Best Hellblade 2 mods

Best Hellblade 2 mods
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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✓ At A Glance
  • No More Letterbox, Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, and Film Grain
  • Anti-Stutter
  • Disable fog and increase FOV
  • Natural Colour Visuals
  • Remove unneeded videos

From its barren, but ever-gorgeous vistas to its urgent, weighty combat and a nuanced exploration of psychosis, Hellblade 2 design leaves little to complain about. But as with all games, it’s not perfect and choices like the use of fixed letterbox black bars throughout the game aren’t to everyone’s liking. Fortunately, modders have been hard at work since release trying to remedy some of the game’s more contentious bugbears.

Below, you’ll find the best mods for Hellblade 2 we’ve come across so far. Most are visual tweaks to make the game a little easier on the eye and tone down the more cinematic aspects of Ninja Theory’s sequel.

No More Letterbox, Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, and Film Grain

Though the name of the mod is a bit of a mouthful, it accurately describes exactly how it changes Hellblade 2. It removes the black bar letterbox, the motion blue effect, chromatic aberration, and film grain. Though these are typically settings you find in the pause menu of most games, they simply don’t exist here, so this mod swoops in to aid those that want to dial the cinematics down a bit and rejig Hellblade 2 to a more traditional aspect ratio.


Hellblade 2 is overall well-optimised but still places some hefty demands on even well-specced machines due to the CPU-hungry Unreal 5 engine it runs on. To try and smooth out performance, the Anti-Stutter mod introduces a small, unobtrusive tweak to the registry to toggle on High CPU Priority for the game. Not only does this improve performance on machines with older CPUs but cuts down on occasionally stuttering on all types of CPUs.

Disable fog and increase FOV

For all the technology underpinning the game, it’s a bit lacking in the graphical settings department. This mod allows you to increase the FOV to add a bit more visual breathing room between you, Senua, and the environment. It also introduces the option to disable the fog effect that’s present in many of Hellblade 2’s scenes.

Natural Colour Visuals

If the lighting and colour choices of the vanilla game aren’t quite to your liking, this mod introduces tweaks to make them appear a bit more in keeping with what you’d expect from real-life, with a more natural look and feel. It also weaves in a tad more sharpness to tidy up the visuals and make them clearer.

Remove unneeded videos

At just shy of 50 GB, Hellblade 2 commands quite a bit of space on your hard drive. It’s no CoD, but is big enough to potentially cause trouble for those low on space. The mod helps cut down on unnecessary hard drive-hogging files by removing the videos found under Extras in the main menu. These include a story recap for those that need a refresher and a making-of deep dive for those that want to know about how Ninja Theory put together Hellblade 2. Once you’ve watched the videos, you can quickly remove them with this mod to free up some GBs.