Persona 5 Tactica – how to beat the Lady Marie boss

Persona 5 Tactica – how to beat the Lady Marie boss
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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Lady Marie is the first meaningful boss you’ll have to face in Persona 5 Tactica and she’ll definitely test your tactical skills. The fight is substantially different to the ones you’ve encountered so far and comes with three distinct phases.

We’ll walk you through how to beat Lady Marie in Persona 5 Tactica. For more help in Atlas’ return to the Persona universe, check out our Persona 5 Tactica tips and tricks beginner’s guide and how to complete Quest 2 in Persona 5 Tactica.

Recommend team composition

To give you the best chance of success, here’s the team composition we recommend:

  • Joker – a locked character so you don’t have a choice here
  • Erina – a locked character again, but her Voltage skill heals all allies at the end of every turn, which you’ll need.
  • Ann – choose Ann for her Agilao skill as the boss is weak to fire damage.

How to defeat Lady Marie

Here’s how to beat Lady Marie, broken down into the three phases of the fight.

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie: Phantom Thieves fighting Lady Marie.
Captured by VideoGamer

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie Phase 1

Direct gun attacks and Persona skills on Lady Marie cause very little damage, only taking a tiny sliver out of her health bar. She’ll deploy exploding bouquets on the battlefield periodically, which if you can lure them into their path cause substantial damage when they blow up.

Lady Marie will use Collar of Matrimony to target one of your Phantom Thieves. From there, you want to move the targeted thief around the arena so that Lady Marie walks into the path of one or more of the bouquets as she tries to close the gap to your character. You’ll know which character is being targeted by the pink heart in a crosshair that appears on them.

While luring her towards the bouquet, you can use Persona skills, especially Ann’s Agilao skill, to whittle down her health. She appears to be weak to fire so use Agilao on any bouquet she’s near for a decent chunk of damage. Once her health bar drops a third, Lady Marie enters phase 2.

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie: Phantom Thieves fighting Lady Marie.
Captured by VideoGamer
✓ Tip

Avoid the yellow tiles

Yellow tiles will periodically appear on the ground. Avoid this at all cost to stay out of the way of Lady Marie.

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie Phase 2

For phase 2, Lady Marie pulls in her Just Married car. Position your thieves away from the central aisle to avoid her Bloodstained Aisle attack. After the first attack, sections of the floor will show a yellow exclamation mark, so move your characters away from these. Between these unleash gun and Persona attacks as best you can.

She’ll once again use Collar of Matrimony to target one of your thieves and lay down several exploding bouquets. Again, you’ll want to lure her into the path of the bouquets. If needed you can find cover behind the purple rocks that spawn around the arena, which will protect you from the car.

Continue avoiding the yellow tiles on the floor and unleash gun and Persona attacks until Lady Marie regenerates all her health.

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie: Phantom Thieves fighting Lady Marie.
Captured by VideoGamer

Persona 5 Tactica Lady Marie Phase 3

For this phase, Lady Marie is immune to gun and Persona attacks. Move clear of the yellow tiles to avoid the Here Comes the Bride and the Bloodstained Aisle attacks.

Before long, a short cut scene will play showing Toshiro up in the rafters. From here, you’ll need to lead Marie under the bell as represented by the blue zone in the centre of the arena. Again avoid the yellow tiles, while carefully manoeuvring all three thieves around the blue zone. Marie needs to stop inside the blue rather than just drive through it, which makes this part a little tricky.

The best way to do this is to wait for her to unleash Collar of Matrimony, then position your targeted thief inside the blue rectangle. She should drive into them and stop, positioning her right under the bell. You do put your thief at risk, but this ends the fight so has no real consequences.