Tom Clancy’s The Division Guide: All Medical Skills and Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division

Tom Clancy’s The Division Guide: All Medical Skills and Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division
Alice Bell Updated on by

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Tom Clancy’s The Division Guide: All Medical Skills and Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division

Every skill from the Medical ability tree in Tom Clancy’s The Division, what they do, and how they can be modified.

Skills are the abilities that you’ll probably end up paying most attention to, especially at the start, and they can be the most critical in battle because you have to actively trigger them yourself. You can only equip two skills (plus one signature skill later on in the game) and once you’ve used a skill there’s a cool down period before you can use it again, so you have to be quite tactical with them.

In The Division you’ve got to be the best gosh darn agent you can be, otherwise you might not be able to save New York, and how can you do that if you can’t save yourselves? Enter the complete guide to every Medical Skill in the Division, what they do, and the modifications you can add to them. Which is this, that you are reading. This is the guide.

What are Medical Skills in Tom Clancy’s The Division

After opening up your Base of Operations in the game you can start to upgrade it, and upgrading the medical wing will give you access to medical skills which, as the name suggests, mostly heal yourself and your squad to various degrees, but also include the Pulse, which is a kind of manually activated sonar to scan for enemies. Each of the skills, excluding the signature skill, has four modifications you can switch between.


Pulse is one of the most useful medical skills (although we’re not entirely sure how/why it comes under the banner of medicine, but hey ho). With pulse you can ping your scanner to reveal the location of any nearby enemies (even through walls). It’s good for avoiding ambushes and pinpointing pesky outliers.

First Aid

A slightly-more-than-standard medkit, if you deploy a first aid it heals you and any allies that are within the area of effect (which is marked out by a little green glowing circle). You can drop it right at your feet, but you can also chuck it so it lands by a squad mate who has taken a bit of damage.

Support Station

The support station is probably the next step up from first aid. Not only does it heal allies, but if any of them have gone down you can use it to revive them as well. Not too shabby.

Recovery Link

The medical signature skill is the big daddy of healing skills. The recovery link heals and revives all allies within range, cures them of any status effects, and can overheal you past your maximum health as well.

Medical Skill Modifications in Tom Clancy’s the Division

Pulse Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division

Recon Pack

This increases the ranger of your scanner, and will flag up loot containers as well as enemies.


This scrambles enemy comms, so that you can’t be pinged on someone else’s pulse scanner. This is particularly useful against other players in the PvP Dark Zone.

Tactical Scanner

Once any hostile targets have been located by your scanner you’ll get a buff to your damage when attacking them. Because, like, you really know what you’re aiming at.

Threat Detector

The threat detector is the pulse master mod. It will let you know if you’ve been scanned by an enemy pulse, and will give you an early warning if any enemies are in proximity. A good heads up in advance system.

First Aid Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division


With the defibrillator equipped you can use the first aid kid to revive a downed ally. They’ll come back up swinging with some of their normal health already restored.


Overdose increases the healing power of first aid so it can overheal you past your normal max HP, which would be a physical impossibility, except this is a video game and as such can make dreams reality.

Booster Shot

The booster shot heals you and your team, but it also increases your damage for a short time, so you’re backing on your feet and using them to kick ass more efficiently.

Extended Service

It’s that classic problem. You’re in the middle of a firefight and you’re going down. Luckily your ally throws out a high tech area of effect healing device, but you don’t make it over there before it runs out! Your squad mate should have invested in extended service, the master mod that increases the duration of your first aid skill.

Support Station Modifications in Tom Clancy’s The Division

Life Support

Any players that have gone down in and around the general area of the support station will be revived, which saves you some frantic multitasking.


The, as well as healing you, the support station will get rid of any negative buffs you and anyone on your team has received.

Ammo Cache

This one can be incredibly useful if you play it at the right time. with this mod applied the support station will speed up the cool down period on the skills your team has, as well as recovering some of your ammo. I don’t need to tell you how crucial that can be in the middle of a fight.


If the support station is removed or destroyed then you and your allies will get an extra big burst of healing to buff you for the fight. This is the master mod, so you need to have built all upgrades in the medical wing.