Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest guide

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If you’ve been helping out the Crimson Dawn, once Waka gets your ship all fixed up, Eleera comes to you with a proposition that pays big but comes with some risks too. You’re tasked with infiltrating an imperial base to delete the Pyke Syndicate’s debts, framing Gorak in the process.

After playing through the quest ourselves, we’ve put together a step by step walkthrough to help you make your way through the entire base without setting off any alarms. So if you’re ready to sneak around and set Gorak up, let’s get into it.

False Flag walkthrough

Head to the cockpit of the Trailblazer and take off for the first time. You’ll have to collect a shipment of sansana from a wrecked ship nearby – this section is effectively your introduction to flying and space combat. Fly over to the sansana shipment and blast it free. A few ships will appear and attack you, so take these out and then collect the shipment. Sansana collected, fly over to the imperial space station and dock there.

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay and Nix sneaking alongside a cargo trolley in a hangar.
Walk along the right side of the trolley to avoid detection. Image captured by VideoGamer

Find Waka in the cargo bay. He’ll say he’s going to keep the imperials busy while you sneak around. Open the cargo lift behind you and head into the hangar. Crouch down behind the cargo and sneak west, taking out the worker in grey overalls. Head through the small path northwest of you and follow it round until you find a trolley. Activate it with the panel on the back to start it moving, and then crouch walk on its right-hand side to proceed without detection.

Open the vent on the eastern wall and follow it through. In the next room, stand on the square platform and wait for it to lift you up. Follow the corridor and once you go through the next door, crouch and hide behind the boxes to your right while two guards walk past. Once they’re far enough away, whistle to draw the stormtrooper towards you and sneak attack him before entering the room to the left.

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay sneak attacking a guard in a control room.
You can sneak attack the central guard without alerting the other one. Image captured by VideoGamer

Sneak attack the guard in the centre of the room and then do the same to the other guard. Interact with the computer by the window to open the door to your left. Head through and climb up the ladder, at which point Wako will suggest betraying Crimson Dawn by framing them instead, before telling Gorak everything to get on his good side – more on that later. Unlock the door at the top of the ladder with your data spike and head inside.

There will be two stormtroopers here. Wait for one to stand looking in the other direction and then sneak attack the one nearby, before doing the same to the second. At the end of the corridor is a camera. Wait for the camera to look away from the door and then quickly run through it. Climb down the ladder and make your way through the vent in the corner of the room to find yourself on the edge of a conveyor belt of sorts.

Wait for a gap in the containers and drop down. When they start moving, follow the path until you find a small platform with an energy barrier. Use your data spike to open it up, follow the vent and climb up the ladder. 

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay crouching in a gassy area behind some cargo while a stormtrooper investigates.
Whistle from this position to lure the first guard over. Image captured by VideoGamer

Drop down into some gas in the next area and hide behind the cargo. While in the gas, you can’t be seen by enemies, so use a combination of gas, cargo and Nix to distract them and take them out stealthily (or blast ‘em, that works too). Lockpick the door on the left and sneak attack the two enemies in this room before climbing up the ladder at the other end.

Send Nix through to hit the switch to the right of the console to power off the energy barrier, then sneak attack the guard. Interact with the computer to begin slicing, turning off the cameras and the energy barrier before heading back to the large room you came from. Make your way to the end of the corridor and head through the door. If you failed the slice to turn off the camera, you can use your ion blaster from the last quest to disable it. Follow the path until you reach a large hangar.

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay in a hangar preparing to send Nix to activate a switch.
Use Nix to activate this switch to move the Tie Fighter. Image captured by VideoGamer

There are a couple of ways you can go through this next section, but we’ll take you through how we did it. Head to the end of the path and send Nix to the other side to press a button. This will move the tie fighter above you, letting you swing to the other side. Avoid the floating droid’s detection and head to the other side of this platform. Jump on the little ledge beside the energy barrier and then again onto the opposite platform. Be careful not to hit the barrier as it will send you flying and alert the guards.

