All Last Epoch status ailments – status effects explained

All Last Epoch status ailments – status effects explained
Aden Carter Updated on by

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Are you looking for a list of all Last Epoch status ailments? Create a powerful build by understanding what each of the status effects does. This way you can hit your enemies where it hurts the most, slow them down, or even poison them.

If you are checking out Last Epoch, you should know how to level up fast in the game. You might also want to know how to fast travel in Last Epoch. Moves that inflict status ailments are some of the best in the game. Here is your list of all Last Epoch status ailments and status effects.

What are status ailments in Last Epoch?

Status ailments are effects that can be placed on the player or enemies. Ailments damage or hinder the target in some way. For instance, poison will damage the creature over time when afflicted by it. Others will cause slower reactions and some might even cause massive damage procs.

As you progress through the early hours of Last Epoch, you should pay attention to the status ailments of your abilities. This will help you take down enemies faster and make your build stronger.

What status ailments are in Last Epoch?

The following status ailments can be applied to the player or enemies in Last Epoch:

BleedDeals physical damage over time
BlindReduces the target’s critical strike chance by 50%
ChillReduces the target’s movement, attack, and cast speed by 12%
DoomDeals Void damage over time and increases melee damage taken by 4%
ElectrifyProcs lightning damage over time
FreezeFreezes the target, preventing them from moving and chills them
FrostbiteDeals cold damage over time and makes the target easier to freeze
IgniteDeals fire damage over time
Spreading FlamesDeals fire damage over time with a chance to spread
PoisonDeals poison damage over time and reduces resistance
Blinding PoisonDeals damage over time and blinds the target
PlagueDeals poison damage over time
SlowReduces the target’s movement speed by 20%
Time RotDeals void damage over time. Reduces attack and cast speed. Increases stun duration.
PossessionDeals necrotic damage over time
ShockReduces lightning resistance. Increases stun chance.
Marked for DeathReduces all resistances by 25%
RootLowers movement speed by 90%
StaggerReduces armor by 100. Increases damage taken.
FearMakes the target flee from the caster
Shred ResistanceReduce resistance by 5%
Shred ArmorReduces armor by 100
FrailtyReduces damage output
PestilenceDeals poison damage over time
Spirit PlagueDeals necrotic damage over time and spreads on death
All Last Epoch status effects

Procing a status effect

Not all status effects will proc instantly. Keep this in mind when creating a build centered around the idea of inflicting foes with effects. Some effects like bleed can stack infinitely, making them much deadlier if you are able to stack them.

That is everything you need to know about the status ailments in Last Epoch. Be sure to also check out our legendary crafting guide in Last Epoch. You can also check out whether you should take the alternate leveling path in Last Epoch.

Last Epoch status effects – FAQ

Do status ailments stack in Last Epoch?

Yes. Different effects can stack and the same effects can have multiple stacks. There are some ailments that can only be applied once but others like bleed can stack an infinite amount.

What are the best status ailments in Last Epoch?

The best status effects to us are the ones that deal damage over time. These include ignite, frostbite, bleed, and poison.