Gearbox ‘scared’ by Borderlands 3

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The idea of Borderlands 3 ‘scares’ Gearbox president Randy Pitchford, who believes that the game would have to be “so crazy and so big” that he’s not sure his studio would be able to deliver on expectation.

“There’s a point where it’s like, ‘What should the next Borderlands be? Should there be another Borderlands, and what should it be?’,” Pitchford said in the latest issue of Game Informer. “We had that discussion and there was this weird mixed bag. On one level it’s like, ‘Woah’. If you’re going to do something that’s called Borderlands 3 and it’s going to be done in this next-generation environment, there’s a whole bunch of ideas that come around of what has to happen in order for that to live up to what that needs to be.”

2K Australia’s involvement with Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, however, “changed the nature of the pressure of what Borderlands 3 had to be for us,” Pitchford adds.

“If there’s going to be a Borderlands 3 and what that would be. We imagine what that might be, and frankly it scared us. It’s like, ‘That’s so crazy and so big that I’m not sure we can succeed’.”

Game Informer’s article goes on to suggest that Borderlands 3 isn’t currently in development at the studio, stating that while “Gearbox is by no means ruling out Borderlands 3 for this console generation… for now the developer’s interest is set squarely on making [next year’s FPS/MOBA] Battleborn the best it can be.”

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel launches on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this October.

Source: Game Informer | August 2014

About the Author

Borderlands 2

  • Platform(s): Android, Linux, macOS, PC, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Xbox 360
  • Genre(s): Action, First Person, RPG, Shooter