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Shoes are one of the Commodities in Manor Lords and can also be used to fulfill higher level Burgage plot.

Shoe Production

The process of making Shoes is a lengthy one and will take a few steps to make. To make shoes, you first need to produce Leather and build a Cobblers Workshop extension on a Level 2 Burgage Plot.

To start making Leather, you need to build both Hunting Camp and a Tannery. We also recommend building a Goat Shed to maximize production.

Build Hunting Camps

Hunting Camps are used to hunt animals for Meatand Hides, place the Hunting Camp outside the red border of the Wild Animal area, this will stop Wild Animals from moving to other locations.

The Hunting Camps require 2 workers and can store x12 Hides and x36 Meat. Keep the animal population steady, and set a hunting limit.

Build a Tannery

The Tannery is an Industry building and is used to make Leather. It costs x4 Timber and you will need 3 workers to run it. Make sure to build the Tannery near the Hunting Camps to reduce transportation time and increase production.

Build a Goat Shed

Goat Sheds can passively produce 1 Hide monthly per family in the Burgage Plot. The Goat Sheds are backyard extensions and can be built from Burgage Plots.

Build a Cobbler's Workshop

The Cobbler's Workshops are backyard extensions and can be built on Level 2 Burgage Plots. You will need to use 5 Planks and 5 Regional Wealth to build the Cobbler's Workshop, once the Leather is ready at the Tannery, the workshop workers will collect these and convert the Leather into Shoes.

Related guides

How to make shoes