Bethesda says Fallout 76 ‘wasn’t doable’ on Switch

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During a PAX Australia panel (via Gamespot) Bethesda mouthpiece Pete Hines explained that bringing Fallout 76 to the Nintendo Switch 'wasn't doable.'

'The Switch is something I can say with certainty that… it's a part of every conversation with every dev we have now about what we're doing going forward, because we consider it to be a viable platform,' said the Bethesda bigwig. 'If the game will work on it, we want it to be on every platform possible. Fallout 76 is not because it just wasn't doable.'

Hines didn't clarify exactly what he meant when he said it 'wasn't doable', so we'd only be speculating if we said it was something to do with the graphical power of the system or the fact Fallout 76 is always online… but maybe it was something to do with graphical power or the always online thing. Who knows?

Hines did big up Nintendo's handheld hybrid, though, saying that 'there is no game in development that we haven't had a conversation about [bringing to Switch]. "Does this work on the Switch, do you have a plan for the Switch?" It's not a mandate. Everything we do has to be developer-led, but it's something we want to make sure is on folks' radar.'

He said he likes that Bethesda is seen as a leader when it comes to supporting the console, and that it makes sense. The Switch is doing alright in terms of units sold. 'You go where the money is because that's how you stay in business. What we have seen compels us to say, "[Switch] is a viable platform for the kind of things we do going forward."'

A new live-action trailer for the game aired during an American football game at the weekend that you can watch here. I have no idea who played, but I do know that American sports teams have very silly names. Let's say it was the North Carolina Electric Kettles vs the South Dakota Portable Hard Drives. And let's not say I just looked around the office and typed in the first things I saw.

Fallout 76 is scheduled to launch on November 14 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

About the Author

Fallout 76

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • Genre(s): Action, Adventure, RPG
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