Grapple and swing to the yellow grates on the far wall and climb to the right until you can jump down on the next platform. There’s a stormtrooper on the platform ahead, so stun him from afar and then grapple over. Dataspike the door to head into the data vault and access the computer, at which point you’ll meet a pretty interesting character.

Freeing Bosnok

The charmer that he is, Bosnok immediately threatens to sound the alarm if you don’t agree to free him, but he’ll also delete the data for you which is nice of him. You now have to choose whether go ahead and delete the Pyke’s data or betray the Crimson Dawn. Whichever option you choose, you’ll gain plenty of reputation with the Syndicate you helped.

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay standing behind a trolley preparing to activate a switch.
Activate Bosnok’s trolley at the back and then crouch walk along the right side. Image captured by VideoGamer

Bosnok wipes the debts and tells you to meet him in his ‘extraction cruiser’ (it’s a trolley). Activate the terminal behind you to bring the trolley up and then head out the door to the left. Sneak attack the nearby guard and drop down to your right. Hide behind the nearby cargo until the three guards’ patrol turns around and you can make a clear run to the terminal. Activate it from the back and start crouch walking with it like you did before.

Once you reach the energy barrier, enter the room on the right and activate the terminal to send the trolley through. Meanwhile, Waka warns you that the imperials are getting suspicious. Follow the trolley in the next room, crouch walking along the left-hand side to avoid detection until you reach another locked door. Enter the room to the right, sneak attack the guard and interact with the terminal, where you’ll accidentally drop Bosnok into the floor – nice one.

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay firing her Blaster at a stormtrooper next to a trolley.
You can kill the regular guard with one headshot before finishing off the stormtroopers. Image captured by VideoGamer

Enter the room behind you and abseil down to a platform below. Climb through the vent ahead and follow it until you see three guards accosting Bosnok. Use your stun to take out one of the stormtroopers and then blast the other two guards. From here, you’ll have to fight your way through a couple of small waves of troops. Make use of railings for cover and shoot the explosive barrels for some good damage. If you can, use your Adrenaline Rush to take out multiple enemies. Once they’re all dead, blast the generator on the other side of the room to open the door for Bosnok. 

Follow the nearby vent into another room where you’ll have to use the computer to bring Bosnok back. He’s not supposed to be there, so you’ll need to tamper with the scanner to fix it. Head into the next room and up the ladder. As soon as you enter the next room, crouch behind the nearby cargo as a group of four stormtroopers will rush past you. Once they’re gone, take out the nearby guard and enter the next room. 

Stun the far stormtrooper and then quickly take out the two weaker guards. Interact with the nearby terminal to slice it. Activate the evacuation protocol and approve the cargo shipment to clear out the hangar and send Bosnok through. Exit the room through the door in the far corner, climb down the ladder and get ready for a fight. 

Star Wars Outlaws False Flag quest: Kay firing her blaster at oncoming stormtroopers in an Imperial hangar.
Make liberal use of the explosive barrels dotted around. Image captured by VideoGamer

When you dataspike the next door that leads into the hangar, you’ll alert the guards. You now have to fight your way to the Trailblazer. Make liberal use of your stun and use Nix to detonate any explosives. Once enemies with shields appear, remember that your ion blaster can temporarily disable them, letting you get some shots in. You’ll have to survive a couple of waves of enemies until Bosnok is loaded onto the ship. Once he is rush up the cargo ramp after him and you’ll prepare to take off.

After taking off, the hangar doors ahead of you begin to close. Boost in your ship, turning it if necessary to fit through the gap and escape. Tie fighters will be scrambled to take you down, so you’ll have to take these out, which can be a little annoying but is not too difficult. Once they’re all down, head over to the nearby relay where Wako will clear you wanted status before making a return to Mirogana.

Head through the city while following your quest marker to either Eleera or Gorak, depending on who you chose to help earlier on. As a reward, you’ll gain a hefty amount of reputation with your chosen Syndicate, as well as a decent 500 credits – quest complete!

About the Author

Alex Raisbeck

Alex is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is an indie gaming obsessive with a soft spot for Zelda, roguelikes, and Football Manager, as well as an unhealthy relationship with his backlog.

Star Wars Outlaws

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action, Action Adventure, Adventure