Does Threads have ads?

Does Threads have ads?
Amaar Chowdhury Updated on by

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If you’re wondering if Instagram Threads has ads, we’re going to answer everything you need to know.

Meta’s new social media platform has many similarities with Facebook and Instagram, especially having been developed by the same company. Now that it’s launched and you can download Threads, there’s plenty of social media marketers and internet hustlers keen to find out if they can deploy promoted posts, adverts, and even see advertised posts on the platform. Let’s go over everything you need to know.

Does Threads have ads?

At the moment, Instagram Threads is ad-free.

There are no ads on the platform just yet, though past experiences with Instagram and Facebook suggest that we’re going to see them eventually. Alongside the lack of ads, there’s also no trending section, nor an explore page. These are fundamental concepts found in Twitter and Instagram, and the lack thereof certainly separates Threads from the others. Not necessarily in a good or bad way, it’s mostly due to the fact that the service is still in development.

Can you promote Threads with advertising?

At the moment, as there are no ads on Threads, you can’t promote your posts either. We saw promoted posts with Instagram, which is a great way for targeted advertising, though Threads doesn’t have this yet.

We’re on the lookout for Threads for Business, which could be a great way for users to observe insights, analytics, engagement, and community reactions to their posts.

The release of Instagram Threads has coincided with a mass exodus of Twitter users. Following on from Elon Musk’s acquisition, alongside poor optimisations for the app, users have sought new sources for their text-based social media fix. This has also meant that advertising revenue and popularity on Twitter has dropped massively.

Threads looks as though it’s going to acquire much of the advertising traffic that Twitter once lost, though it has to deploy adverts on the platform first. Especially considering the volume of how many people now use Threads.