How to Make a Wither in Minecraft

How to Make a Wither in Minecraft
Will Blears Updated on by

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Wither is by far the second strongest mob in Minecraft just behind the Warden. With over 300 health points, explosion damage, and wither damage, the Wither is a real challenge in Minecraft!

With that being said, you can’t find wither naturally in the world, but you must summon it instead. This article will show you how to make a wither in Minecraft!

Three steps to Make a Wither in Minecraft

#1 Collect 4 Soul Sand/Soul Soil

You can use a total of 4 either soul sand or soul soil blocks to make a wither. Soul sand is a common block that can be found in most nether’s biomes such as nether wastes and soul sand valleys. If you’ve found a nether fortress or bastion remnants, try looking around for a batch of soul sand.

Bartering with the piglins is also an option to obtain a great amount of soul sand. For each gold ingot, you have an 8.71% to get 2-8 soul sand in return.

Soul soil is another variant of soul sand block and can only be found in the soul sand valley biome in the Nether dimension.

#2 Obtain 3 Wither Skeleton Skulls

To obtain wither skeleton skulls, you must slay the wither skeletons. They are a melee version of normal skeletons with black texture, holding a stone sword, and mostly spawn in the nether fortress.

Each wither skeleton can drop 1 wither skeleton skull on death with a 2.5% base chance and up to 5.5% chance with Looting III enchantment. But beware when farming them since they’re very dangerous!

#3 Make a Wither

When you have 4 soul sand or soul soil, place them in a T shape like below, then put 3 wither skeleton skulls above the soul sand to make a wither.

Remember that the two empty blocks in the lower row must be empty. So no grass, flowers, buttons, pressure plates, slabs,… You get the idea! After you’ve placed your final skull on the soul sand, run away as fast as you can because the boss is coming!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you spawn the wither in creative?

In creative mode, you can quickly get 4 soul sand and 3 skulls to make a wither. If you’re that lazy, you can use quickly summon the wither using the following command: /summon minecraft:wither ~ ~ ~

Why can’t I spawn the wither?

Check if any block within the area of your built wither has a solid block in place. For the best, you can build up one block and spawn the Wither there. This will make sure there are no occupied blocks.

What is the point of fighting the wither?

The wither will drop 1 nether star on death, which is a really powerful and end-game item that you can use to craft a beacon.