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Wondering how many champions are in League of Legends?
After years of constant updates, champion reveals, and reworks, there are loads of champions in the game. Each offers a distinct playstyle that makes them suitable for specific in-game roles. Here’s how many champions you can pick from.
We’ve also got a count of how many skins are in League of Legends. Check if the game has Mac support too.
How many champions are in League of Legends
There are 166 champions in League of Legends. They hail from various regions and feature unique powers that suit particular roles. Shape-shifters, trees, there’s a lot to pick from. The latest one was Hwei. The next champion in the LoL champion release schedule is Smolder, expected to be released early in 2024.
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How many LoL champions were released in 2023
Here’s a list of all the recent LoL champions that released last year:
- Hwei, the Visionary, was released in December 2023.
- Briar, the Restrained Hunger, was released in September 2023.
- Naafiri, the Hound of Hundred a Bites, was released in July 2023.
- Milio, the Gentle Flame, was released in March 2023.
LoL champions that were released in 2022
Here’s a list of the 2022 champions released in LoL:
- K’Sante, the Pride of Nazumah, was released on November 3, 2022.
- Nilah, The Joy Unbound, was released on July 13, 2022.
- Bel’Veth, The Empress of the Void, was released on June 9, 2022.
- Renata Glasc, The Chem-Baroness, was released on February 17, 2022.
- Zeri, The Spark of Zaun, was released on January 20, 2022
Types of champions in League of Legends
Based on their role in matches, champions in LoL fit into one of five distinct roles:
- Brawlers
- Assassins
- Tanks
- Marksmen
- Mages
You’ll also see mentions of Support, Jungle, and ADC (Attack Damage Carry) thrown about. While the first one is fairly obvious, Junglers focus on defeating neutral creeps in the jungles between lanes and ganking (flanking an enemy by moving between lanes). ADC characters focus on damage dealing but tend to be squishy with low health as a result.
All brawlers in League of Legends
There are 41 brawlers to pick from in LoL. They focus on taking as well as dealing damage, making them a balanced pick for most players. Fighters in the roster like these can be specced out into either path based on the right items. Here’s a handy list of all the brawlers in the game:
- Aatrox
- Bel’Veth
- Briar
- Camille
- Darius
- Ekko
- Fiora
- Gangplank
- Gwen
- Gnar
- Hecarim
- Illaoi
- Irelia
- Jarvan IV
- Jax
- Jayce
- Kled
- K’Sante
- Lee Sin
- Nasus
- Olaf
- Pantheon
- Rek’ Sai
- Rell
- Renekton
- Riven
- Sett
- Shyvana
- Trundle
- Tryndamere
- Udyr
- Urgot
- Vi
- Viego
- Volibear
- Warwick
- Wukong
- Xin Zhao
- Yasuo
- Yone
- Yorick
All assassins in League of Legends
There are 23 assassins in LoL. These fit perfectly in the ADC niche, with low health and high damage potential. While you can use defensive items with them, you won’t be using their potential that way. Here are all the assassins in League of Legends:
- Akshan
- Akali
- Diana
- Elise
- Evelynn
- Fizz
- Kassadin
- Katarina
- Kayn
- Kha’Zix
- LeBlanc
- Master Yi
- Naafiri
- Nidalee
- Nilah
- Nocturne
- Pyke
- Qiyana
- Quinn
- Rengar
- Shaco
- Talon
- Zed
All mages in League of Legends
There are 48 mages in the game. Unlike the other roles, there’s a good variety of characters in here, from supports to ADC threats. Here are all the mages in League of Legends:
- Ahri
- Anivia
- Annie
- Aurelion Sol
- Azir
- Bard
- Brand
- Cassiopeia
- Fiddlesticks
- Heimerdinger
- Hwei
- Ivern
- Janna
- Karma
- Karthus
- Kennen
- Lissandra
- Lulu
- Lux
- Lillia
- Malzahar
- Milio
- Mordekaiser
- Morgana
- Nami
- Neeko
- Orianna
- Rumble
- Ryze
- Seraphine
- Sona
- Soraka
- Swain
- Sylas
- Syndra
- Taliyah
- Twisted Fate
- Veigar
- Vel’Koz
- Viktor
- Vladimir
- Vex
- Xerath
- Yuumi
- Ziggs
- Zilean
- Zoe
- Zyra
All tanks in League of Legends
27 tanks in LoL focus on sustaining heavy damage. Rely on other champions for purely offensive tactics. With the right team composition, you’ll be able to draw enemy fire while letting your teammates flank opponents. Riot Games has ensured that these characters feel balanced to play as well. Here are all the tanks in League of Legends:
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Blitzcrank
- Braum
- Cho’gath
- Mundo
- Galio
- Garen
- Gragas
- Leona
- Malphite
- Maokai
- Nautilus
- Nunu & Willump
- Ornn
- Poppy
- Rakan
- Rammus
- Sejuani
- Shen
- Singed
- Sion
- Skarner
- Tahm Kench
- Taric
- Thresh
- Zac
All marksmen in League of Legends
These tend to fall in the ADC camp, particularly those that deal massive damage from a distance. There are 27 marksmen in LoL and while they’re deadly, I’d advise caution while playing as them. They’re susceptible to ganks and surprise attacks. Here are all the marksmen in League of Legends:
- Aphelios
- Ashe
- Caitlyn
- Corki
- Draven
- Ezreal
- Graves
- Jhin
- Jinx
- Kai’Sa
- Kalista
- Kayle
- Kindred
- Kog’Maw
- Lucian
- Miss Fortune
- Nilah
- Samira
- Senna
- Sivir
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Twitch
- Varus
- Vayne
- Xayah
- Zeri
Expect a slow release schedule
With so many champions, Riot Games decided to slow down the rate at which they drop new champions to 4-5 a year.
Are there too many champions in League of Legends
While the number of LoL champions might make other MOBAs seem less complex, practice will help you understand the ever-shifting meta. That includes team combinations, strategies, and buffs/nerfs to individual abilities or champions. Champion releases have slown down over the years, meaning that you can still catch up to the players who’ve been here for a while if you’re new.
That covers how many champions are in the game. Get back in for Season 14 to take part in another edition packed with updates and improvements.
League of Legends how many champions FAQ
How many League of Legends champions were released in 2023?
Only 4 characters were released in 2023.
How many LoL champions are released every year?
The releases have slowed down in recent years, with 4-5 champions being released.