How we test and review products

In order for us to provide you, our readers with the best product recommendations, each and every product goes through a rigorous testing process, overseen by our in-house product experts.

The internet is a big place, and here at, we rely on these in-house experts to draw on their years of industry experience and understanding of the current market, to help us recommend the best products to our readers.

All of our consumer related content is here to help educate you, giving you the power to make the best decision possible. We aim to provide full transparency about what products we choose to review and how we review each product.

Understanding our buying advice

Hands on product reviews

If you are reading one of our product reviews, it means we’ve physically had the product in our 7,000 sq ft office and tested it out ourselves. Typically products come into the office one of two ways. The first is we purchase the product, just like any consumer would. Second, we are provided a sample product directly from the manufacturer or through a third party retailer.

Every single product we review is comprised of real-world and lab testing, and is overseen by our in-house product expert and editor before we publish each and every review. Our opinion is an integral part of our review process, however we also want to ensure that our opinion isn’t detrimental to the review process, as such we keep this separated from the test results.

It’s important we are clear to our readers, when we say we will never agree any pre-conditions that dictate what we can and cannot say about a product. The team here at never accepts promotional items or gifts from any manufacturer or retailer and we will never accept money or monetary incentives to encourage us to score a product better than it should be.

Corrections and updates

If we ever publish a review or consumer guide that contains a factual error, we will make the necessary corrections as soon as possible. If it has a material effect on a review, we may change the review score but we will always make this clear on the individual page that has been affected.

Best of guides 

Similarly to our product reviews, our consumer guides that typically comprise of 3-10 product recommendations are also treated with the same level of accuracy and detail. Our in-house team of experts specialise in product areas and therefore are incredibly knowledgeable and able to provide excellent consumer guides for a variety of needs. You will notice that our consumer guides typically contain product recommendations that also include links to product reviews of those products that we are recommending you to purchase.

Versus pieces

Our versus pages show how certain products compete with each other. They aim to help you to decide which product to buy from a certain spec in a category. These comparison guides are based on full product reviews, hands-on impressions and  product specifications. We often cover newly released products in our versus guides which limits the amount of hands-on experience we can have with a product. Because of this, these guides should be used to give you a breakdown of the key specs and differences, but won’t give you as much information as a product review or consumer guide would.

How do we choose what to review?

We like to review gaming products that we think our readers will be interested in. Whether that’s particularly newsworthy, or a product that looks like it could make a good addition to someone’s gaming setup.

Game Reviews

Our game reviews are conducted by our gaming team based on our hands-on experience playing the game to completion, or long enough to formulate a fair, independent, and non-biased assessment of the game that incorporates elements such as story, gameplay, graphics, and more. Each review is checked and edited by our editors before publication. Review copies are typically sourced directly from publishers and PR or, when this isn’t possible, purchased once the game has released to the wider public.

Game Guides

Our guides are written based on dozen to hundreds of hours playing through games to offer the most comprehensive but concise tips, tricks, advice, and walkthroughs possible. We pride ourselves on sourcing unique imagery obtained during out time with each game to help our readers beat tough bosses, solve tricky puzzles, or find the most elusive resources.