How to get Bravery in Dynasty Warriors Origins

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Diving into battle in Dynasty Warriors Origins, you’ll have access to standard attacks, strong attacks, and Battle Arts as your basic tool kit. The first two can be used at any time with a simple button press. On the other hand, Battle Arts require a resource called Bravery, represented by a set of lined up hexagons in the bottom-left part on the HUD.

Each Battle Art requires a defined number of Bravery hexagons to perform. You can see how many by holding R1 (RB on Xbox) or via the Arts portion of the Equipment menu. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to fill those hexagons and get Bravery in Dynasty Warriors Origins.

Dynasty Warriors Origins Bravery: Bravery on the HUD.
Bravery is represented by the hexagons in the bottom-left of the HUD. Captured by VideoGamer

How to fill the Bravery gauge in Dynasty Warriors Origins

To get Bravery, all you need to do is attack enemies using any type of attack – standard, strong, Battle Art, Special Art, or Musou. As you dish out damage the hexagons will fill up orange. Standard attacks produce the least bravery, while a chain of strong attacks followed up by a Battle Art, for example, will fill up several hexagons in the gauge. The key is to keep dealing damage and pull off attacks as often as possible. Note that if you’re hit with a strong flashing indicator attack, you’ll lose any accumulated bravery, so make sure to get a solid handle on blocking and parrying.

Dynasty Warriors Origins Bravery: Battle Arts in the Equipment menu.
Each Battle Art requires a set amount of Bravery before you can use it. Captured by VideoGamer

You’ll start out with four Bravery hexagons. As you level up, you’ll unlock more, allowing you to stockpile even more Bravery to unleash even more lethal Battle Arts (those require more Bravery such as the Dance of the Whirlwind) or chain a few together one after the other for devastating damage output. These are available every fifth level from level 10 onward. Conveniently, the Battle Arts you’ve equipped will flash orange (or red if you’re using Special Art) at the bottom-right of the screen to indicate you have the required Bravery to use it.

About the Author

Tom Bardwell

Tom is guides editor here at VideoGamer.

Dynasty Warriors Origins

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre(s): Action