Crackdown 3 delay confirmed by Microsoft

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Microsoft has confirmed previous rumours that Crackdown 3 has been delayed, with the hotly anticipated Xbox One title now due for release in February 2019.

Crackdown 3 was originally due to ship alongside the Xbox One back in November 2017, before being pushed to Spring this year. Obviously that date came and went, and up until this week, nothing was said about when the actioner would show its face.

Microsoft has now revealed that the explosive sequel will be strutting its stuff at E3 during its press conference on Sunday, so expect more details to drop then.

Sadly, Crackdown 3's delay does mean that Xbox One's exclusive slate is looking a little barren for the rest of 2018. However, there's always a chance we'll see some new games announced at E3 for release this year, so fingers crossed.

Still, Crackdown 3 will be worth the wait; It's got Terry Crews, innit.

About the Author

Crackdown 3

  • Platform(s): PC, Xbox One
  • Genre(s): Action, Shooter
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