Microsoft may extend free Xbox LIVE Gold games promotion beyond Xbox One launch

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Microsoft may extend its Games With Gold program beyond Xbox One’s launch, director of programming Larry Hryb has suggested.

Responding to Reddit users disappointed by yesterday’s choice of free game, Hryb explained that he was “sorry about the disappointment.

“Not sure how people started to assume that [Halo 3] and [Assassin’s Creed 2] were coming in July. I thought it was pretty clear in the briefing, but I guess not that clear.”

But when asked whether the service could be extended beyond November, Hryb replied: “Anything is possible. We’ll see how the program goes.”

Games With Gold was launched to compete against Sony’s PlayStation Plus program. However, the initiative was only due to last until Xbox One’s release this November.

Microsoft announced yesterday that Defense Grid: The Awakening would be free to all Xbox LIVE Gold users this month, following last month’s free copy of Fable 3.

Source: Reddit

About the Author

Halo 3

  • Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One
  • Genre(s): Action, First Person, Shooter
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