How to Make a Lantern in Minecraft

How to Make a Lantern in Minecraft
Will Blears Updated on by

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A lantern is a light source block in Minecraft that can emit strong lights. Unlike torches, you can hang the lantern on the ceiling or chain for decoration purposes, creating an aesthetic view for your base. Today, let’s see how to make a lantern in Minecraft!

Three steps to Make a Lantern in Minecraft

#1 Obtain 8 Iron Nuggets

Iron Nuggets can be obtained by putting iron ingots in the crafting grid. Each ingot will give you 9 iron nuggets. Smelting any iron gears and tools also gives you 1 iron nugget, but this method is expensive so we don’t recommend it!

You can barter with the piglins with gold ingots. For each gold ingot, they have a 2.18% chance to drop 10-36 iron nuggets. But be careful in the Nether dimension.

Iron nuggets can spawn in chests in 4 structures: bastion remnants, villages, ruined portals, and shipwrecks. But let’s forget about the bastion! If you want to find iron nuggets this way, try looking for shipwrecks and ruined portals.

#2 Obtain 1 Torch

Torch is a common light source in Minecraft and can be crafted with 1 stick and 1 coal or charcoal.

Besides crafting, torches also spawn in many places such as the mineshafts, villages, strongholds, igloos, woodland mansions, and pillager outposts.

#3 Craft a Lantern

With enough materials, right-click on the crafting table and put the torch in the middle grid, then surround it with the iron nuggets to craft 1 lantern.

Additionally, you can trade 1 emerald with the librarian villagers for 1 lantern.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make lanterns in survival mode?

Yes, you can make lanterns in survival mode. The crafting recipe remains valid regardless of your game mode.

Is a lantern brighter than a torch in Minecraft?

By looking at the recipe, you already know that a lantern is an upgraded version of a torch in Minecraft. Indeed, a lantern has a light level of 15, while the torch is only 14.