Deep Rock Galactic how to use Bosco – full guide and abilities

Deep Rock Galactic how to use Bosco – full guide and abilities
Annie Thelen Updated on by

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Need to know how to use Bosco in Deep Rock Galactic? This little buddy will accompany you while braving the mysterious caves of Hoxxes IV by yourself.

If you’ve decided to go solo, Bosco is a great companion to bring with you. While he’s not the same as another player with a complimenting class to yours, he’s still helpful in every way he can be. If you need to know how to bring Bosco with you, and what you can do with him, we’ve got all the details you need right here.

How to get Bosco in Deep Rock Galactic

Bosco, also known as APD-B317, will automatically join a mission with you whenever you’re playing a solo mission, or waiting for players to join your game. By default, he is turned on to come with you. However, if you find he isn’t showing up, make sure he isn’t turned off by going to the Drone Terminal and checking if the ‘Bring Bosco’ checkbox is marked.

A screenshot of a computer room in Deep Rock Galactic video game.
Image taken by Videogamer

Because Bosco is meant for solo divers, he will not appear at all when you’re in multiplayer. As long as there is one human player alive and well with you, Bosco will not appear. However, he can still show up if there is only one dwarf alive. He will self-destruct as soon as a player respawns, though.

How to use Bosco in Deep Rock Galactic

Bosco can help you out in solo missions by mining for minerals, attacking enemies, reviving you when you’re down, and shining lights on dark areas. Bosco automatically performs several tasks. However, if you need him to come to you, press SHOUT (X on keyboards, and left bumper on controllers) he’ll return to your side. Using the Laser Pointer is the other way to direct Bosco. Using this, you can direct him to attack specific enemies, mine materials, and more.

How to mine with Bosco

Bosco can mine minerals for you. He’s able to mine any material in the game that you can. To get him to mine, have him in mining mode and use the Laser Pointer to direct him to the deposit. Unfortunately, Bosco is not affected by any beer buffs, so if you have the Pots O’ Gold or Dark Morkite buffs, he won’t mine extra materials. Another plus is that Bosco can carry large materials over to you since he can’t deposit them on his own. If he’s within 10 meters of you, press the SHOUT button and he’ll toss it to you.

How to use Bosco in combat

When in combat mode, Bosco will automatically attack enemies. He’s equipped with a submachine gun that can dispatch plenty of aliens. While he’ll automatically attack hostile enemies, he won’t attack passive or friendly creatures unless you direct him to. Much like mining, you’ll use the Laser Pointer to direct Bosco if you want him to attack a specific creature. With a special upgrade from the Drone Modification terminal, he can also fire explosive rockets for offensive, as well. It’s similar to unlocking a new weapon. To fire them, aim and hit right-click on the mouse or use the left trigger on controllers. A very useful feature is that Bosco will automatically go to free you if you’ve been caught by an enemy like a Cave Leech.


Bosco’s cup is always full

Bosco’s rockets regenerate over time. You don’t need to worry about him running out of them!

How to get Bosco to revive you

Deep Rock Galactic, a video game featuring a man riding a bike through a desert.
Image taken by Videogamer

Bosco will automatically go to revive you if you fall, or you can call him with SHOUT. When he does, he’ll also send out a pulse that will knock surrounding enemies away. This makes it much easier to regain your footing when you get back up.

How to get Bosco to shine a light

Bosco can also shine a light on a dark area using his spotlight. To get him to do so, use the Laser Pointer and aim at an area that he can’t mine or attack. He can be in any mode when using his spotlight.

Bosco is an incredible companion that is useful in all circumstances. I would recommend never turning him off when going solo, as he’s simply too powerful to not bring with you. There’s not a single reason not to take him.

That’s everything you need to know about using Bosco in Deep Rock Galactic. Be sure to check out our Season 5 release window to learn about what’s coming up for the game. Plus, you can check out our Error Cube guide if you’re looking for the rarest material in the game.

How to use Bosco FAQ

How do you get Bosco to come with you on missions?

Bosco will always join you when you’re on a solo mission. He can be turned off at the Drone Terminal, but he is on by default.

What can Bosco do?

Bosco can mine for materials, attack enemies, revive you when you’ve fallen, and shine a light on dark areas for you. You can direct him using the SHOUT button and the Laser Pointer.

Should I bring Bosco with me?

Yes, you should always bring Bosco with you on your solo missions. He’s too useful not to.