to date on what’s going on.”

Cox also revealed that Kojima visits the studio every now and then, and when he’s in town the pressure to impress is immense.

“… we’re s***ting ourselves! You got to make sure that the quality of what you deliver is very very high. You’re constantly saying to yourself, is that really good enough? Is that really going to be good enough?” explained Cox. “It’s funny, because sometimes you think, no, he’s not going to like that and he loves it, and then other times you think, check this out, it’s amazing, and he’ll go, hmm don’t know. It’s s***. So it’s swings and roundabouts.”

For more from Dave Cox check out the interview in full.

Casltevania: Lords of Shadow is currently in development for Xbox 360 and PS3 and is scheduled for release in 2010.

About the Author

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

  • Release Date: October 5, 2010
    • - 27 August 2013 (PC)
    • - 07 October 2010 (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One
  • Genre(s): Action, Adventure
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